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Were you close translate Spanish

2,050 parallel translation
Were you close with the victim?
¿ Erais cercanos a la víctima?
Were you close to her?
¿ Estaba usted cerca de ella?
I know you were close to Ros Myers...
Sé que era amigo de Ros Myers...
The girl who was here before you... we were close.
Con la chica que estuvo aquí antes que tú... éramos cercanas.
Marv and I were pretty close, you know?
Marv y yo estábamos muy unidos, ¿ sabes?
You two were close, weren't you?
Eran muy cercanos, ¿ verdad?
You were so close to Eva.
Eras tan cercana a Eva.
Eva told me you guys were as close as close gets.
Eva me dijo que Uds. eran muy cercanas a más no poder.
So, I know that most of you were really close to Barbara.
Asi que, sé que la mayoría de vosotros éerais cercanos a Barbara.
You know, she constantly searched for love, and all she ev found were the sickness and death of everyone she was ever close to.
Ya sabes, constantemente buscando el amor, y todo lo que encontró fue la enfermedad y la muerte de todos a los que estuvo unida.
Before the Internet the only communities that you could be a part of were communities that you could be physically present in, like so, you know, you would have to be geographically close to the other people in it or, or a part of some existing organisation or structure.
Antes de Internet, las únicas comunidades de las que podías ser parte eran las que podías estar físicamente, así que deberías estar geográficamente cerca de otras personas dentro del grupo o formar parte de alguna organización o estructura existente.
I thought you guys were still close.
Pensaba que érais cercanas todavía.
So, you don't deny you were close?
¿ No niega que eran cercanos?
And you two were really close.
Y vosotros estábais realmente unidos.
Not that we were ever close friends, but there were a few times when you came up to me and offered to be my friend, and I just want to know if that offer still stands.
No es que fuesemos alguna vez amigos intimos, pero habia algunas veces cuando venias a animarme y a ofrecerte a ser mi amiga, y sólo quiero saber si esa oferta sigue en pie.
You were so close to leaving MasterChef this evening, because it was substandard.
Estabas tan cerca para dejar MasterChef esta tarde, porque era deficiente.
I pulled you into me and I... I put my face really close to your little face so I could feel you breathing in my mouth, and I knew you were safe.
Te metía dentro conmigo y yo... ponía mi cara muy pero que muy cerca de tu carita entonces podía sentirte respirar en mi boca, y sabía que estabas a salvo.
I thought you were going to close With the drums and smudge pots.
pense que estarias mas cerca con cacerolas y tambores haciendo ruido.
You were right about getting close.
Tenías razón sobre volverse cercanos.
Look, you and Ian were close.
Mira, Ian y tú estábais unidos.
I didn't realize you two were close.
- No me había dado cuenta de que vosotras dos erais tan cercanas.
Man, I wish me and my dad were as close as you guys are. Oh.
Dios, ojalá mi padre y yo fuésemos tan unidos como ustedes.
And how did you think you were gonna get close to this engineer?
¿ Y como pensaste que conseguirías acercarte a ese ingeniero?
How close were you to falling off?
- ¿ Qué tan cerca estuviste de caerte?
Ladies and gentlemen, sorry to wake those of you who were sleeping... but if you look out at the right side of the plane, you're guaranteed a truly spectacular sight that... you'll probably never get to see again this close...
Damas y caballeros, lamentamos despertar a quienes pudieran estar durmiendo... pero si observan hacia el lado derecho del avión, les garantizamos... una vista verdaderamente espectacular, que... probablemente nunca puedan ver de nuevo a tan corta distancia...
I knew you were close with Ki Hoon.
Sabía que eras cercana a Ki Hoon.
Didn't you say you were close to the head secretary?
¿ No dijiste que eras cercana al secretario principal?
I went through all that trouble when you were close by all along.
No sabía que estabas tan cerca de mí. Últimamente, he estado muy preocupado.
We were both young when I first saw you I close my eyes and the flashback starts I'm standing there On a balcony in summer air
Claire Smith Lorenzo Bartolini felizmente anuncian su casamiento que se celebrará el sábado, 28 de agosto, a la una de la tarde.
- When you were close to death.
Cuando estaba a punto de morir.
You know, Ashton, I'd keep a close eye on that boy if I were you.
¿ Sabes, Ashton? , yo mantendría vigilado a este niño.
You know, they were his close friends.
Eran amigos íntimos.
That you were scared I was getting too close.
Te asustaste porque me estaba acercando mucho.
You were so close.
Estabas tan cerca.
You were close? Yes.
- ¿ Se llevaban bien?
Madam, you don't know what close friends Tinin and I were in the army at Melilla...
Señora, no sabe lo amigos que éramos Tinín y yo. En Melilla, en la mili, como uña y carne.
His close relation with Feinstein infuriated you while you were young and to this day it distorts your judgement!
Su estrecha relación con Feinstein lo enfureció cuando usted era joven y hasta hoy distorsiona su juicio!
We were real close, like you and Danny.
Éramos muy unidos, como Danny y tú.
Do you remember how close you two were when you were kids?
Recuerdas que tan unidos eran tan unidos de niños?
I know you guys were close.
Sé que eran muy amigos.
It's not as if you lads were ever keen on getting in close for a scrap, now.
No les encantaba pelear de cerca, ¿ verdad?
I thought you two were close.
Creí que eran unidos.
You and my father were close friends, weren't you?
Usted y mi padre eran buenos amigos, verdad?
If the music were to stop, as you put it, then this model wouldn't be even close to that scenario. It would be considerably worse.
Si fuera a dejar de sonar, como dice Ud., este modelo no se parecería en nada a lo que es ahora, sería muchísimo peor.
Were you and Corporal Schwalb close?
¿ Ud. y el Cabo Schwalb eran amigos?
- So you and Rose were close, huh?
- Así que Rose y tú eran unidos.
You were this close to living in Japan.
Estuviste así de cerca de vivir en Japón.
You were so close in high school.
Eran buenos amigos en la secundaria.
Okay, whatever I felt, I don't feel it anymore, except for you. I knew you two were close, but...
Bueno, cualquier cosa que sentí, ya no la siento, excepto por ti.
I wish you and I were that close.
Ojalá tu y yo nos lleváramos tan bien.
I didn't realize you were ready for your close-up.
Estás listo para los primeros planos.

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