You've been had translate Spanish
1,440 parallel translation
You know, the writing has been Consistently great, so I've had Fun playing -
Sabes, el guión ha sido constantemente bueno, asi que me he divertido interpretándolos a ambos.
Had you only hit Chawla a little harder, he would've been dead!
¡ Si usted hubiera pegado a Chawla un poco más duro, él habría estado muerto!
Had you lost the race, I would've been free of debt
Si usted hubiera perdido la carrera, Yo habría estado libre de la deuda
We've had a bit of excitement at Tell Yarimjah, too, while you've been away, Uncle Arthur.
Tío Arthur, mientras has estado fuera hemos tenido algo de diversión aquí en Tell Yarimjah, también.
He should've been doing major stuff not worrying about how you had files in your office.
Debía hacer lo importante no preocuparse por unos archivos.
So come back once you've been married, had two kids and divorced.
Entonces vuelve una vez que te hayas casado, tengas dos hijos y the hayas divorciado.
- You`ve been had too. - How do you know?
Todas murieron.
And I assure you, this pistol has never, never been fired since I've had it, and it will not be fired.
Y os aseguro que esta pistola no ha sido disparada desde que la tengo, y nunca será disparada.
You could've made this less painful if you had been more concerned about my daughter and less about your desk.
Pudo ser menos doloroso si te hubiera preocupado más mi hija y menos tu maldito escritorio.
OK, yeah, you've been with a vampire before, butAngel had a soul.
Sí, vale, ya habías estado antes con un vampiro, pero Angel tiene alma.
As you know, for some time now, we've had problems About the way you've been handling the reports.
Como sabrás, tenemos algunos problemas con tu forma de manejar los reportes.
That's why you've been staring at the bathroom door wishing you had telekinetic powers.
Por eso miras la puerta del baño como si desearas tener poder telequinético.
Hey, I'm sorry it's taken me a while to get back to you, but I've been.... - l've had my hands full around here.
Oye, disculpa que no te haya llamado he estado ocupado.
What you don't know is that every birthday I've had since I was 1 0 years old has been a complete disaster.
Lo que no sabes es que todos mis cumpleaños desde el décimo han sido un desastre total.
It had nothing to do with the fact you've been avoiding me?
Y no tiene nada que ver con que me estés evitando.
Well, dear, you know, I've always been fond of both Amy and Stefania. And once I heard that they had met each other, I just- -
Querido, sabes que siempre he querido tanto a Amy como a Stefania y una vez que supe que se habían conocido, yo sólo- -
You know, I have been lying in this bed week after week after week, and I've had a lot of time to think about things.
Sabes, he estado en esta cama semana tras semana tras semana y he tenido mucho tiempo para pensar las cosas.
It's been a really emotional time and you've had a lot to drink...
Ha sido una temporada tensa y has bebido mucho...
There have been very few moments in my life... where I've actually wished I had one of those enormous cream pies... you can smash in someone's face.
Ha habido pocas veces en mi vida... en la que hubiera querido tener una tarta enorme de crema... y aplastarla en la cara de alguien.
See, if he had mentioned these murders to you and you'd been willing to testify, you could've gotten your sentence reduced from 1 3 years to, say, five.
Si te los hubiera mencionado y estuvieras dispuesto a testificar, te podrían reducir la sentencia de 13 años a, digamos, cinco.
Steve, trust me, I've been to the area... and I swear to God, I wouldn't know if you had one or four.
Steve, confía en mí, he visto testículos y te juro que no distinguiría si alguien tiene uno o cuatro.
Do you know how long it's been since I've had two days off?
¿ Sabes desde cuándo no me tomo dos días?
I would've been fine if you had just minded your own fucking business.
Todo estaria bien, si no te hubieras entrometido.
How long has it been since you've had a nice burn, huh?
¿ Cuánto hace que no te fumas uno, eh?
I know I shouldn't be here... but I've been thinking about you a lot... and I had to see you.
Sé que no deberia estar aqui. Pero he estado pensando mucho en ti y tenia que verte.
We've been looking for you, sir! We've had some information about the assassination attempt at Rue St. Nicaise!
Creedme, querida madre, ése es mi profundo deseo, pero solamente...
Do you realize how long it's been since I've had a date?
¿ Sabes cuánto tiempo hace que no tengo una cita?
If you guys had gotten moving, maybe we would've been.
- Si te hubieras movido, hubiéramos estado aquí. - Estamos bien.
I'd just fuckin'tell him that he was like one of the like you know, best friends I've ever had, and that it would have been pretty fuckin'boring without him.
Sólo le diría que él fue como uno de los ya sabes, los mejores amigos que he tenido, y que hubiera sido una mierda muy aburrida sin él.
You know, I've had, and been had, Sit down on beds much bigger than this one.
Sabes, he tenido, y me han tenido, echado, sobre camas mucho más grandes que esta.
It would've been better if you'd knock on the door but no, you had to be the stealthy queen.
Te dije que sólo llamaras a la puerta, pero no, tenias que ser la reina furtiva.
Sir, we had a report from a young lady on her cell phone saying you've been following her in your car.
Señor, tuvimos una denuncia de una joven hecha por celular diciendo que la está siguiendo.
If you had mentally shown up there, that might've been nice.
Habría sido bueno que demostraras madurez.
