Try and remember translate Spanish
545 parallel translation
Try and remember what was said, Jan. You refused, and he said what?
Intenta recordar las palabras. Lo rechazaste. ¿ Qué te dijo?
Try and remember, Katherine.
Los hermanos de Joe. Intenta recordar.
Try and remember.
Escúchame bien.
I'll try and remember.
Trataré de recordarlo.
I've been racking my brains to try and remember what it was I said.
Me he devanado los sesos tratando de recordar qué fue lo que dije.
While you're taking a sip of this nice, warm cocoa, I want you to think real hard and try and remember...
Mientras tomas un sorbo de este chocolate caliente, quiero que te esfuerces en recordar...
Try and remember.
Trate de recordar.
I'll try and remember that, when I'm on the witness stand singing.
Intentaré acordarme cuando esté en el estrado soplándolo todo.
If he bores you, try and remember that he's very rich.
Si le aburre, recuerde que es muy rico. - George.
I mean, if it's another dame you're mixed up with, just try and remember, you're talking to a man who has been shoved through the meat grinder backward.
Quiero decir que si es otra mujer con quién está mezclado.. solo intente recordar que esta hablando con un hombre que ha pasado por muchos apuros.
Well, try and remember.
- Intente recordarlo.
Mr. Davis, try and remember now that you're a rich man. This violence is no longer necessary.
Sr. Davis, intente recordar, ahora que es rico que esta violencia es innecesaria.
─ Try and remember!
- ¡ Dilo de una vez!
Now dear... Try and remember just what happened.
Y ahora, querida, intenta recordar lo que ocurrió.
Now, try and remember 1925.
Intente recordar 1925.
Try and remember why you came to New York.
Intenta recordar por que estas en Nueva York.
Let's both try and remember that.
Intentemos recordarlo.
Mose, try and remember.
Mose, intenta recordar.
Try and remember where you went.
Trata y recuerda a dónde fue.
- Try and remember.
- Intente recordarlo.
Now, try and remember, you're not going out to rehearse a water ballet.
Ahora recuerden, no van a realizar un ballet bajo el agua.
Try and remember. Did anyone pass behind the victim before he fell?
Intente recordar. ¿ Pasó alguien por detrás de la víctima antes de que cayera?
Come on, Chester, try and remember.
Vamos, Chester, intenta recordar.
I hope you'll try and remember that.
Espero que lo recuerdes.
Try and remember your reaction and describe it exactly...
Intente recordar su reacción y descríbala exactamente...
I remember how you used to try and make me use it to take the grease off my hands.
Me hacías usarlo para quitarme la grasa de las manos.
Kin-san, Don't try and tel me that you don't remember me! ,
Kin-san no me digas que no te acuerdas de mí.
Take a good look at him, Dad, and try to remember him, because... he's going to be your son-in-law.
Míralo bien, papá, e intenta recordarlo, porque... será tu yerno.
And please try to remember, should anything happen to me, you remain the hideous monster that you are.
Y por favor trata de recordar, si algo me pasa... seguirás siendo un horroroso monstruo.
And now, Capt. Butler, will you please leave my house... and try to remember not to come here again?
Ahora, capitán, váyase de mi casa y procure no volver.
But you remember and try to make her glad tomorrow of the choice she made without letting her know I told you so.
Pero mañana intenta que sea feliz por haber tomado aquella decisión sin que sepa que te lo he dicho.
Please try and remember.
Por favor, intenta recordar.
And try to remember your form.
Y traten de recordar la postura.
I try to remember that Marshal Pétain is an old man now and in the hands of the barbarians.
Trato de recordar que el mariscal Pétain ya es mayor... y está en manos de bárbaros.
I must remember that and try to control myself.
Debo recordarlo e intentar controlarme.
Shall we go to our room now, with the door locked and try to remember?
Iremos a nuestra habitación ahora con la puerta cerrada e intentaremos recordar.
All right, here, but remember, if you try and pull a fast one, I'll conk ya!
De acuerdo, toma, pero recuerda, si intentas jugarnos una mala pasada, te retorceré la nariz!
- And, Edith, when you're serving dinner... try to remember to do it calmly and methodically.
Muy bien, señora. Cuando sirvas la cena, procura hacerlo con calma y metódicamente.
Try to calm down and see if you can remember something. A detail that can put me on the right path.
Procura... procura tranquilizarte e intenta recordar alguna cosa, cualquier detalle que me ponga en el buen camino.
And I'll try not to remember you.
E intentaré no acordarme de ti.
And now, remember, you men, If you flush him, don't try to shoot it out with him.
Recordad que si estáis al descubierto, no debéis enfrentaros a él.
Try to remember me and all I've said.
Intente recordar lo que he dicho.
If I sound brash and more like a banker than a scientist, try to remember that it takes money to run an institute like ours.
Pareceré un banquero más que un científico, pero hace falta dinero para que funcione un instituto como éste.
You should wait till morning, and then... perhaps try to remember from which hotel you have wandered?
Espere hasta mañana, y entonces quizá pueda recordar de qué hotel vino.
Darling, I want you to remember one thing and please try to remember it I love you with all my heart.
Cariño, quiero que recuerdes algo y, por favor, trata de recordarlo te quiero con todo mi corazón.
Go, and remember, there will be soldiers above... ... so you'd best try the rocks under the cliff.
Id y recordad que habrá soldados arriba así que mejor probad las rocas bajo el acantilado.
Remember, Sergeant Plummer will blow his bugle when it's time to start. The fiddler will lead the music. Try and keep time.
Recordar que el sargento Plamer tocará la corneta al empezar y el violinista marcará el compás, así que intentad seguir el ritmo.
Now, remember, Harry, we're friends and we're buddies, and we're supposed to stick together, so you shouldn't try and run away from me.
Ahora, recuerda Harry, y se supone que debemos permanecer juntos. Entonces no deberías escaparte de mí.
And please try to remember what the message was.
Y trate de recordar cuál era el mensaje.
I may be unable to suppress my natural charm, but try to remember, I've only to make one of several pre-arranged gestures at that window and your wife would be subjected to the most unbearable torture.
A veces no puedo reprimir mi encanto natural, pero recuerde, con que sólo hiciera cierto gesto hacia esa ventana, su mujer sería sometida a una tortura insoportable.
Let's remember only that and not try to understand what we cannot understand or help things that cannot be helped.
Vamos a recordar eso y no intentar comprender lo que no podemos. O evitar lo que no puede evitarse.
try and keep up 31
try and relax 30
try and get some rest 17
try and stop me 45
try and understand 17
try and get some sleep 23
and remember 695
remember 10256
remembered 17
remember me 722
try and relax 30
try and get some rest 17
try and stop me 45
try and understand 17
try and get some sleep 23
and remember 695
remember 10256
remembered 17
remember me 722
remember who you are 28
remember your training 25
remember this day 16
remember this 223
remember your promise 19
remember when 16
remember when we were kids 18
remember this one 18
remember us 50
remember what i taught you 16
remember your training 25
remember this day 16
remember this 223
remember your promise 19
remember when 16
remember when we were kids 18
remember this one 18
remember us 50
remember what i taught you 16