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They were beautiful translate Spanish

269 parallel translation
Those flowers you sent to me, they were beautiful.
Las flores que me envió eran muy bonitas.
They knew they were beautiful.
Ellas sabían que eran hermosas.
They were beautiful.
Son preciosas.
Well, they were beautiful when you sang there.
Estabas preciosa cuando cantabas en ellos.
Because I thought they were beautiful.
Me parecieron bellos.
They were beautiful and they could do no wrong.
Eran hermosos, no podían equivocarse.
Marion loved the flowers you sent. They were beautiful.
A Marion le encantaron las flores.
They were beautiful, superb, elegant, bright and light snowflakes.
Eran hermosos, magníficos, elegantes, brillantes y deslumbrantes, como copos de nieve.
- Yes, they were beautiful.
- Sí, eran hermosas.
They were beautiful times.
Eran buenos tiempos.
They were beautiful.
Eran muy bonitas.
They were beautiful beyond belief.
Eran increíblemente hermosas.
They were beautiful but naive.
Eran muy bellas pero muy ingenuas.
Don't misunderstand. They were beautiful. But so you see two or three, then enough already.
Son preciosas, pero después de dos o tres ya has tenido bastante.
They were beautiful.
Eran hermosos.
Baby, they were plenty smart when they made you beautiful.
Fueron muy listos en hacerte hermosa, nena.
Oh, Doady I bought the most beautiful little barrel of oysters and the man said they were delicious.
Doady he comprado el mejor barril de ostras me dijeron que eran deliciosas.
Built my way and they were very beautiful.
Construida a mi manera y era muy hermosa.
- And they were all beautiful.
Y todas son bellas.
Yeah, they were so beautiful.
- Estaban tan bonitas...
A beautiful set of books they were too.
- Eran unos libros preciosos. - Apuesto a que sí.
Those others whom you... were they beautiful?
Las otras que usted ha- - ¿ Eran hermosas?
Oh Luke, dejó toda la ropa que le había comprado y que tan bien le sentaba.
Y finalmente salieron para el baile para bailar, escuchar música, ser admiradas... para ser chicas hermosas como otras chicas hermosas... bailan, escuchan música y son admiradas...
Till I beheld you, O princess my memory of them was that they were all beautiful.
Hasta que os contemplé, oh princesa las recordaba a todas como mujeres hermosas.
These girls, were they as beautiful to you as I am?
Esas chicas, ¿ te parecían tan hermosas como yo?
I didn't know they were making such beautiful cars in America.
No sabía que hicieran unos coches tan bonitos en América.
They were as beautiful as these are.
Eran tan bellas como estas.
Who would ever believe they were once beautiful.
Quien podría creer que una vez fueron bonitos
I do not care what others say, but it would be much better for the world if women were ruling, because we would not see women killing and slaughtering each other. Well, is a sad case to those they have a beautiful son, like that and are not happy.
el mundo sería mucho mejor si fuera gobernado por mujeres a las mujeres no se las vería yendo y viniendo matándose entre ellas es triste que las que tienen un buen hijo no estén contentas
But I'm not sure they were as beautiful.
Pero dudo que hayan sido tan bellas.
I've heard a lot about how beautiful you are, Madame... but I see they were understatements.
He oído hablar de su belleza, señora... pero veo que la subestimaron.
Beautiful because they were so full of hope.
Bellas justamente porque estaban llenas de esperanza.
They were so beautiful, I just couldn't resist.
Eran tan guapas, no pue resistirme.
Well, until one day, that they stole... I dreamed that you were so beautiful at a party of rare splendor.
Bueno... Hasta que un día, que robaron... Yo soñé que tú estabas tan linda en una fiesta de raro esplendor.
They used to wander round the high walls when their lessons were over, and talked about the beautiful garden inside.
Después empezaron a vagar al pie del alto muro cuando salían de clase y añorar el hermoso jardín que quedaba al otro lado.
When the people were going to the market at 12 o'clock, they found the Giant playing with the children in the most beautiful garden they have seen.
Y cuando los aldeanos pasaron mediodía de camino al mercado, encontraron al gigante jugando con los chiquillos en el más hermoso jardín que habían visto nunca.
Aren't my trees beautiful? They were my jungle.
¿ No te parecen preciosos mis árboles?
Well if they were, it wouldn't be beautiful for long.
Bueno si estuvieran, no sería hermoso por mucho tiempo.
They were very beautiful to see.
Eran muy hermosas.
They were a really beautiful couple together.
Eran realmente una pareja preciosa.
They said you were beautiful. but they did you small justice.
Me dijeron que eras bella, pero te hicieron poca justicia.
They say you were the most beautiful woman in the world.
Dicen que eras la mujer más bella del mundo.
We'll make these ruins as beautiful as they once were.
Devolveremos a estas ruinas su encanto de antes.
They were all beautiful little boys with black hair, piercing blue eyes...
Todos eran hermosos y fuertes de pelo negro y penetrantes ojos azules.
The most beautiful girls in the street. They were there like angels. What a coincidence.
Las chicas más preciosas de Roma están ahí como ángeles, qué coincidencia.
It had two rooms which were the most beautiful ones because they faced the garden.
Y tenía dos habitaciones que eran las más lindas porque daban al jardín.
I buy you beautiful dresses, and you treat them like they were some dishrag. You do!
Te compro hermosos vestidos, y tú los tratas como si fueran harapos.
I said they were Long and beautiful.
Te dije que era largo y hermoso.
That they were the beautiful hands of a hard worker.
Me dijo que eran hermosas las manos de una persona que trabaja duro.
It was beautiful! They were dying for the stuff!
Fue precioso, se morían por ello.

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