While you were out translate Spanish
586 parallel translation
By the way, while you were out, your wife called.
Por cierto, mientras usted no estaba, llamó su esposa.
- These calls came while you were out.
- Ha recibido estas llamadas.
He called while you were out.
Ha llamado mientras estabas fuera.
Mrs. Carlsen's been here while you were out to dinner.
Ha venido la Sra. Carlsen.
A Miss Pennington has telephoned several times while you were out, sir.
Le llamó varias veces una Srta. Pennington.
Miss Emily was drawing cat's faces on brown paper yesterday while you were out.
La Srta. Emily estuvo dibujando caras de gatos ayer.
- While you were out.
- Cuando tú no estabas.
No one was here, sir, while you were out.
No ha venido nadie mientras usted no estaba, señor.
Well... this afternoon, while you were out... Somebody rang up to make you an offer.
Bueno,... en esta tarde, cuando usted estaba fuera, una persona llamó para hacerle una oferta.
And might be watched again, so he had better get him out of the way while you were out of the way.
Y quizá lo hagan todavía. Era mejor ocultarle mientras estaba usted fuera.
I forgot to tell you. I phoned Mel Phillips while you were out...
Olvidé decirle que telefoneé a Mel Phillips y le pedí que viniera.
I took a gander at this while you were out.
He echado un vistazo a esto.
Oh, you mean when I left the house while you were out getting the soup? What kind of soup did you get, honey?
Te refieres a... cuando salí de casa mientras tú fuiste a buscar La sopa... ¿ de qué clase te La dieron, cariño?
While you were out, Kansas City called.
Mientras estabas fuera, llamó Kansas City.
But while you were out sniffing around these other little wildflowers, didn't the rose kind of fade?
Pero, mientras usted anda por ahí olfateando las flores silvestres, ¿ no puede la rosa perder su aroma?
- Came while you were out.
- Llego mientras estrabas fuera.
Isherwood, the name I choose last night while you were out.
Isherwood, es el nombre que elegí anoche mientras estabas fuera.
But this bastard cut him open and stole them while you were out.
Pero este bastardo le abrió en canal y las robó mientras tú estabas fuera.
While you were out this morning...
Mientras estabas fuera esta mañana...
Mrs. Marshall called twice while you were out.
La sra. Marshall ha llamado dos veces mientras estaba fuera.
It is absolutely sensational. Sent bring all your stuff while you were out.
He mandado traer tus cosas mientras estabas fuera.
Didn't see the paper while you were out there, did you? No.
¿ No viste el periódico mientras estabas ahí fuera, verdad?
While you were out, I talked to the head Martian, and he got mad at me and started calling me names and said he was gonna blow up the world.
En tu ausencia, hablé con el marciano principal... pero se enfadó conmigo, empezó a insultarme... y dijo que haría explotar al mundo.
Well, this package came for you while you were out.
Llegó un paquete para usted mientras estaba fuera.
Yesterday, while you were out, there was three phone calls
Ayer, mientras estaba fuera, hubo tres llamadas telefónicas.
- While you were out of the country, there was another budget cut at CONTROL.
- ¿ Qué? Mientras estabas fuera del país, otra vez recortaron el presupuesto.
Oh, yeah, that's right. You were out to the house for a while.
Es verdad, viviste en su casa durante un tiempo.
Oh, my. She must have slipped out while you were talking on the telephone.
Se debe de haber escabullido mientras estaba hablando por teléfono.
I only took the other girl out while you were away. You weren't gonna be here- -
Sólo la llevé a pasear mientras tú no estabas.
Don't you think that if I packed my bag and went away with Fritz, stayed with Toni and Paula for a while in Paris got some job and were out of the way, don't you think it would be better?
¿ No crees que si hiciera mi maleta y me fuera con Fritz, a pasar un tiempo con Toni y Paula en París y me saliera de en medio, no crees que sería mejor?
What about that guy you were gonna find... if you could just get out for a while?
¿ Y qué pasa con ese tipo que ibas a encontrar... si pudieras salir un tiempo?
Did anything happen while you were pulling out the spike or afterward?
¿ Sucedió algo mientras le sacaban la estaca o después?
While you were out to lunch. I put them on your desk.
Se las he dejado en la mesa.
While you were at it, did you figure out the best way to get them there?
Ya que están en eso, ¿ se imaginaron la mejor manera de llevarlos para allá?
Destroyed, vanished, because he refused to sell you out while you were gone, Joe.
Destruido, desvanecido, porque se negó a venderte cuando no estabas, Joe.
While you were smooching, I found out a few things :
Mientras os arrullabais, yo descubrí varias cosas :
Any of these, Mr. Warren? And of these people go in or out while you were in Car 843?
¿ Alguno de ellos entró o salió mientras estuvo en el coche 843?
Any of these people go in or out while you were in Car 843?
Lit out while you were shooting off your face.
Se ha escapado mientras me sermoneabas.
The job you did while you were with us, and the decision you made when you had an easy out, gave us more help than you'll ever realize.
El trabajo que hizo mientras estuvo con nosotros, y las decisiones que llevó a cabo, nos han ayudado más de la cuenta.
Then you were out while I...
Entonces estuviste por fuera mientras yo...
While we were so worried about the money, you slip out and escape.
Mientras nos preocupamos por el dinero, tú te escabulles y escapas.
I figured it out while you two were asleep, set it up right and tried it.
Así que mientras Uds dos descansaban, ajusté el circuito y lo probé.
So far, all I have written in this report... is that you and Lejeune were killed while out on patrol.
Hasta ahora, lo único que puse en este informe es que Lejeune y tú fueron muertos durante un patrullaje.
If I were you, Ms. Grey, I would get out of here while you still got time.
Si yo fuera Ud. Sra. Grey saldría de aquí mientras hay tiempo.
While you were talking to your friends, did you look out the window?
Mientras hablaba con sus amigos, ¿ miró por la ventana?
For a while there, I thought you were gonna miss out on all the fun.
Por un momento pensé que se iban a perder la diversión.
While you were running around, I helped them out.
Mientras tú estabas corriendo por ahí, yo les ayudaba.
Now you see how easily she has disposed of her... The captain told me while we were out on a call.
Me lo dijo el capitán cuando respondimos a una llamada.
They were only supposed to hold you out there for a while.
Ellos solo se suponia que te aguantaran alla por un rato.
For a while there you were out of a job.
Ha estado a punto de quedarse sin empleo.
while you were sleeping 17
while you were gone 44
while you can 25
while you 41
while you were away 22
while you're at it 123
while you're here 68
while you still can 38
while you're doing that 16
while you're there 26
while you were gone 44
while you can 25
while you 41
while you were away 22
while you're at it 123
while you're here 68
while you still can 38
while you're doing that 16
while you're there 26