Do you think it would've worked out between us if l- - lf we hadn't- - lf things had been different?
¿ Crees que lo nuestro hubiera funcionado si no hubiésemos...? ¿ Si las cosas hubiesen sido diferentes?
I've been holding back lately because I actually had some sympathy for you. I thought :
Me había estado conteniendo, porque te comprendía.
I've been meaning to have you drop by Sickbay, in any case... to see if you've had any problems since I removed the neural implants... you received at the repair station.
Bueno, creo que debería haber pasado por la enfermería en cualquier caso. Veremos si ha tenido problemas desde que le quité los implantes neurales que recibió en la estación de reparaciones.
I know that things haven't always been that great between us over the years, but, well, being here tonight makes me think about the effect that you've had on my life.
Las cosas no siempre han sido geniales entre nosotros a lo largo de los años, pero, estar aquí esta noche me hace pensar sobre el efecto que has tenido en mi vida.
I was just thinking, all these years... no matter what my relationship status has been... whether I've been dating or hibernating or whatever... I think I've always had you in the back of my mind... you know, the prospect of us being together.
He estado pensando, que en todos estos años... sin importar cual fuera mi situación de pareja... ya sea que estuviera con alguien o no... creo que siempre te he tenido en algún lugar de mi mente... ya sabes, como esperando volver a estar juntos.
But you and I have been so linked in my mind... that I think I've unconsciously sabotaged every decent relationship I've had... including the one with Max, because I was waiting for you.
La idea de los dos juntos ha estado tanto en mi mente... que creo que inconscientemente saboteé cada relación valiosa que tuve... incluyendo la de Max, porque te esperaba a ti.
Now I know that due to the recent renovations resulting from the gas explosion, visits to oz have been severely limited and this is gonna be the first chance that many of you've had to visit your family members.
Sé que debido a las recientes remodelaciones resultantes de la explosión de gas, las visitas a Oz han estado severamente limitadas y que ésta será la primera oportunidad que muchos de Uds. han tenido para visitar a sus familiares.
Estoy seguro que si hubiese sido uno de los otros, habría mirado hacia otro lado.
Baby, do you realize how long it's been since we've had an afternoon off, just the two of us?
Cielo, ¿ te das cuenta del tiempo que hace... que no teníamos una tarde libre, solos tú y yo?
You said you had proof Chloe might've been abducted?
¿ Dices que tienes pruebas de que pudieron llevarse a Chloe?
And all those feelings that I had about you that would've been wrong?
Y todos esos sentimientos que yo tenía acerca de usted que hubiera sido un error?
Sorry we're late Traffic was ridiculous Well, maybe if you had taken the tunnel like I told you to instead of taking us on a scenic tour of murderville we could've been here on time!
Si hubieras tomado el tunel, como yo te dije, en vez de la carretera con vista bonita, habríamos llegado antes.
The man you shot had been undercover, which you've already found out through whatever unethical means.
El hombre al que disparó trabajaba de incógnito, lo cual ya habían descubierto mediante métodos poco éticos.
I thought you had something big, but you've been on this Tom Clarke thing 12 years now, and the best you can do is check his phone bill?
Pensé que tenías algo importante, pero has seguido con esto de Tom Clarke por 12 años, ¿ y lo mejor que has hecho es ver su cuenta telefónica?
You've been a cop six years and you've never had a civilian complaint?
¿ Ha sido policía por seis años y nunca ha recibido una queja de un ciudadano?
I know that we've had our differences, but I've been thinking about me... and you and I know you're up for re-election.
Se que tienen sus diferencias pero estuve pensando.. Acerca de mi... y ud. y se que corre por la re-eleccion.
It looks like you've been had, Dunois.
te engañaron, Dunois.
You've had an agenda the whole time you've been here.
Has tenido siempre tus propias prioridades.
you've been served 82
you've been there before 25
you've been 70
you've been chosen 18
you've been avoiding me 36
you've been lying to me 28
you've been warned 45
you've been busy 87
you've been up all night 20
you've been through so much 17
you've been there before 25
you've been 70
you've been chosen 18
you've been avoiding me 36
you've been lying to me 28
you've been warned 45
you've been busy 87
you've been up all night 20
you've been through so much 17
you've been working out 16
you've been through a lot 72
you've been gone a long time 22
you've been a great help 19
you've been very helpful 80
you've been here before 48
you've been following me 21
you've been drinking 88
you've been there 53
you've been crying 25
you've been through a lot 72
you've been gone a long time 22
you've been a great help 19
you've been very helpful 80
you've been here before 48
you've been following me 21
you've been drinking 88
you've been there 53
you've been crying 25
you've been very kind 36
you've been most helpful 22
you've been great 37
you've been here 49
you've been shot 47
you've been a big help 17
hades 49
hadley 82
haddock 18
hadass 20
you've been most helpful 22
you've been great 37
you've been here 49
you've been shot 47
you've been a big help 17
hades 49
hadley 82
haddock 18
hadass 20
haddie 119
hadji 18
haddy 20
had to be done 28
had enough 74
had a good day 18
had i known 35
hadn't you 39
had to 73
had to be 44
hadji 18
haddy 20
had to be done 28
had enough 74
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had i known 35
hadn't you 39
had to 73
had to be 44