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That isn't necessary translate Spanish

116 parallel translation
Oh, that isn't necessary.
Oh, no es necesario.
That isn't necessary. - Give him back.
- Devuélvemelo, por favor.
the stick which will enter into Prussia's history as the present king's only claim to fame fortunately Prussia's history isn't recorded by fools, but by their deeds it seems necessary to point out that the deeds of my royal father whom I honour deeply
El palo, que entrará en la historia de Prusia como el único mérito del actual Rey. Por suerte, la historia de los Reyes de Prusia no la escriben los necios,... sino sus actos. Me parece necesario aclarar que los hechos de mi Real padre,... a quien honro profundamente, lo colocan en la cima de los grandes gobernantes de Europa.
That isn't necessary. I'll get a locksmith.
No es necesario, traeré a un cerrajero.
- That isn't necessary.
No hace falta.
That isn't necessary.
No es necesario.
That isn't necessary.
Eso no es necesario.
That isn't necessary, big boy.
No hace falta, chicarrón.
Your uncle mentioned getting a psychiatrist but that isn't necessary.
Su tío mencionó visitar a un psiquiatra, pero eso no es necesario.
- That isn't necessary.
- Ya lo encontraré.
Oh, that isn't necessary.
Oh, no será necesario.
I don't see why that's quite necessary. There isn't any reason for me to get mixed up in this.
No es necesario que yo me vea involucrada.
But sir, that really isn't necessary.
Señor, realmente no es necesario.
Well, no, mother, that isn't necessary, dear.
¡ Oh, no madre! No es necesario.
- That isn't necessary.
- Eso no es necesario.
- That isn't necessary.
- No es necesario.
Well, sometimes it isn't necessary to plan beyond that, is it?
A veces, no es necesario hacer planes para después.
Well, that's isn't necessary, Ma'am.
Bueno, eso no será necesario, Señora.
We also hoped there would be artillery, but there isn't, nontheless it is necessary to take the bridge, that's what we're here for.
Nosotros también esperábamos que llegase la artillería, pero no está, y tenemos que tomar el puente igualmente. Para eso estamos aquí.
Living isn't all that necessary.
Además, no es tan necesario vivir.
- Stephen Burkett! - That isn't necessary!
Eso no es necesario.
To help rid you of these fears of this necessary... that isn't true.
Ayudar a eliminar estos temores de que de esta necesidad eso no es cierto.
You have a vision where that isn't necessary.
Tienes una visión cuando no es necesario.
- Oh, that isn't necessary.
- Frank, no es necesario.
I feel that the reason we're here is to see that there isn't any violence and I'm quite confident it probably won't be necessary to use any force anyway.
Pienso que vinimos aquí para ver que no exista violencia... y tengo mucha confianza de que probablemente no será necesario... usar la fuerza.
I'm just saying that it isn't necessary for you to stay here all day.
Solo digo que no es necesario que te quedes aquí todo el día.
That's very sweet of you, but it really isn't necessary, Your Highness.
Es muy dulce de su parte, pero de veras no es necesario, Su Alteza.
The one thing that isn't necessary is for you to...
Es lo que menos debes de sentir ahora...
That really isn't necessary.
No hace falta.
It isn't necessary that we admire each other.
No hace falta que nos caigamos bien.
It isn't that much, a little percentage on items deemed necessary.
No es mucho. Es un pequeño porcentaje para las necesidades básicas.
That killing isn't necessary just to protect me.
No creo necesario matar sólo para protegerme.
Cleaning up that pig sty out there isn't necessary either, right?
Limpiar toda esta pocilga tampoco es necesario, ¿ no?
That isn't necessary.
No hace falta, déjelo.
- That isn't necessary, Mother.
- Eso no es necesario, madre.
Look, that isn't necessary.
Eso no será necesario.
Look, miss, it isn't necessary to get involved in all that.
Mire, señorita, no es necesario involucrarse en todo eso.
Oh, that isn't necessary, Dorcas.
No será necesario.
But to confirm that Lun Cheong was poisoned, I think an autopsy isn't really necessary.
Pero no necesita de la autopsia Para determinar si está envenenado
It isn't necessary that we go get him.
No es necesario que vayamos a buscarlo.
Doctor, that isn't necessary.
Doctor, no es necesario.
Once we've acknowledged that... coexistence with the Lohengramm system isn't just possible, it becomes necessary.
Miro a las estrellas que brillan.
That isn't necessary.
No tiene por qué hacer eso.
Serb Hamza. - That's why he hits also when it isn't necessary.
Un serbio llamado Hamza.
That really isn't necessary.
Eso realmente no es necesario.
That isn't necessary.
No será necesario.
Dad, it really isn't necessary to tell everyone we bump into that I'm the one Reggie credited with last night's victory.
Papá, realmente no es necesario que cuentes a todos Que fuí yo el que ayudó a Reggie a obtener la victoria la noche anterior.
Isn't some processing necessary before taking the Lance underground? And people like that are given charge of the truth... What?
- La ironía es que ellos son quienes pretenden iluminarnos con La Verdad.
It isn't that necessary.
No es necesario. Compra un busca.
Well, that kind of language isn't necessary, Victor.
Bueno, ese tipo de lenguaje no es necesario, Victor.
Well, I don't find a way to fix the Thursday night schedule... and my boss, today he tells me... that coming into the office tomorrow isn't necessary.
Bueno, no encuentro manera de resolverla... y mi jefe, hoy me dice... que volver a mi oficina mañana no será necesario.

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