Sure he is translate Spanish
2,711 parallel translation
Oh, I'm sure he is.
Estoy seguro de que lo está.
For sure he is upset with us
Para asegurarse de que está molesto con nosotros
I'm sure he is, I know he is
Estoy segura. Lo sé.
Sure he is.
Seguro que lo es.
I'm sure he is.
Estoy seguro que lo es.
I'm sure he is.
Seguro que sí.
Of course I'm in love, but I'm not sure he is... because I haven't seen him today.
Claro que estoy enamorada. No sé él porque no lo vi en todo el día.
Er, yeah, I'm sure he is.
Sí, seguro lo es.
I am sure he is hiding Leili and Sergeij.
Estoy seguro de que está ocultando a Leili y Sergeij.
I'm sure he is.
Estoy segura de que sí.
- I'm sure he is.
- Estoy seguro de que lo es.
I am sure he is looking as quick as he can.
- Estoy seguro que busca tan rápido como puede.
I am sure that when he is executed for ruining this operation, he will wish he was a little more attentive.
Estoy seguro de ello. cuando lo ejecuten. por arruinar esta operación.
But for now, we need to make sure that list he brought you is secure.
Pero por ahora, debemos asegurarnos que la lista que él le entregó está a seguro.
The only reason why I never took a swing is because I was too busy feeling sorry for you, and I was pretty fucking sure you were going to jail. And, you know, what kind of asshole kicks a man when he's down?
La única razón por la que nunca reaccioné es porque estaba ocupado teniéndote lástima y estaba bastante seguro de que irías a prisión y ya sabes, ¿ qué clase de imbécil patea a un hombre en el suelo?
Sure. How is he?
Claro. ¿ Cómo está?
Since Nasser Ali is very interested in Morphopsychologie and his daughter resembled him, he was be sure of their kinship.
El interés de Nasser Ali por la morfopsicología le persuadió de que, ya que su hija se le parecía, existía una proximidad de sus almas.
Now he is dead, I thought. Now I can't sleep for sure.
Ahora que ha muerto, pensé, puedo dormir en paz.
I'm not sure Carsten is ready for it as long as he works like this.
No estoy segura de que Carsten esté preparado mientras trabaje así.
I'll make sure he gets home to you. Ooh. What is this?
Me aseguraré de que llegue a casa con usted. ¿ Qué es ésto?
I just wanna make sure what he wants in return is what Ashleigh wants, too.
Sólo quiero asegurarme de que él quiere lo mismo que Ashleigh quiere también.
He's speaking with a Johnny Roselli, who is a small-time- - Sure. I know who Roselli is.
El está hablando con Johnny Roselli, quien es alguien de poca monta...
I don't believe he is, we have his key but I'll make sure he gets it when he checks in.
No creo, tenemos su llave. Pero me aseguraré de que lo reciba cuando venga.
What I'm saying is I want to make sure my client's getting the representation he deserves.
A lo que me refiero es que me gustaría que mi cliente tenga la defensa que se merece.
It is just like with studies. Or with swordfighting. When one works hard everyday, he would sure make progress.
Tanto en los estudios o en el esgrima, cuando uno... trabaja duramente cada día, seguro tendrá progresos.
'And the only way to make sure that happens is to always remember'the most important thing about Shakespeare...'that he knows more about you than you do.
Y la única forma de asegurarse de que pasará es recordar siempre lo más importante sobre Shakespeare... Qué él sabe más de ti de lo que tú sabes.
Alright, look... the asset is a friend, he's got people gunning for him, I just want to make sure he gets out of this alive.
Esta bien, mira... el activo es un amigo, tiene a algunas personas arriesgándose por él, sólo quiero asegurarme que salga de esto con vida.
Are you sure you have no idea where he is?
¿ Estás seguro que no tienes ni idea de dónde está?
Yeah, I am sure J.J. Is fine if he's with his Uncle.
Sí, estoy seguro que J.J. estará bien si está con su tío.
He sure is.
Seguro lo es.
He sure is.
Claro que sí.
Derek was pretty sure that this guy is somehow connected to the family.
Derek estaba bastante seguro de que ese tío está conectado de alguna forma a la familia. Sí, he trabajado con Derek antes.
