That's me translate Spanish
139,454 parallel translation
And I realize that I... I probably look a little worse for wear, but that's only because I've been reborn.
Y me doy cuenta que yo... me veo mal vestido, pero eso es porque he renacido.
- That's between him and me.
Eso es entre él y yo.
Yes, yes, that's me.
Sí, sí, soy yo.
I can't believe that's it.
No me puedo creer que esto sea todo.
As someone who sponsors a 1K for Crohn's disease, I take offense at your using that word.
Como patrocinador de una carrera por la colitis, me ofende que use esa palabra.
It's just that I've only been called "the talent" once before.
Es que una sola vez me habían llamado "talento".
And you played right into my hands,'cause I am allowed to field questions from my constituents, and that's Kimmy.
Y me dio una oportunidad de oro porque puedo sortear preguntas de mis votantes.
Well, there's this one song that's really special to me.
Hay una canción muy especial para mí.
And that's when I knew that Jodie Foster was gay, because that would've really impressed me.
Y así supe que Jodie Foster era gay. Porque eso me impresionaría.
I also have an albino after me, but that's a whole other deal.
También me sigue un albino, pero eso es otra cosa.
Time out! You're actually hurting me, that's not what I signed up for.
En realidad me estás lastimando, no me comprometí para eso.
I just... found it strange, that's all.
Sólo... me pareció extraño, eso es todo.
I'd love to, but you and I both know that that's not going to happen.
Me encantaría, Pero usted y yo sabemos que eso no va a suceder.
They killed my neighbor, and now they're trying to make everyone think that she's me.
Mataron a mi vecina, y ahora están tratando de hacer que todos piensen que ella soy yo.
That's not me.
Así no soy yo.
- Wow, it's the first time that happens to me.
- Vaya, es la primera vez que me pasa.
That's why they chose me.
Por eso me escogieron.
It's not that I'm not happy that we have more kids, but the school's 86 % Latino and the attendance doesn't reflect that.
No me molesta tener más niños, pero... La escuela es 86 % latino y la lista no refleja eso.
Yeah, that's definitely me.
- Sí, es mío sin duda.
It's a syntactical error that I could've remedied if you had just given me the space to speak.
Un error que podría haber remediado si me hubieras dejado hablar.
I actually did some image recognition stuff on Nip Alert, so maybe you could hire me to help on the demo,'cause my dad's been, like, kinda on me lately to, like, get a job or go to school'cause...'cause he's upset that I lost all that money on... on PiperChat.
Trabajé con reconocimiento de imágenes en NipAlert. Podrías contratarme para ayudarte con el demo. Mi papá me está molestando para que consiga un trabajo, está enojado porque perdí todo con PiperChat.
I mean, if I had Laurie's ear, I would tell her that we should pay them today and close the deal, and Bachman would jump on it in a second.
Si Laurie me escuchara, le diría que debemos cerrar hoy y Bachman ni lo dudaría.
It's still so weird to me that he and Gavin Belson were ever friends.
Me sigue pareciendo raro que haya sido amigo de Gavin.
Okay, now. That's... that's me.
Ya va, ese soy yo.
He's a good man and I worry that it will damage his reputation, Lord.
Es un buen hombre y me preocupa que se dañará su reputación, señor.
Forgive me, Lord, it's not that the men do not want to serve you.
Discúlpeme, señor, no es que no quieran servirle los hombres.
And it's not fair you expect you coming in here and buying me a drink is gonna rectify that.
Y no es justo que esperes que venir e invitarme a una copa vaya a rectificar eso.
- Er, that's not me.
No soy yo.
That's not me.
- Doctor, that's not me doing that!
- Doctor, ¡ no soy yo la que está haciendo esto!
Because the thing is, you said gate, and you called yourself gatekeeper, and you mentioned gate weapons, so I've got to wonder - what kind of a gate is that, and what's on the other side?
Porque la cosa es que, has dicho puerta, y te has llamado guardiana de la puerta, y has mencionado armas de la puerta, así que yo me pregunto : ¿ qué clase de puerta es esa? , ¿ y qué hay al otro lado?
I'm so upset, I'm not sure that's my name, Jacqueline!
¡ Estoy tan mal! ¡ No sé si me llamo así, Jacqueline!
He's not even my type. But I have not been touched like that since Mikey left.
No es mi tipo, pero no me tocan así desde que Mikey se fue.
- I know! That's why it took me so long to realize they're just doing normal, dumb teenager stuff.
Por eso tardé en entender que solo hacen tonterías normales de adolescentes.
You know, I got into philosophy to learn how to be a good person, but then I realized that there's a way
Elegí la filosofía para ser buena persona, pero luego me di cuenta de que podía usar la filosofía para ayudar a la gente.
But instead of hypotheticals, allow me to assure you that plausible deniability's the best option.
Pero en lugar de meras hipótesis, permite que te asegure que esa verosímil denegabilidad es la mejor opción.
- That's me!
- ¡ Esa soy yo!
That's what I'm talkin'about!
- ¡ Sí, a eso me refiero!
I realized today that it's not just about how I want to die.
Me di cuenta de que no se trata de cómo quiero morir.
If that's all you've got to worry about, I'm happy for you, Archie.
Si es todo lo que te preocupa, me alegro por ti, Archie.
I think he's the Nightingale killer, and that's why it is so important you tell me what happened to her.
Creo que es el asesino del Nightingale, y por eso es tan importante que me digas qué le ocurrió a ella.
Meghan, he's so scared of being found that I think it might be good if you came with me.
Meghan, tiene mucho miedo de ser encontrado y creo que tal vez sería bueno si vienes conmigo.
As long as we get the guy, that's all I care about.
Mientras que pillemos al tipo, eso es todo lo que me importa.
It just felt wrong leaving it outside, that's all.
Es que me parecía mal dejarlo fuera, eso es todo.
I wouldn't be standing here without your help, but now that I am, I'm afraid it's time for your brother Liam and for the rest of my crew to set sail again on the Nautilus.
No estaría de pie aquí sin tu ayuda pero ahora que lo estoy, me temo que es hora de que tu hermano Liam y el resto de mi tripulación vuelvan a navegar en el Nautilus.
I said I'd figure something out, and that's what I intended to do... right after I got absolutely ratarsed.
He dicho que se me ocurrirá algo y eso es lo que pretendo hacer... después de ponerme hasta el culo.
Anyway, now that our interview's over, I'm afraid I'm going to have to kindly ask you to leave, since I don't think you are or ever will be a member of this club.
Como sea, ahora que nuestra entrevista ha terminado, me temo que voy a tener que pedirte amablemente que te vayas, ya que no creo que seas miembro de este club ni nunca lo serás.
That's all right, mate, I'll gladly leave.
Está bien, amigo. Me voy con gusto.
That's why I married you.
Por eso me casé contigo.
But that's going to cost me five fucking grand!
¡ Pero eso me va a costar cinco de los grandes, joder!
No, no, that's not what I mean.
No, no, no me refiero a eso.
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that's mean 65
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that's mean 65
mexico 335
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