Which is cool translate Spanish
312 parallel translation
Which is cool.
Which is cool because you get a great tan and a great workout at the same time.
Así obtienes un bronceado perfecto y haces ejercicio.
They asked me, which is cool since I've never catered and I need money.
Me encargaré yo. Es genial, ya que nunca lo hice y necesito el dinero.
- Well, I sorta test well..... which is cool, except then it leads to jobs.
- Digamos que hago buenos exámenes. No está mal, excepto cuando te ofrecen trabajo.
It's been routine for her since she was my age, so she's go no hang-ups about it, which is cool.
Ella lo hace desde que tenía mi edad, por eso no tiene complejos.
Which is cool, since you don't have dicks anyway.
lo cual esta bien, ya que ustedes de todos modos no tienen pitos.
- Which is cool.
- Que está muy bien.
I know Gervase can't swim, so my guess is that they're going to put him in the boat rowing, which is cool for me because I can beat him any day of the week.
Sé que Gervase no sabe nadar, así que supongo que le pondrán en el bote, lo que será bueno para mí, porque puedo vencerle cualquier día.
"No, you go first," oh, you know, everybody's being real, real super polite, you know, which is cool.
Todos son muy corteses y educados, está muy bien.
Which is cool.
Lo cual es genial.
Look, you guys play around at being bad-ass, which is cool.
Miren, ustedes juegan a hacerse los duros. Está bien.
which is cool.
Tratamos de evocar la imagen del mundo que creó que es fabuloso.
, cause you know you guys want to follow him around as well which is cool.
Sé que quieren filmarlo, también. Por mi está bien.
Hey, Mom says we can go after dinner... which is cool because they're open till 9 : 00, so we should still make it.
Mamá dice que podemos ir después de cenar lo que es grandioso porque está abierto hasta las 9 : 00, así que podremos llegar.
I do, but I do mainly field consultations, which is cool'cause I get to travel.
Sí, pero sobre todo hago consultoría, y suelo viajar. Eso me gusta.
Which is cool. But I also lost my job at Millenium.
Pero perdí mi trabajo en Millenium.
And then I asked Melo back to the house with us which is cool, because, well, we like a little variety.
Y luego le pregunté a Melo cuando regresó a casa con nosotros lo que es bueno, porque, bueno, nos gusta la variedad.
Which is cool and all, but where's the art in it?
Lo que no es problema, pero ¿ dónde está el arte en eso?
But Wendy says you're doing okay, which is cool.
Pero Wendy dice que te está yendo bien, lo que está bien.
This way I get to keep an eye on, which is cool!
Además, de esta manera los puedo vigilar, lo que es genial. Muy genial.
I don't know how things are normally run around here, but there's been some sort of major screwup, which is cool.
No sé cómo funcionan las cosa aquí pero hubo un grave error, lo cual no importa.
So whatever got him all hulked out, he was able to track me, which is cool.
Así que lo que le haya hecho actuar así, ha sido capaz de localizarme. Lo cual es guay.
Cool your hot blood and keep your place... which is high enough, but not above the good of the realm.
Calme su ira y manténgase en su lugar... que de por sí es muy elevado, pero que no está por encima del trono.
a double-walled chamber into which the fuel is pumped, cool the chamber and preheat the fuel at the same time.
Con una doble cámara a la que se le inyectaba el combustible se enfriaba la cámara y se precalentaba el combustible a la vez.
They are all pointing exactly north-south, which is another very cunning feature because that means that they get the morning sun on one and they get the evening sun on the other, so they get nicely warmed up in the cool parts of the day.
Están alineados exactamente de norte a sur, lo que es otra ventaja, pues reciben el sol de la mañana por un lado, y el sol de la tarde, por el otro.
And besides all that, he's ethnic, which is kind of cool.
Y además de todo eso es étnico.
Children, this is the last stop for our school program "Scared Smart" in which we learn that being cool in high school does not mean success.
Niñas, esta es la última parada de nuestro programa "Listos y asustados" donde veremos que ser popular en la secundaria no significa éxito.
Which, by the way, I also think is really cool.
Que, por cierto, también me parece muy llamativo.
So, Kelly tell me which one of these cool pets is gonna be the new Buck?