But I'm pretty sure that guy was who he says he is.
Pero estoy muy seguro de que ese sujeto es quien dice ser.
Meanwhile, the Italian male looks around to make sure the other Italian males are indeed seeing what he is seeing.
Mientras tanto, el hombre italiano mira alrededor para estar seguro que otros italianos estén viendo lo que él está viendo.
Although I'm sure that the opera is the last place in the world he wants to go.
Aunque sé que la opera es el último lugar del mundo al que quiere ir.
I'm not quite sure where he is.
No estoy muy seguro de dónde está.
Don't worry, if she's not there, we'll make sure he tells us where she is.
No se preocupe, si no está allí, nos aseguraremos de que nos diga dónde está.
Before you answer, just know that the only reason I asked you is so that you would say "Sure," and then I could say, " Sorry, I can't,
Antes de que respondas, que sepas que el único motivo por el que te he preguntado es para que digas "claro," y luego yo pueda decir, " lo siento, no puedo,
The ingredients here are bangin'. If we really just pay attention, the market is dictating the dish in itself. Are you sure- - I tasted'em.
los ingredientes aquí son geniales si realmente prestamos atención el mercado está dictando el plato él solo estás seguro lo he probado
He's not going to be satisfied until he knows for sure that Kensi is who she says she is.
No se va a dar por satisfecho hasta que sepa con certeza que Kensi es quien dice ser.
Now I'm not sure what he is- - lord of somewhere very far away.
Ahora no estoy seguro de lo que es... el señor de algún lugar muy lejano.
Listen whoever she was I'm sure Albert will tell us in his own sweet time when he is good and ready but right now let's not forget we still have a problem. To put it mildly.
Quiensea, seguro que Albert nos lo dirá en su momento, cuando esté preparado pero ahora no olvidemos que aún tenemos un problema.
For someone who says he doesn't know who hit him, he sure is friendly with that driver.
Para alguien que dice que no sabe quién le atropelló, se muestra amigable con ese conductor.
This is a once in a lifetime. Let's be real sure with this, Spike. Ask him how he got so much dynamite?
es una en una vida asegurate 100 % de esto, Spike preguntale ¿ cómo obtuvo tanta dinamita?
The only thing I know for sure about my grandad is that he's been miserable all his life.
Lo único que sé seguro de mi abuelo es que ha sido miserable toda su vida.
He is a minor, Ms. Blake, protected by all the laws and provisions, I'm sure you must be aware of, having worked with children yourself.
- Es un menor, Sra. Blake protegido por las leyes, seguramente usted ya lo sabe por haber trabajado con niños.
But is he there? He has him, are you sure?
Él o tiene, ¿ seguro?
Yes, he's a terrific driver, really is, Robert, and I'm sure everybody here will join in wishing him a very speedy recovery.
Si, es un gran piloto, realmente lo es y estoy seguro que todo el mundo aqui está deseándole una pronta recuperación.
I'm not sure who he is.
No estoy seguro de quien es.
In sure and in certain hope of the resurrection to eternal life through our lord, Jesus Christ, we shall change our vile body that it may be like unto his glorious body, according to the mighty working whereby he is able to subdue all things to himself.
Seguros y con esperanzas en la resurrección a la vida eterna... con nuestro Señor Jesucristo, cambiaremos nuestro vil cuerpo en su glorioso, según la voluntad del poderoso... a través del cual seremos sometidos.
- He sure is! I just found out!
¡ Acabo de enterarme!
sure he will 16
sure he did 23
sure he does 25
he is alive 57
he is mine 25
he is my brother 37
he is so cute 33
he is a doctor 16
he is not 130
he is fine 24
sure he did 23
sure he does 25
he is alive 57
he is mine 25
he is my brother 37
he is so cute 33
he is a doctor 16
he is not 130
he is fine 24
he is gone 57
he is 2605
he is lying 27
he is my friend 35
he is handsome 23
he isn't 329
he is here 120
he is cute 35
he is dead 154
he is a 27
he is 2605
he is lying 27
he is my friend 35
he is handsome 23
he isn't 329
he is here 120
he is cute 35
he is dead 154
he is a 27