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That was easy translate Spanish

1,756 parallel translation
- Oh, that was easy.
- Eso fue fácil.
That was easy.
Eso fue fácil.
That was easy.
Ha sido muy fácil.
That was easy.
Eso fue fácil
That was easy, right?
Fue fácil, ¿ no?
That was easy.
Fue fácil.
- That was easy.
- Fue fácil.
- Well, that was easy.
- Qué fácil.
See, that was easy.
Mira, eso fue fácil.
What have I ever had that was easy?
¿ Qué fue lo fácil para mí?
I don't think their marriage was all that easy.
- No creo que su matrimonio fuera fácil.
You knew that! Ten years setting this up, wringing money out of NATO, this was supposed to be the easy part.
¡ 10 años preparando esto sacándole dinero a la OTAN!
That was like, too easy, man.
Esto fue como, muy fácil.
That's awesome! Nah, that was too easy.
Fue muy fácil.
"Cielos, qué fácil fue".
Well, if I had known it was gonna be that easy,
Bien, si hubiera sabido que iba a ser tan fácil,
And that was very easy.
Y que fue muy fácil.
So when you and Rudolph were laughing it up back at the crib about how easy all this was gonna be, were you guys like, "Man, any brain-dead mall cop that gets in the way is gonna get smoked"?
Cuando tú y Rudolph se reían de lo fácil que iba a ser ¿ decían : "Cualquier guardia que se meta, adiós"?
And the only conclusion I can draw from that is that you thought I was going to be so easy that you borrowed a condom.
Y la única conclusión que puedo extraer es que creías que yo sería tan fácil que lo pediste.
Once I figured out that Madge didn't like her sister, the rest was easy.
En cuanto descubrí que Madge no era como su hermana, el resto fue fácil.
There... there is something that we are not seeing. This was too easy.
Hay hay algo que no estamos viendo.
Well, that question was not so easy to answer.
Bien, esa pregunta no es fácil de contestar.
I'm sure, Sindi, there was some guy, right, and you really liked him, but you didn't want him to think that you were easy, so you played hard to get.
I'm sure, Sindi, there was some guy, right, and you really liked him, but you didn't want him to think that you were easy, so you played hard to get.
That was too easy.
- Eso fue demasiado fácil.
We know that Lindsay was killed outside. And the killer would have had to bring her body in here without being seen, and that couldn't have been easy.
El asesino tuvo que traer su cuerpo aquí sin ser visto y eso no fue fácil.
- Although if I had known she was that easy, may...
Aunque si hubiese sabido que era tan fácil, quizás- - ¡ Basta!
Well, if it was that easy, do you think that I would be here?
¿ Cree que estaría aquí si fuera tan fácil?
Just, all these months, I've been telling myself that I didn't really care about you, which was easy to do because you left so suddenly, but I am so lonely.
Sólo... todo lo que me decía a mí misma que no me importabas de verdad lo cual fue fácil de hacer porque te fuiste de repente.
It wouldn't be any fun, if it was that easy to do it.
No sería nada divertido. si fuese tan fácil hacerlo.
- It was that easy?
- Tan fácil como eso.
She was easy that way.
A ella le parecía bien.
- Wish it was that easy, Tel.
- Ojalá fuera así de fácil, Tel.
That was so easy.
Eso fue muy fácil.
I told you that place was filled with easy marks.
Les dije que ese lugar estaba lleno de blancos fáciles.
It's easy to say but that was 28 years ago.
Imagina, eso fue hace 28 años.
That was a hard vote, man.After all those nice things coach said about me, it was not easy to vote against him.
Fue un voto difícil, hombre. Luego de esas cosas buenas... que Coach dijo de mí, no fue fácil votar por él.
I said i would take the strongest that was left to the end, and I could have took the easy million dollars with erinn.
Dije que llevaría a los más fuertes que quedaran hasta el final, y pude haberme llevado fácilmente el millón de dólares con Erinn.
If it was that easy, you'd have noticed by now, no?
Si fuera tan sencillo, te habrías dado cuenta antes, ¿ no?
We were living the dream, you know, but it would be stupid for people to keep thinking that life was easy because of that.
Estabamos viviendo el sueño, tu sabes, pero seria estupido para la gente que pensara que ese tipo de vida fuera facil solo por ello
Dandi... That was an easy shot.
Dandi ésa era fácil.
'It was easy to forget that fate was also busy spinning a story.
Y era fácil olvidar que el destino también tenía su efecto en la historia.
I wish it was that easy, but if we were to hang out again I would just constantly be tempted to get you to do shit for me.
Ojalá que fuera tan fácil. Pero si nos siguiéramos viendo me sentiría tentado a pedirte que hicieras cosas por mí y tendría que refrenarme.
That bitch cop was easy to make.
Esa puta policía fue fácil de engañar.
I know that working with her wouldn't be easy, but it was you who...
Ya sé que trabajar con ella no es fácil, pero fuiste tú.
I don't think it was easy keeping up this perfect life that was a load of bollocks.
No creo que fuera fácil mantener esta vida perfecta tan llena de gilipolleces.
" Anyways, dealing with my dad, that was... that was the easy part.
De cualquier forma, tratar con mi papá, esa fué... esa fué la parte fácil.
That was, you know, easy for marketers to get their head around, it was all the public seemed to want.
Eso fue, ya sabes, fácil para los vendedores en pasar su cabeza alrededor, era lo que todo el público parecía querer.
That was an easy one.
Esta es muy fácil.
Right. Cos it's just that easy. I didn't say it was easy.
- Claro Es así de fácil.
You didn't really think it was gonna be that easy, did you?
¿ No creyeron que iba a ser así de fácil, verdad?
Well, I very quickly realised, after having finished these 50 pages, sadly, that it was fairly easy to convey to an audience a character having ten obsessions, but you can't share these obsession in two hours,
Y bueno, rápidamente me di cuenta, después de haber terminado esas 50 páginas, tristemente, de que es bastante sencillo convencer a la audiencia sobre un personaje que tiene diez obsesiones, pero no puedes compartir esas obsesiones en dos horas,

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