Top gun translate Spanish
347 parallel translation
Top gun of the West.
Ser el más rápido del oeste.
You had six steady deputies to start off with. Every one a top gun.
Tenía a seis agentes fijos para empezar cada uno un pistolero de primera.
When Dade's got hisself 12 top gun hands out at his place, not counting the boys he's got here at the Palace, that's just too many to fight, boy!
¡ Cuando Dade tenga a 12 mercenarios disponibles, sin contar a los chicos que tiene en el Palacio, serán muchos para pelear, amigo!
El hombre más rápido del territorio.
Lo que usted no es el más rápido.
Un disparador as y Vinnie está esperando fuera.
Quiere que su tirador en la calle en cinco minutos
I killed a top gun who'd bushwhack you quicker than you can say your name.
Maté a un pistolero que te hubiera emboscado más rápido de lo que pronuncias tu nombre.
He supposed to be top gun here. Would that be you?
Supuestamente el mejor pistolero aquí.
Maybe he's a cowboy, a top gun, and he promised his girl never to carry a gun again.
Tal vez es un vaquero, un piloto, y prometió a su chica nunca más cargar un arma.
Saloon keeper says the top gun is a fella by the name of Jewel, but he had to move on and now we're using Dancer, so I tell Dancer we're paying $ 300...
El camarero me dijo que el mejor era un tal Jewel, pero que tuvo que marcharse y que recurrían a Dancer. Así que le dije a Dancer que le pagaríamos 300 pavos...
If I had the sons who could do the job without gettin'all fouled up I wouldn't have to pay'im, but as of now I need a top gun.
No lo vale? Si tuviese hijos capaces de hacer este trabajo sin estropearlo todo, no tendría que pagarle, pero ahora mismo necesito un buen pistolero.
That's why they call me "Top Gun"... because I work in a "risky business."
Por eso me llaman "Top Gun"... porque trabajo en un "risky business"
You characters are going to Top Gun.
Ustedes se van para Top Gun.
Top Gun was created to teach ACM.
Top Gun se creó para enseñar MCA.
Our commanding officer was the very first man to win the Top Gun trophy.
Nuestro Comandante fue el primero en ganar el trofeo Top Gun.
They have the option to come back here and be Top Gun instructors.
Ellos pueden venir acá y ser instructores en Top Gun.
Congratulations on Top Gun.
Te felicito por Top Gun.
Top Gun rules of engagement exist for your safety and for that of your team.
Las reglas de combate de Top Gun son para tu seguridad y la de tu equipo.
When I realised we were off to Top Gun, all I could think about was that trophy.
Cuando supe que íbamos para Top Gun, sólo pensaba en el trofeo.
The Top Gun trophy is still up for grabs.
Se está disputando el trofeo Top Gun.
- Top Gun?
- ¿ En Top Gun?
You know, you look a little like Tom Cruise in Top Gun.
¿ Sabes? , te pareces un poco a Tom Cruise en Top Gun.
They're crazy about you, "Top Gun."
Están locas por ti, "Top Gun."
Crash landing, "Top Gun."
Aterrizaje forzoso, "Top Gun."
You think top gun up there can tell If somebody's following us?
¿ Crees que ese tipo podría decirnos Si alguien viene siguiéndonos?
- Top Gun.
- Top Gun.
Top Gun. You seen it?
Top Gun. ¿ Lo has visto?
Saw a film called "Top Gun".
Él vio la película "Top Gun".
Top Gun? It's on Route 8.
¿ En el Top Gun?
My sharpest, my most experienced, my top gun, the very best I got.
Al màs hábil y experimentado, al número uno, al mejor que tengo.
Way to guard the parking lot, Top Gun!
Qué manera de dirigir el estacionamiento.
I know this sounds like a line from Top gun or something...
Ya sé que esto suena a frase de Top Gun pero, - ¿ No nos hemos visto antes?
Your record here reads like a cross between Top Gun and A Few Good Men.
Su ficha parece... una mezcla entre Top Gun y A Few Good Men.
Toss it here, top gun.
Suéltala, pistolero.
There I was in the top of the tree with this rhinoceros pointing his gun straight at me.
Allí estaba en la copa del árbol con el rinoceronte apuntando su arma directo hacia mí.
Now, when you start off, you get him up on top, see... and then give him his head and let him roll... and if he starts loafing on you, you just give him the gun, see?
Cuando comiences, ponlo a la cabeza... y déjalo correr... y si empieza a flojear, espoléalo.
He blew the top of his head off with a duck gun.
Se voló la cabeza con una escopeta de caza.
But when I do... I'm going to sit on top of the pile with a gun and watch it grow.
Y cuando lo haga, me sentaré encima pistola en mano a verlo crecer.
My outfit's pinned down by a heavy concentration of machine gun emplacements just below the top of the ridge.
A mi batallón lo rodean muchos nidos de ametralladoras cerca de la cima de la colina.
He's just gun-shy about contacting the top brass.
Le asusta el contacto con los superiores.
They've got heavy guns and machine gun positions at the top of that road.
Tienen armas pesadas al final del sendero.
Then when The Maestro comes down, he'll probably have a gun and he'll come over and you jump on top of him.
Cuando el Maestro baje seguro tendrá un arma vendrá aquí, y tú te arrojarás sobre él.
So, now we give Mr. Buisson a vacation in a country hotel. And on top of that, you want to give him a gun to shoot us with?
Ahora le vamos a pagar las vacaciones a Buisson en un hostal del valle de Chevreuse, y encima quiere darle armas para que nos dispare.
Because, well, when I climbed to the top of the cliff and was waving to Linda... who'd gone for a swim, that awful gun went off. The one they fire at noon every day.
Cuando llegué a la cima del acantilado, le hice señas a Linda que estaba nadando... y tiraron ese horrible cañonazo que disparan al mediodía.
You knew this, you said... because you heard that awful gun go off when you were standing on top of the cliffs waving at Linda who was swimming in the water below.
Dijo que lo sabía, porque había escuchado el cañonazo, en el acantilado, mientras hacía señas a Linda, que nadaba.
michael, there's a man with a gun on top of the dam.
Michael, hay un hombre armado en lo alto del dique.
He made it to the top without a knife or a gun.
Llegó a la cima sin un cuchillo o una pistola.
She knew I was a noticing sort of person but I could tell she hadn't so much as a handkerchief in the top of her stockings. Never mind a gun.
Sabía que yo me fijo en los detalles, que notaría que no podía esconder nada en las medias, menos aún, un arma.
Why do you suppose that all the blood is under the gun and there is no blood on top of the gun?
Porque la sangre esta debajo del arma y no encima de ella?
But I'm tellin'you right now : If you go near Nick Valenti's girl one more time... I'm gonna stick my gun in your mouth and blow a hole in the top of your head.
Si te acercas a la chica de Nick te haré un boquete en la cabeza.
gunshots 265
gunnar 245
gunderson 31
gunners 16
guns down 40
gun down 22
guns blazing 38
gunshot wound 43
guns firing 16
gun cocks 113
gunnar 245
gunderson 31
gunners 16
guns down 40
gun down 22
guns blazing 38
gunshot wound 43
guns firing 16
gun cocks 113
gun fires 24
gun fire 24
gun cocking 16
gun firing 22
gun it 35
guns cock 16
gun wook 96
gun wook oppa 20
gun clicks 45
gunfire continues 20
gun fire 24
gun cocking 16
gun firing 22
gun it 35
guns cock 16
gun wook 96
gun wook oppa 20
gun clicks 45
gunfire continues 20