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They all were translate Spanish

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They were all incurably sick, terminally ill.
Todos estaban incurablemente enfermos, enfermos terminales.
I can't believe it! They were all dead!
¡ Están todos muertos!
They were all dead, all infected... but we ooulcln't accept it.
Estaban todos muertos, infectados... pero no lo podíamos aceptar.
They were in and out of his apartment all the time.
Entraban y salían de su apartamento todo el tiempo.
All of them photographed when they were alive, all of them seeing something in their final breaths.
Todos ellos fotografiados cuando estaban vivos, todos ellos viendo algo en sus alientos finales.
They were both incredibly brilliant, and incredibly funny and incredibly good friends, but they weren't the same at all.
Ambos eran muy brillantes... y muy graciosos y muy buenos amigos... pero no eran parecidos.
They all had to have drawers full of wonderful stuff that had been rejected by more traditional publications that weren't rejected because they weren't funny or good, they were rejected because they were a little too raunchy,
LAS OPERACIONES DE ZIMMERMAN Todos tenían cajones llenos de cosas geniales... que habían sido rechazadas por publicaciones más tradicionales. NO ESTA NOCHE.
I can't even remember what it was about, but I do remember that they were laughing all through.
No recuerdo de qué se trataba... pero recuerdo que se reían todo el tiempo.
These guys were all Second City guys, and they learned a craft, which is writing sketches.
Estos eran todos chicos de Second City... y aprendieron un oficio, que es escribir sketches.
They were all a revelation one after another.
Eran una revelación, una tras otra.
They thought we were making all Cubans gangsters.
Creían que volvíamos gángsteres a todos los cubanos.
They were all very excited.
Todos estaban emocionados.
If the original Americans came that way, they must have travelled originally from Siberia, which means all Americans, and that also means all Mexicans, were once upon a time Russians.
Si los americanos realmente tuvieron este origen, debieron llegar desde Siberia. Eso significa que todos los americanos, incluso los mexicanos, fuimos rusos una vez.
He and his horse-riding, name-dropping, faded Southern belle wife were very excited that they could assist a Russian filmmaker with all the right credentials.
Él y su esposa, una amazona de la belleza desteñida que se jactaba de sus amistades, estaban entusiasmados en ayudar a un director ruso con toda la parafernalia.
They were all nerves.
Estaban muy nerviosos.
They were all around me but they just kept passing me by like they couldn't see me.
Estaban rodeándome... pero pasaban por mi lado y parecía que no me veían.
They were a part of all this?
¿ Ellos eran parte de esto?
Until they got the sign, that is, that 33 miners, all of them, 2,000 feet down, were okay.
Después de 17 días, uno no podría culpar a los rescatistas por perder la esperanza... hasta que recibieron la señal de que 33 mineros, todos ellos... a 610 metros de profundidad... estaban bien.
When they were planning the mega bomb, The idea was that if they lost the war, They would destroy all of human life.
Cuando estaban planeando la mega bomba, la idea era que si perdían la guerra, iban a destruir toda la vida humana.
If they were respectful, we'd all still be at Apple right now.
Si fueran respetuosos, todos seguiríamos en Apple.
And they were all friends forever. "
Y todos fueron amigos por siempre ".
Because I thought all the kids were annoying, but they were really annoying...
Porque pensé que todo los niños eran molestos, pero eran realmente molestos...
And it seems they were all part of one organization.
Y todos llevan a una organización.
She said they were all bitches.
Dijo que eran todas unas zorras.
They were, after all, a bit too degenerate for their taste.
Sus cuadros eran demasiado degenerados para su gusto.
All... the only kind of weapons they found were props.
Y las únicas... armas que encontraron eran de utilería.
They were all, what do you call'em, warriors and braves?
¿ Todos eran como los llaman : Guerreros y valientes?
They were going to take him when he left the house, but he fucked it all up for hunting.
Iban a liquidarlo cuando saliera de la casa, pero lo eché todo a perder por ir de caza.
We tried a lot of different ways of making a film for you but they were all too goofy or irrelevant or just not what we wanted.
Nosotros tratamos un montón de diferentes maneras de hacer una película para tí pero todas eran muy tontas o irrelevantes o simplemente no es lo que queríamos.
They had these vacu-formed parts, and they were all in the places that needed to move.
Tenía estas partes Vacu-formadas, en todos los lugares que necesitaban movimiento.
- They forced their way into the house, and were messing with all of my things.
Forzaron una antrada a la casa y desordenaron todas mis cosas.
They were all struck for thee.
Murieron por mi culpa.
They were all screaming like a bunch of little girls.
Todos estaban gritando como un montón de nenas.
You started out with some very specific ideas, and I think they may have had a certain validity, and they may have been very sound, but they were all up here.
Empezaste sin algunas ideas específicas, y crees que pueden tener alguna validez, ellas pueden haber sido muy sólidas, pero todas estaban aquí.
The Napolis, the Porters... they were all having premonitions of one night, and it's this night. David, don't you see?
Los Napoli, los Porter, todos estaban teniendo premoniciones de una noche y es de esta noche, David, ¿ no lo ves?
There were many other people, they'd all come out because of the heat.
Había muchas personas, todos fuera por el calor.
They were all over Ford.
Seguían de cerca a Ford.
And they were all like, "No, you didn't."
Ellos decían : "No es cierto".
They were all there.
Todos estaban allí.
I did not know then all of their true affiliations or-or the work that they were up to.
No sabía nada entonces de su verdadera afiliación política. O, o del trabajo que estaban haciendo.
I've seen many beekeepers of a certain age cry by my side, asking, "Please, would you burn the nests?", because they were losing all their beehives.
He visto a muchos apicultores de cierta edad llorar junto a mí, suplicando, "¿ Por favor, podrías quemar los nidos?" , porque todos iban a perder sus colmenas.
I don't know... just... To see if they were all right? Her parents?
No lo sé. ¿ Para asegurarse de que todo está bien?
They don't know that we were together you and I Despite all the exhaustion, and the pain, and hardship.
No saben que estuvimos juntos, tú y yo. A pesar de todo el dolor y los malos tiempos.
All the other subjects that came in, they were all failures.
Todos los demas sujetos que llegaron, terminaron fallando.
After all this was over, what did you think they were gonna do with you?
Después de todo esto había terminado, ¿ qué crees que se va a hacer contigo?
all the while, they were closing schools and raising taxes.
Mientras tanto, cerraban escuelas y elevaban los impuestos.
All the laborers were landless laborers and marginal farmers who had left their villages as refugees of the water crisis and they re in the cities building our swimming pools.
Todos los obreros eran los campesinos sin tierra y agricultores marginados... que habían dejado sus pueblos, como refugiados de la crisis del agua. Y están en las ciudades, construyendo piscinas.
Okay, just checking to make sure they were all things I already knew about.
Vale, solo era para comprobar que eran todas las cosas que ya sabía.
- What if your whole family was abducted by kidnappers who gave them one phone call before they were all buried alive and they picked you, but you didn't even answer your phone?
- ¿ Y si tu familia entera ha sido capturada por unos secuestradores que solo le dejaron una llamada antes de que fueran enterrados vivos y te eligieron a ti, pero no respondiste al teléfono?
The paparazzi were really merciless, especially in our pits, and they were all over our car.
Los periodistas no tenían piedad. Especialmente en nuestros boxes. Rodeaban nuestro auto.
See, once they started pulling out all them burnt bodies at Wellenbeck seems not all them boys were rebs.
Cuando empezaron a sacar todos los cuerpos quemados en Wellenbeck parece que no todos eran de rebeldes.

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