Such as it is translate Spanish
599 parallel translation
Supper is ready, such as it is.
La cena está lista.
Well, now that you've tracked me down I wish you'd get on with the shooting... and spare me your wit such as it is.
Ahora que me acorralo, podra dispararme.
Well, such as it is. City News Bureau.
Bueno, ya sabes como es la oficina de noticias de la ciudad.
Her dress will be a simple, black little affair, with hat and purse to match, such as it is today.
Su vestido será sencillo y negro... en combinación con su bolso y su sombrero, igual que hoy.
Now, here's the plan. Such as it is.
Este es el plan, Blodgett.
" In short, the sum total of my knowledge, such as it is.
" En resumen, todos mis conocimientos tal como están.
- Welcome home, such as it is.
- Bienvenidos a casa, esté como esté.
Bueno, Bernie, así es este trabajo.
I can give you a little breakfast such as it is.
Puedo darles algo para desayunar.
I'm sorry to have to tell you, my dear, that your education, such as it is, was paid for by many a broken heart.
Siento decírtelo... pero tu educación fue pagada por muchos corazones rotos.
You as your business and desire shall point you, for every man hath business... and desire such as it is, and from mine own poor part, look you, Ill go pray.
Id a donde vuestros asuntos os lleven. Todo ser los tiene. Yo, por mi parte, iré a rezar.
No doubt you've heard that life is pleasant in this regiment, that it's a fashionable catch-all for young men of good family with no talents to speak of, that we're called "The Gay Policemen," because we do little more than stand guard here and there a few hours a day and keep the peace, such as it is, in Seville.
Ya habrá escuchado que la vida aquí es placentera y que es una asignación elegante para jóvenes de buenas familias y escaso talento y se nos conoce como los "alegres policías" porque hacemos poco más que estar de guardia unas horas al día para mantener la paz en Sevilla.
Now we have this, such as it is.
Y no estaría muerto. Ahora ha ocurrido esto.
Well, it won't, but we also provide room and board such as it is.
Bueno, claro, pero también proveemos cama y techo, como debe ser.
After all such as it is, it's home.
- A pesar de todo, este es mi hogar. - Gracias, señor.
Well, now we have a lab, such as it is.
Ya tenemos un laboratorio, si se le puede llamar así.
I have a machine outside, such as it is.
Vine en mi auto, o en lo que queda de él.
Herr Pohlmann has some coffee on, such as it is.
Pohlmann ha preparado café o algo parecido.
It is my duty to tell you that as such you don't have to answer any questions about the crime and you have the right to have an attorney with you.
Es mi deber decirte que... tienes derecho a no responder sobre el crimen... y que tienes derecho a un abogado.
It's upon the lives of such men as these... that our country must rely... to bare their open, manly breasts... to the beast that is ravishing the motherland.
Es sobre las vidas de hombres como éstos... que nuestro país debe confiar... para desnudar sus pechos viriles y abiertos... ante la bestia que está violando a la patria.
It is perilous to the state and to us all, to entertain such a mystery as this.
Es peligroso para el estado y para todos nosotros, mantener un misterio así.
Well, it's kind of hard to believe that someone who is as little and as dainty and, as you French say, as petite as you could have such a big brother.
Me cuesta creer que alguien tan pequeña y delicada, tan petite, como dicen los franceses, pueda tener un hermano tan grande.
I declare my marriage with Countess Chotek... is a morganatic union and... it shall be considered as such for all time
"Reconozco que mi matrimonio con la Condesa Chotek " es un matrimonio morganático debiéndose considerar como tal ahora y siempre.
As someone with a beard once said, "Youth is such a wonderful thing." "It's too bad it has to be wasted on the young."
Como dijo un anciano, la juventud es maravillosa lástima que se despilfarre en los jóvenes.
Estás sobrio, como yo.
Such a paper is known as a deposition. It will be sent to the imperial prefect at Tarbes.
Este papel es una declaración para enviarla al prefecto imperial en Tarbes.
This film is in praise of schools but it is possible that the schools will not recognize it as such.
"Esta película es un elogio al colegio, pero es posible que el colegio no se entere"
It is such lovely women as you who drag men down.
Mujeres tan hermosas como usted llevan a los hombres a su perdición.
No, but I envy you, having such a distinguished man as your guest. It is I who should be envied.
No, pero te envidio por tener a un huésped tan distinguido.
I don't have anything special to ask you but it seems as if everything is such fun over here.
No tengo nada especial que pedirle, pero parece como si todo por aquí fuera alegre.
This is a professional interview and I wish you would conduct it as such.
Esta es una entrevista profesional y espero que así se la tome.
Or is he so drunk with power that he can't understand that such action will unite this nation as never before in its history and that he has made it clear at last that this is, in truth, a fight for freedom and decency against the most evil and autocratic power this world has ever seen?