Por lo tanto, Kelly dime cuál de estas geniales mascotas será el nuevo Buck?
- Yeah, which is not cool.
Sí, y no es...
It's a six-figure sum, which is extremely cool.
Una suma con seis números. ¡ Genial!
Which, you have to admit, is pretty cool.
Por lo que admitirán que es una maravilla.
She reviews movies for a living, which is unassailably cool... even if she does make these little notes with this little flashlight pen.
Es crítica de cine, lo cual es muy impresionante... aunque escriba con una pluma con luz.
I can explore all these new dimensions of reality, not to mention I can have any kind of sex I want, which is way cool.
Puedo explorar nuevas dimensiones de la realidad para no mencionar que puedo tener cualquier tipo de sexo que quiera, lo que es genial.
Hallmark said it showed potential, which is pretty cool.
Hallmark dijo que mostró potencial, lo que es muy bueno.
And now, our cool contest. for which "Domident" is offering a 3.000.000 prize to the winning couple.
Y ahora, nuestro concurso. en el que "Domident" ofrece 3.000.000 a la pareja ganadora.
Actually, we're lost backstage at a rock concert which is significantly less cool.
Qué maravilla. Estamos perdidas tras bastidores, eso no es tan maravilloso.
- Cool. Which one is that?
- Bien. ¿ Cuál es?
Which is fine by me anyway, because I don't play that shit and I don't think Randy's that cool and his head got bigger than his gut since he got promoted to weekend supervisor.
Para mi está bien porque no me gustan esas cosas y Randy no es tan cool, su ego es más grande que su barriga. desde que lo ascendieron a supervisor de fin de semana.
So anyway, in the middle of our session I look up and I see Gina kissing Melo on the mouth which is not cool because it violates our threesome code of ethics.
Entonces, en el medio de nuestra sesión miré y vi a Gina besando a Melo en la boca lo que no está bien, porque eso viola nuestro código de ética de tríos.
Jim was using the standing start, which is a fairly cool method.
Jim usó la salida de pie, que es un método genial.
She even knows the piece I'm playing which is so unbelievably cool.
Incluso sabe qué pieza tocaré en el recital. Es genial.
I went to her and I tried to talk to her and she said it was cool which is awesome because this could, like, screw up my whole life!
Me acerqué a ella y traté de hablar con ella y ella me dijo que era genial que es impresionante porque esto podría, gusta, joder mi vida entera!
And this girl gave me her number... which is also cool.
Y esta chica me dio su número... lo cual también es genial.
The record store in Berlin was all opera and old world music, which is, I guess, cool in itself.
La tienda de discos de Berlín tenía sólo... ópera y vieja música internacional, que es, bastante buena, creo.
Hey, Dad may have illegally built some homes in Iraq, which is kinda not cool.
Es posible que papá haya construido ilegalmente en Irak, y eso no es bueno.
I mean, you know, like, when I do something like I did, then you gotta do something like you did, which is, you know, it's cool, because then everything just kind of balances itself out
Es decir, ya sabes, cuando haces algo como lo que yo hice tienes que hacer algo como lo que tú hiciste. Lo que... ya sabes...
Okay, so I was thinking, that we'd start by submitting one of your stories to Jane, which is an insanely cool magazine.
Ok, asi que estaba pensando, que podiamos empezar por entregarle alguna de tus historias a Jane, que es una revista super de moda.
Which is so cool.
Lo que es tan guay.
We got into Oregon, I think, but it took us about five hours to get there cos we were pulling over every 20 minutes and just hosing down the engine block to cool it off which evidently is a really bad idea.
Llegamos a Oregón, creo, pero tardamos unas cinco horas en llegar porque teníamos que parar cada 20 minutos y echarle agua al motor para enfriarlo, Io cual, evidentemente, es una mala idea.
"You'll have all these opportunities," which is all cool and everything.
"Tendrás todas estas oportunidades". Que es fabuloso, no lo niego.
which is 1139
which is understandable 21
which is a shame 22
which is better 26
which is ridiculous 24
which is why you're here 18
which is why 260
which is which 28
which is nice 40
which is ironic 37
which is understandable 21
which is a shame 22
which is better 26
which is ridiculous 24
which is why you're here 18
which is why 260
which is which 28
which is nice 40
which is ironic 37