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They were together translate Spanish

1,534 parallel translation
I think they were together at Spencer's party, and something happened.
Creo que estaban todos juntos en la fiesta de Spencer y algo pasó.
They were together at the time of your father's death.
Estaban juntas cuando murió tu padre.
Look, they were together nine years.
Estuvieron juntos durante nueve años.
They were together for months.
Estuvieron juntos meses.
They were together for 1 0 years.
Estuvieron juntos por casi 10 años...
They were together, even if they were far apart.
Estaban juntos, incluso estando lejos.
They were together on weekend.
Estuvieron juntos de fin de semana.
- That they were together.
- Que estaban juntos.
No one realized the SAS was already up there working that area, and by the time they put together our ambush with their call for help, there were already two British soldiers dead.
Nadie supo que la Armada Británica ya estaba trabajando esa área y para cuando se dieron cuenta que estaban en nuestra emboscada con su llamado de ayuda, ya había dos soldados británicos muertos.
They were meeting together.
Mantuvieron un encuentro.
They were good together.
Eran muy felices juntos.
They were in together for 18 months, and both were released 3 years ago.
Compartieron su celda durante 18 meses y ambos fueron liberados hace tres años.
He knew that they were meant to be together.
Sabía que estaban predestinados.
That your wife and daughter were found tied together at the bottom of the Los Angeles harbor this morning and it appears that they have been dead for over two weeks.
... que su esposa e hija aparecieron hoy en el fondo del puerto de Los Ángeles. Parece que murieron hace más de dos semanas.
They were living together as lovers.
Vivían juntas como amantes.
- To be honest, we were hoping they ran away together.
- Para ser honestos, esperábamos que hubieran escapado juntos.
They were involved in several projects together.
Trabajaron juntos en varios proyectos.
So we know that they were purchased together
Así que sabemos que los compraron juntos.
Well, do you think they were working together?
Bueno, ¿ no crees que trabajaban juntos?
They were always spending time together.
Ya sabes, pasaban mucho tiempo juntos.
They were in the service together.
Estuvieron juntos en el ejército.
They were in primary school together?
¿ Estaban juntas en la escuela primaria?
They... they took classes together were in the same pageants.
Ellas... daban clases juntas. Estaban en los mismos desfiles.
They were sort of clever together.
Estudiaban juntos.
They were crinkled together like an accordion.
¿ Ves estos trocitos de papel?
Rikki and Zane are just born enemies we saw them at the movies, they were definitely together how together like?
Rikki y Zane se acaba de nacer enemigos los vimos en las películas, que eran definitivamente juntos cómo juntos como?
like "fancy meeting you here" together or... they had their arms around each other no, what you saw were probably just two people that resemble Zane and Rikki it was them, Lewis maybe, maybe Zane was performing the Hamlet?
como "fancy conocerte aquí" juntos o... tenían sus brazos alrededor de la otra no, lo que vio fueron probablemente sólo dos personas que se parecen a Zane y Rikki que eran ellos, Lewis quizás, quizás Zane estaba realizando el Hamlet?
But they were the best six years we had together.
Pero fueron los seis mejores años que tuvimos juntos.
Why were they all brought together?
¿ Eres un boyscout?
Remember the one where they were driving that semi together?
¿ Recuerdas ésa en la que conducían juntos ese camión?
That they were destined to be together.
Que estaban destinados a estar juntos.
They worked together when they were younger.
Trabajaban juntos cuando eran más jóvenes.
Y Dan dice que llamará cuando estén todos juntos.
They Were Hanging Out Together...
Estuvieron juntos...
For how long were they together?
¿ Por cuánto tiempo estuvieron juntos?
When they were camping, Baden-Powell needed to collect the boys together, so what did he use? A whistle?
Pero necesitó la ayuda de un vendedor profesional, para que su humilde proyecto, se convirtiera en un éxito total.
So it's an odd collection of things, but Baden-Powell always claimed they were all practical. The hat, you could carry water in. The shirt, if you put two of the shirts together, shoved the staves that the scouts carry, they turn into a stretcher.
"Agarré un libro de dibujos, unos lápices de colores, y una red para atrapar mariposas, para evitar toda sospecha por si alguien me encontraba"
It was the only time they were all together.
Fue la única vez que estuvieron todos juntos.
They have been together three years, and during their argument... things which one shouldn't say in a relationship were said.
Llevan tres años juntos y durante la pelea se dijeron... cosas que no se deben decir en una relación.
Were they working on anything together?
¿ Trabajaban juntos?
They've been together since they were teenagers.
Han estado juntos desde que eran adolescentes.
And we took the flying-buttress wings on the pyramid itself... We would take those because they were all separate and bring them together and create a building.
Cogimos los arbotantes de la pirámide que estaban separados y los unimos para crear un edificio.
They were shackled together at the ankles.
Estaban encadenados en los tobillos.
They were always together.
Siempre estaban juntos.
When they were pounding tyres, and living out of tarp tents, making spaghetti together on rainy nights and playing guitar on upside down barrels for chairs and having bonfires.
Cuando golpeaban llantas... viviendo en carpas, haciendo spaghetti juntos en noches lluviosas... tocando guitarra en barriles puestos al revés como sillas... y haciendo fogatas.
All their patient records were taken away. - They had to get everything together.
Oh, tenían que juntar todo.
They know she called you at the time she said you were together.
Saben que te llamó cuando decía que estabais juntos.
Together, they were to plan one of history's greatest revolutions, driven by the ancient Indian idea of non-violence.
Juntos planificarían una de las más grandes revoluciones de la historia, guiada por la antigua idea india de la no violencia.
- on the snide cigarettes together? - Well, just say they were.
Sí, pero si Kyle estaba dentro de la camioneta con Branko no lo verían, ¿ no?
Leanne and Rosie were in here together. We know that now. At least some of the time they were in this caravan together.
¿ Salieron de parranda?
They could stand, they could clap, they could sing something which made them feel they were bonded together, something which made them feel strong.
Podían ponerse de pie, aplaudir, cantar algo que les hacía sentirse unidos, algo que les hacía sentirse fuertes.

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