Which is good translate Spanish
2,046 parallel translation
I'm actually going inside a pyramid, which is good.
Ya estoy dentro de la pirámide, lo que es bueno.
Which is good news to me, because I had no idea.
Lo que es buena noticia para mi, porque no tenía idea.
Which is good.
Lo cual es bueno.
I'm sensing some anger, which is good.
Detecto tu enojo. Muy bien.
I see you brought pizza which is good because I haven't fed him yet all day.
Veo que trajiste pizza. Genial, porque no lo alimenté.
If you recognize the offender, which is good.
Si usted reconoce el autor, lo cual es bueno
Which is good, because so are we.
Lo que es bueno, porque nosotras también.
Which is good business for us.
Es buen negocio para nosotros.
Which is good, because I'm pretty sure you're my soul mate.
Lo cual es bueno, porque estoy seguro de que eres mi alma gemela.
Yeah yeah, she's gonna stay with us a couple days, which is good, I guess.
Sí, sí, se quedará con nosotros unos días, lo cual es bueno, supongo.
Yeah, but we have an I.D., which is good.
- Sí, pero tenemos una identificación, eso es bueno.
Not a lot of neighbors, which is good... In case you want to throw a party or something.
Sin muchos vecinos, lo cual es bueno en caso de que quieras celebrar una fiesta.
- Which is good news.
- Lo que son buenas noticias.
Which we did, but there was nothing there - - well, nothing good anyway - - which makes me think that the pretty good stuff is stashed somewhere here in your apartment.
Lo que hicimos, pero no había nada allí. bueno, nada bueno... de todos modos lo que me hace pensar que lo realmente bueno está escondido en algún lugar en el apartamento.
Then, uh, any good psychic would make sure that the front row is full of actual police suspects, which I believe that we have done for you today.
Y luego, cualquier buen psíquico se aseguraría que la primera fila esté llena de sospechosos reales lo cual creo que es lo que hemos hecho hoy día.
Well you didn't tell him to kill the man, but you clarified his options which is as good as killing him, as far as I'm concerned.
Bueno, tú no fuiste y le dijiste que lo matara pero aclaraste sus opciones lo cual es tan bueno como matarlo, en lo que a mí respecta.
I really am sorry, but the good news is, we're giving your kidney to an incredibly rich man, which means he pays a fortune in taxes, taxes that are used to build schools and parks and hospitals.
Realmente lo siento, pero la buena noticia es, que estamos dándole tu riñón a un hombre increíblemente rico, lo que significa que paga una fortuna en impuestos, impuestos que son usados en construir escuelas, parques y hospitales.
No, something didn't happen, like his knee is good, which means he's good to go, which means the Bears are going down, Cyrus Garza.
No, algo no ocurrió, como que su rodilla está bien, lo cual quiere decir que él está bien para jugar, eso significa que los Osos están bajando, Cyrus Garza.
Which is why I need to make things right and be a good father.
Razón por la cual debo hacer lo correcto y ser un buen padre.
Impressive. Which is funny'cause I wouldn't think that you'd be good in Peds just by looking at you.
Qué curioso porque no habría imaginado que serías bueno en Pediatría con sólo mirarte.
To which the proper response is also "good morning."
Para lo que la respuesta es también "buen día".
If I could address these rules of technological etiquette which sprung up suddenly, without a vote, is it possible that the people who invented this are actually not good at traditional social interaction?
Sí pudiera discutir esas reglas de etiqueta tecnológica las cuales afloraron recientemente, sin un voto, ¿ es posible que la gente que invento esto, actualmente no sean buenas para la interacción tradicional?
Your Uncle Danny is a really good cop but sometimes he gets carried away, which at your age came in very handy at times.
Tu tío Danny es muy buen policía, pero es impulsivo. Y cuando yo tenía tu edad, eso me servía mucho.
This is very, very heavy which I think is a good sign.
Esto es muy, muy pesado, que Creo que es una buena señal.
It's a record turnout, which is very, very good for us.
No queda mucho tiempo en las urnas.
Which is supposed to make me friendly and creative - they're the good bits.
Lo que se supone que me hace ser amistosa y creativa -
no matter what line you take, high, low, middle, whatever, good throttle control is the gauge by which you can judge it.
Sin importar qué línea se tome - alta, media, baja, la que sea. Un buen Control de Aceleración es la forma en que la puede juzgar.
Recently undergrads are finding it hard to get a job, they get career counseling, which is really good.
A los recién graduados le es difícil conseguir trabajo... ellos consiguieron orientación profesional, lo cual es muy bueno.