¿ O es que está tan ebrio de poder que no puede entender que una acción de ese tipo uniría a esta Nación como nunca lo ha estado antes en su historia, y que por fin ha dejado claro que esta es en verdad una lucha por la libertad y la decencia contra el poder más maligno y autocrático que jamás haya visto este mundo?
or representing something possessing sex when sex is not particularized or considered ; or to refer to some matter not definitely conceived ; or as the grammatical subject of a clause, such as "it is believed he is dead."
O representa algo que posee un sexo, cuando el sexo no se concreta, o que se refiere a alguna cuestión no definida específicamente, o como sujeto gramatical de una cláusula, como en la frase "Eso está acabado".
Is it possible that Caesar, the conqueror of the world... can find time to occupy himself with such a trifle as our taxes?
( Silencio ) ¿ Es posible que César, el conquistador del mundo encuentre tiempo para ocuparse de recaudar impuestos?
The Egyptians cannot be such fools... as not to storm the barricade and swoop down on us here before it is finished.
Los egipcios no pueden ser tan estúpidos como para no arrollarnos antes de que la barricada esté terminada.
It is but foolery. But it is just such a kind of misgiving... as would perhaps trouble a woman.
Es sólo una tontería, un presentimiento como los que preocupan a las mujeres.
It's just that there is no such thing as a little garlic.
Es solo que no hay nada como un poco de amargura.
The only thing I worship, and I've seen so little of it in life is man's ability to produce work such as yours.
Lo único que adoro y he visto muy poco de ello en la vida es la capacidad del hombre de hacer trabajos como el suyo.
These fellows have some soul, and such a one do i profess myself for, sir, it is as sure as you're roderigo, were i the moor, i would not be lago.
En éstos sí que hay alma y yo me cuento entre ellos. Pues, tan verdad como que tú eres Rodrigo, si yo fuera el moro, no habría ningún Yago.
This was the banquet hall in the old days. It's still used on great occasions, such as a big dinner or a ball, and the public is admitted here, you know, once a week.
Era el salón de banquetes en los viejos tiempos... aún se usa en cenas de gala o bailes... y se admiten visitas una vez por semana.
And it is very much lamented, Brutus, that you have no such mirrors as will turn your hidden worthiness into your eye, that you might see your shadow.
Bruto, lamento que no tengas espejos... que le muestren tu valor a tus ojos... y en los que veas tu sombra.
In such a time as this it is not meet that every nice offense should bear its comment.
En un tiempo como éste, las nimiedades... deberían ignorarse.
I am not such an idiot as to pretend that I would do this for your sake. It is for my own sake!
No lo hago por ud., lo hago por mí.
It is safest here And as for taxes, how many millions have you in tax-exempt bonds and oil wells whose power of production your government protects while it denies such benefits to the brain?
Y respecto a los impuestos, cuantos millones tiene invertidos en bonos del estado y pozos de petróleo cuya poderosa producción su gobierno protege mientras le está negando tales beneficios?
As a matter of fact, it is not such a large sum of money and it'll give me the opportunity to start a completely new life.
De hecho, no es una cantidad muy grande y me dará la oportunidad de iniciar una vida completamente nueva.
It is with stones such as this, and others, that the passages will be sealed.
Con piedras como esas, y otras, los pasadizos quedaran sellados.
As a little boy, you always were. Is it such a terrible risk to have a drink with us?
De niño, siempre tenías miedo. ¿ Es tan arriesgado beber una copa con nosotros?
I'm certain the calf belongs to the ranch and I shall enter it into the books as such, when it is born.
Ten por seguro el ternero será propiedad del rancho. Y me aseguraré de inscribirlo en los documentos cuando nazca.
Wait, friend. is it true, as they say, that you bought a mule with such a temper that no one would hire it?
Espera. ¿ Es cierto que has comprado una mula tan viciosa que nadie puede alquilarla?
But now that can be eliminated, because there is such a thing as FRESH. That wonderful, soothing, luring deodorant. It keeps underarms dry.
Pero ahora puede eliminarlos gracias a la acción de Fresh, un desodorante sensacional, relajante y embriagador, que mantiene las axilas frescas.
Yes. The trouble about being on the side of right as one sees it, is that one often finds oneself in the company of such very questionable allies.
El problema de estar del lado de la razón... como uno lo ve, es que a menudo uno se halla... en la compañía de aliados muy cuestionables.
such as 496
such as what 21
such as yourself 24
as it is 114
as it is in heaven 21
it is 11007
it is good 116
it is what it is 220
it is not okay 24
it is done 137
such as what 21
such as yourself 24
as it is 114
as it is in heaven 21
it is 11007
it is good 116
it is what it is 220
it is not okay 24
it is done 137
it is mine 58
it isn't 1519
it isn't worth it 21
it is me 119
it is not possible 57
it is beautiful 109
it isn't real 27
it isn't possible 18
it is possible 151
it isn't mine 27
it isn't 1519
it isn't worth it 21
it is me 119
it is not possible 57
it is beautiful 109
it isn't real 27
it isn't possible 18
it is possible 151
it isn't mine 27