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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ T ] / Try and understand

Try and understand translate Spanish

687 parallel translation
Won't you try and understand?
¿ No quieres intentar comprender?
I'm only asking you to be reasonable. To try and understand that it's impossible for either of us to go on this way.
Now, you're going to try and understand me, aren't you?
Tratarás de entenderme, ¿ no?
Please try and understand.
Por favor trata de entender.
To try and understand that it's impossible for either of us to go on this way.
Trata de entender que es imposible para ambos continuar de esta forma.
That's why I'm asking you to try and understand what she's really like.
Por eso te pido que intentes comprender cómo es ella realmente.
Don't ask me to try and understand.
No me pidas que intente comprender. ¡ Ya comprendo!
Try and understand them.
Trate de comprenderlos y lo que enfrentan.
You must try and understand.
Trate de comprenderme.
Mem, please try and understand.
Mem, por favor trate de entender.
Try and understand.
Vuelve a intentarlo.
I wish you'd try and understand me as well.
Ojalá tratases de comprenderme a mí también.
Maybe it's you who should try and understand me.
Tal vez fueras tú quien debieraintentar comprenderme a mí.
Please try and understand.
Intenta comprender, por favor.
Now look, Lina. Try and understand this.
Entiéndelo, Lina.
Don't try and understand that, Roper.
No trate de entenderlo, Roper.
Can't you try and understand?
Es que no puedes entenderlo.
Let's find an agreement, let's try and understand each other!
¡ Lleguemos a un acuerdo, tratemos de entendernos!
I'd like to try and understand it if I can.
Me gustaría intentar comprenderlas.
If only you'd try and understand what I feel.
Si sólo intentaras comprender lo que siento.
Try and understand.
Trata de comprender.
Try and understand.
Inténtalo y lo entenderás.
Jean, listen and try to understand.
Jean, escucha e intenta entenderme.
Now listen to me, Malita, and try to understand.
Escúchame, Malita, y trata de comprender.
Listen, there's something you've got to understand and try and forgive.
Escucha, hay algo que tendrás que comprender y perdonarnos.
Try and understand.
Intenta comprenderlo.
All I ask is that you see my side of it and try to understand me.
Sólo os pido que intentéis comprenderme.
And try to understand.
Intenta comprender.
I didn't ever expect to speak to you again. But Mr. Monty says I'm much more grown-up than you are... and I should try to understand you.
No pensaba volver a dirigirte la palabra... pero el Sr. Monty dice que soy mucho más madura que tú... y tengo que intentar comprenderte.
The desks have already been moved and the name is painted on, as you said. So we'll try it for a very short time, at no advance in salary, you understand.
Mudaron los escritorios y pintaron el nombre en la puerta... como usted bien señaló... así que lo intentaremos por un tiempo, ¿ entiende?
Try it! Go in there with your violin, begin to play and whatever they say, pretend you don't understand.
Pruébalo, entra con el violín ponte a tocar y cualquier cosa que te digan, finge que no entiendes.
Try to understand me, my cousin travelled 2,000 km just to meet you and I....... how can I say it, your eyes go through me.
Compréndame, mi primo hace 2.000 Kms. para conocerla... Cómo lo diría, vi una brisa en su mirada.
Try to understand that man needs pain, suffering and failures, to keep higher conscience alive in him.
Compréndalo, el hombre necesita del dolor, el sufrimiento y el fracaso, para que en él viva la conciencia superior.
You'll never understand me, but I'll try once and then give it up.
Nunca me entenderás, pero intentaré explicártelo una vez.
Try as I may, I can't understand why you won't shut up the house and evacuate.
No entiendo por qué no cierra y evacúa la casa.
If this letter is found on me, if this ever reaches you, I want you to believe every word of it and try to understand. It all began that night we arrived in Istanbul.
Si encontras esta carta si alguna vez la recibes quiero que creas cada palabra y trates de entender que todo comenzó la noche en que llegamos a Estambul. "
Mem, it is necessary for me to read all European books... to try to understand knowledge of modern world... and there have been very many things written.
Mem, debo leer todos los libros europeos para tratar de entender los conocimientos del mundo moderno, y se han escrito muchas cosas.
But try to understand, and divorce me It's harder than death for me
Esto es más duro que la muerte para mí.
I'll try and look it over. Although I'm not at all sure I'll understand it.
Intentaré repasarlo, pero no sé si lo entenderé.
Go now, and try to understand.
Vete, y trata de entenderme.
If you will hear him out, and if you would try to understand his side of it, Catherine.
Si lo oyeras, y si trataras de entender su punto de vista, Catherine.
You try too hard to understand what's going on, my dear young man, and that's a serious mistake.
Trata con demasiada insistencia de entender lo que está pasando, querido, y eso es un error muy grave.
I want you to try and understand what she's been through.
Quiero que trates de entender por lo que ha pasado.
Miss, listen to me and try to understand.
Escúcheme y trate de entender.
Try to make a woman understand she's in the way and should go to the devil...
Hacer entender a una mujer que no se la quiere y que se vaya al infierno
- Try to understand her and be nice to her.
- Procura comprenderla y sé amable.
Listen and try to understand.
Escúchame y trata de comprender.
Maybe it's crazy to try and explain anything to you the way you are now, but, Tim, try to understand, to you, this is just another show.
Me parece una tontería explicarte nada en la forma que estás. Pero hazte cargo. Para ti esto es una revista más.
You might try to understand that and share it.
Podrías intentar entenderlo y ayudarme.
Do as you're told and don't try to understand.
Haz lo que te piden y no pienses.
My only chance is to talk to him, to try and make him understand what happened.
Mi única oportunidad es hablar con él, hacer que entienda qué sucedió.

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