Which is why, for the good of our community, we ask the newer toys, the stronger ones, to take on the hardships the rest of us can't bear anymore.
Y esa es la razón, que por el bien de nuestra comunidad les pedimos a los juguetes nuevos, a los más fuertes que soporten las dificultades que el resto de nosotros ya no aguantamos.
I had the good fortune of saving his life, which means that he is now enduringly indebted to me.
Tuve la buena suerte de salvarle la vida lo que significa que ahora tiene una larga deuda conmigo.
And I was really independent, which, in some ways, is good.
Y fui muy independiente, lo cual es bueno en cierta forma.
I've never actually heard of any of those bands, which I think is a good indicator that they're cool.
No había oído a ninguno de los grupos, eso quiere decir que son guays.
$ 17,500, which is still good money, Mick.
$ 17.500, aun así es buen dinero, Mick.
Gabriel, I want to see you back at the office. The producers want to take us out to dinner tonight, which is a very good sign.
Los productores quieren llevarnos a cenar, cosa que es una muy buena señal.
And through sound, or that is true good music, there can be also music which can be devil.
A través del sonido que es buena música puede haber también música diabólica.
Yeah, well, I think doctoring... is no better than petty sheep thieving, which I used to be really good at.
Pues, creo que curar... es igual que robar ovejas... y yo era muy bueno para eso.
Film is a reflection of the times of which we live in, good or bad.
La película es un reflejo de los tiempos en los que vivimos, buenos o malos.
We just don't know. You know, our mind is on music right now, which is probably a really good thing for everybody.
Nuestra mente está en la música ahora lo que probablemente es muy bueno para todos.
Good evening and a happy holiday to the viewers at home, and to the audience, here at the International Congress Centre in Jerusalem which is celebrating its 60th year.
Buenas noches y felices fiestas a los espectadores en casa, y para el público, aquí en el Congreso Internacional Centro de Jerusalén que está celebrando su 60 aniversario.
So, my greatest love affair lasted three weeks, minus a day, which is when I asked her to move in with me - because she looked really good mowing the lawn in a bikini top.
Por lo tanto, mi mayor aventura amorosa duró tres semanas, menos un día, que es cuando le pregunté a vivir conmigo - porque ella se veía muy bien cortar el césped en un bikini.
You're a Boche, just working out which of two chaps to shoot, and you thought, "Good Lord", one of them really is wearing a very stylish cap indeed! . "
Eres un boche, pensando en cuál de dos enemigos matar y piensas : " Dios mío, uno trae una gorra muy bonita.
But I do think if you go through hell with someone, then you get a pretty good sense of how they handle stuff, which is important.
Pero yo creo que si vas con alguien a través del infierno, entonces tienes una idea bastante buena de cómo manejan esas cosas, lo cual es importante.
Which is also good for them blister beetles, But not so good as phorate metabolite.
También se hará el truco toukohärkiin - - pero no tan bien como forato.
And you will feel a little numbness in your eye... which is a good thing.
Y vas a sentir el ojo un poco adormecido. Lo cual es bueno.
Which is all well and good, except...
Lo que está muy bien, excepto por...
That's a very good question, sir, and I would counter with my own question, which is, why is half of your face all swirly?
Es una pregunta muy buena, señor y la contrarrestaré con mi propia pregunta : ¿ Por qué tiene torcida la mitad de la cara?
Tomorrow will be a time of self-reflection where we decide on what is good, that which we need to keep and what we need to let go of.
Mañana será de reflexión personal donde decidiremos sobre que está bien, lo que necesitamos mantener y lo que necesitamos dejar marchar.
We're getting stuck in the middle of a marriage that is unraveling, which is not a good place to be. You're right, Barb.
Pues ha llegado el momento en que ese insolente vendedor de los suburbios se vaya.
Take what you've got, which is a good case.
Toma lo que tienes. Es un buen caso.
Your guard is down, which makes it a good time for an attack by your enemies.
Bajas la guardia lo que hace un buen momento para que te ataquen tus enemigos.
If they decline, you're in jail, which is why it's a good idea to have backup.
Sino, iras a prision, por lo que es una buena idea tener un plan de respaldo.
which is 1139
which is understandable 21
which is a shame 22
which is better 26
which is why you're here 18
which is ridiculous 24
which is why 260
which is which 28
which is nice 40
which is great 112
which is understandable 21
which is a shame 22
which is better 26
which is why you're here 18
which is ridiculous 24
which is why 260
which is which 28
which is nice 40
which is great 112