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They were here translate Spanish

3,531 parallel translation
Oh, God, could you imagine what the dumb [bleep] would be doing if they were here right now?
Dios, ¿ te imaginas lo que harían esos anormales si estuvieran aquí ahora mismo?
Hardly spoke to each other the entire week they were here.
Apenas se hablaron durante la semana que estuvieron aquí.
Damn sure, they were here.
¡ Sí, son!
None of the patients can remember exactly what happened to them when they were here, which means that there's a memory thing attached to whatever it is that we're looking for.
Ninguno de los pacientes puede recordar con exactitud lo que les ocurrió cuando estuvieron aquí, lo que significa que hay algo relacionado con la memoria junto a lo que sea que estemos buscando.
I kept them under while they were here.
Las dormí mientras estuvieron allí.
They were here finalizing my death.
Estaban ultimando mi muerte.
They were here all along.
No se fueron. Ellos estaban aquí todos solos.
They were here when I arrived this morning, in my office.
Estaban aquí cuando llegué esta mañana, en mi despacho.
How did you know they were here?
¿ Cómo supiste que estaban aquí?
They were here first.
Estaban aquí primero.
They were here... about an hour ago.
Ellos estuvieron aquí... hace una hora.
What were they doing here?
¿ Qué están haciendo aquí?
That's the big guild that runs floor one. What are they doin'up here? They were almost slaughtered on floor 25.
¿ Qué está haciendo aquí el gran gremio del Primer Piso? y dejaron de ir al frente de batalla.
And they were like, "Keri better get back here because we are not cleaning up her dirty underwear."
Y estaban como, "Keri mejor que vuelvas aquí porque no vamos a limpiar tu ropa interior sucia."
If my parents were here, they'd say it's procreation.
Si mis padres estuvieran aquí, dirían que se trata de procrear.
They said you were in here.
Dijeron que estabas aquí.
I guess when they heard you were here, they connected the dots.
Cuando oyeron que estabas aquí ataron cabos.
They said you were here.
Me dijeron que estabas aquí.
They were actually growing it here?
¿ Están realmente cultivando aquí?
They were both here by the time we arrived.
Ambas estaban aquí para cuando llegamos.
- Hi, you know, my office got a call that they were shooting family portraits right here.
Hola, ya sabes, mi oficina recibió una llamada diciendo que hacían retratos familiares aquí.
When they got here they were beaten up... and died.
Cuando llegaban aquí, los apaleaban... y morían.
There was rockets here, there, they were all over the place!
¡ Hubo cohetes por aquí y por allá, estaban por todos lados!
Were they on when the first truck got here?
¿ Lo estaban cuando llegó aquí el primer camión?
So the only thing That would make this day better Is if they were all right here In person.
Así que la única cosa que haría aún mejor este día es que estuvieran aquí en persona.
They were just here.
Estaban aquí mismo.
When they arrived here, these patients were less than men.
Cuando llegaron aquí, estos pacientes eran menos que hombres.
( Policeman ) - I swear if my older bosses were here, they would been so happy.
Te juro que si mis antiguos jefes estuvieran aquí, estarían muy felices.
Because these two pieces right here- - they were not on Strathern's list of art that was stolen.
- Porque esas dos obras de ahí... no estaban en la lista de Strathern de las obras que fueron robadas.
They were going to have all sorts of things up here once.
Hace tiempo iban a tener todo tipo de cosas aquí.
They were trapped in here.
Estamos atrapados aquí.
During Tea Party rallies and campaign speeches, we've been told that America was founded as a Christian nation and that if the Founding Fathers were here today, they'd tell us so.
Durante mítines y campañas del Tea Party nos han dicho que este país fue fundado como una nación cristiana y que si los fundadores estuvieran aquí hoy, nos lo dirían.
I found a group of Mexican guys up in Mississippi who were willing and able, brought them down here on a bus, and they worked out fine.
Encontré un grupo de mexicanos en Mississippi que estaban dispuestos y preparados, les traje aquí en autobús, y trabajaron bien.
Ronnie from the Bandidos said they were lookin'to branch out over here.
Ronnie de los Bandidos dijo que intentaban entrar aquí.
Uh... so, it says here when you were arrested that they found several scratches on your arms.
Aquí dice que cuando fuiste arrestada encontraron rasguños en tus brazos.
They were supposed to be here by now.
Se supone que ya deberían estar aquí.
I think the goal here is for things to get back to the way they were before.
Creo que el objetivo aquí es que las cosas vuelvan a su anterior estado.
That's on you. Were they here?
Eso es cosa tuya. ¿ Estuvieron aquí?
Bob, The Planeteers showed no mercy for approximately 5 to 10 seconds before they were all shot in the back by an overweight security guard here at the very first checkpoint.
Bob, Los Planetarios no tuvieron piedad durante unos 5 o 10 segundos antes de que todos fueran disparados por la espalda, por un guardia de seguridad con sobrepeso, aquí, en el primer puesto de control.
They were brought here to serve.
Fueron traídos aquí para servir.
Because I'm not the one who didn't do what they were supposed to do here.
Porque no soy el único que no ha hecho lo que se supone que ha de hacer aquí.
So, the cop here, he tells me that this couple here, they were arguing and they ran off the side of the road.
Así que, este policía, me ha dicho que esta pareja de aquí estaba discutiendo y se salieron de la carretera.
- easy santiago they were some ugly friend of yours here, mafia guys.
- Santiago, tranquilo. lo andaban buscando unos bien feos. cara de mafiosos.
If they were in here together, why are they using these?
Si viven aquí juntos, ¿ por qué usan estos?
So... this never happened, and they were never here.
Esto nunca ocurrió y jamás estuvimos aquí.
They were performed right here.
Los experimentos se llevaron a cabo aquí.
Well, hey, they were just here in case I needed backup.
Bueno, oye, solo estaban aquí por si necesitaba apoyo.
If the CIA were here, they'd have moved in already.
Si la CIA estuviera aquí, ya hubieran entrado.
Or they were never here.
O nunca estuvieron aquí.
If the bodies were here, they're probably still here.
Si los cuerpos estaban aquí, probablemente siguen aquí.
I didn't cook anything, but I, I got some candied yams and then I ate most of'em on the way here'cause they were so good.
No cociné nada, pero, traje algunas batatas confitadas y me las comí casi todas por el camino porque estaban riquísimos.

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