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Try and keep up translate Spanish

179 parallel translation
Try and keep up, OK?
Mantenlo así, ¿ si?
Just you try and keep up.
Simplemente trata de mantener el ritmo.
Akira, you need to try and keep up a little better.
Akira, tu necesitas intentar mejorar un poco.
Watch me for the changes, and try and keep up, okay?
Vigilad los cambios y no os perdáis, ¿ vale?
- Try and keep up, will ya?
- Hay que seguir intentando, ¿ cierto?
You just have to try and keep up.
Sólo tienes que intentar seguirme.
Watch me for the changes, and try and keep up, okay?
Presten atención a los cambios y no pierdan el ritmo.
Just try and keep up.
Sólo trata y mantente.
Try and keep up.
A ver si aguantas.
- l'll try and keep up.
- Trataré de hacerlo bien.
Try and keep up.
El tamaño sí importa.
Try and keep up!
Try and keep up.
Oh, vamos, Troy. Intenta seguir.
Let him get a wife and try and keep up with everybody.
Déjenlo que consiga una esposa y que se mantenga al día con todo el mundo.
You try and keep up there, hotshot.
Sólo trata de mantener mi ritmo, capo.
Now try and keep up.
Nos acercamos más a los círculos de los cultivos por esta senda que desde la carretera.
Try and keep up.
Y protégete.
Honey, try and keep up.
Cariño presta atención.
- Try and keep up, Adam.
Trata de seguirme Adam!
Try and keep up.
Trata de mantener mi ritmo.
The first round was live, the rest were blanks. Try and keep up.
La primera ronda tenía balas, el resto eran de salva.
It's important to Lucas so I like to try and keep up.
Es importante para Lucas, así que procuro estar al día.
Try and keep up.
Trata de seguir mi ritmo.
Don't try and keep up.
No intentes seguir el ritmo.
Come on, Stripey, try and keep up. See you, loser.
Nos vemos, perdedor.
You try and keep up with the times, eh, Conners?
Intenta de mantenerte actualizado, ¿ eh, Conners?
Monsieur, if you're willing to take a sporting chance go back to Egypt keep up your work, at least try and save what you've already done.
Monsieur, si está dispuesto a arriesgarse, vuelva a Egipto y siga con su trabajo. Trate de salvar lo que ya ha hecho.
Go up to the road and keep firing on them in case they try to come to the front, ja?
Sube a la carretera y no dejes de dispararles por si intentan avanzar hacia aquí.
You're going to keep up with us and try hard?
- ¿ Podrás seguir nuestro ritmo?
I would suggest that you try to keep away from clichés, and look up the spelling of the Lady in Tennyson's
Te sugiero que no caigas en las frases hechas, y consulta el habla de Lady Shalott en la obra
Should the sensation keep up just give me a ring and... i'll try to come by later on tonight.
Si el dolor no remite, llámeme. Intentaré ir.
You're very young, in medicine you must try to keep up appearances... and that counts more, much more, than curing the sick.
¿ Qué quieres decir? ¿ Qué quiero decir? Un médico debe tener decoro, es lo que cuenta.
I suggest that you reach deep down inside yourself..... and try and find something to keep you awake a little longer,..... because this transmission coming up may just rekindle your will to live.
Te sugiero que busques en lo más profundo de tu ser y encuentres algo que te mantenga despierto un poco más porque la próxima transmisión puede reavivar tus ganas de vivir.
Okay, son, keep your chin up, and try not to come back.
Bien hijo. Mantén la cabeza erguida y no vuelvas por aquí, si puedes conseguirlo.
I try to keep up with it. I go to school, attend seminars and -
Intento seguir aprendiendo y voy a seminarios.
It's hard work and I try to keep up but my hands hurt most of the time.
Es un trabajo duro y trato de ser rápido pero mis manos me duelen la mayor parte del tiempo.
Oh, I haven't slept in three days. You know, I try to sleep at work, but I keep thinking any minute one of'em's gonna go into labor and I'll just end up- -
Oh, No he dormido en tres dias. trate de dormir en el trabajo, pero con la preocupacion del parto y todo eso yo.. -
You try and keep it down up here, OK?
Trata de no hacer ruido aquí.
All of them. They sent us down here because... they want us to change or grow up or something, and all they do is try and keep us the same.
le envió él aquí, todos ellos nos enviaron aquí porque quieren que cambiemos, y luego sólo intentan mantenernos iguales.
Grab your gear and try to keep up.
Tome su equipo y mantenga el ritmo.
After a while, I spotted the dangers. I'd become hooked. I had to start making up rules... to just try and keep it under control.
Al cabo de un tiempo... de seguir a extraños, me volví adicto... tuve que crear reglas para no perder el control.
At fourteen he was at a local comprehensive school I think it's a very good idea to have competition otherwise you might start to relax and not try hard enough being in Set One is very very hard to keep up with the leaders
A los 14 años, estaba en una escuela secundaria local yo creo que es bueno que haya competencia porque si no, uno se puede relajar y no se esfuerza en el grupo 1 es muy dificil seguir el ritmo de los lideres
Harvard and Cornell try to keep up with them as they cross the halfway point. It looks like another Bulldog victory.
Y Cornell amenaza con adelantarlos Estamos a mitad de carrera.
Just keep moving. We're gonna try to break'em up and separate'em.
Sigan moviéndose, traten de separarlos.
I'II try to speak slowly and use smaller words so you can keep up with us.
Intentaré hablar más lento y usar palabras más simples para que entienda.
Keep it up. If no one can see Kane then no one will be foolish enough to try and recapture him.
Si nadie ve a Kane nadie tratará de detenerlo.
And try to keep up.
Now I had to try to keep up with Daniel, make sure nobody got to him, but I was completely knackered and by the time we got to Friar's Copse,
Ahora tenía que tratar de mantenerme junto a Daniel, para asegurarme de que nadie llegara a él. Pero estaba completamente exhausto cuando llegamos al bosque Friar.
Jose and Lawrence try to keep up with a group of dolphins... they could feed anywhere within a 500 km radius... and finding them would be nearly impossible.
José y Lawrence intentan seguir un grupo de delfines... pero ellos pueden alimentarse en cualquier lugar en un radio de 500 km. Encontrarlos es casi una tarea imposible.
Remember, just follow the arrows and try to keep up with the beat
Sigue las flechas y mantén el ritmo. Mueve las caderas, mueve la cintura, mueve tus....... Vamos, cariño.
And don't try to keep up, you're way out of your league.
Y no trates de seguir el ritmo, no estás a la altura.

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