You called us translate Spanish
676 parallel translation
Look, lady. It's 10 minutes since you called us, And the murderer
Nos llamó hace diez minutos.
Now you called us and we came. We told you all we knew.
Ahora, tan pronto como nos llamó, vinimos inmediatamente a contar lo que sabemos
You called us back.
¡ Tú volviste a llamarnos!
You called us back, and you've done nothing but try to get rid of us ever since we came. - Hasn't he, Elvira?
Tú nos llamaste y no has hecho nada más... que intentar deshacerte de nosotras, ¿ verdad Elvira?
We're waiting for you to tell us why you called us, Chief.
Estamos esperando que nos diga por qué nos llamó.
- You called us "kameraden".
Nos llamabas camaradas.
You can't imagine how happy I am after you called us.
No te imaginas qué contenta estoy de que nos llamases.
You were saying you supposed we were all wondering why you called us.
Usted esta diciendo que suponía que nos preguntabamos porqué nos llamó.
You said you called us for a purpose. What is it?
Usted dijo que nos llamó para un propósito. ¿ Cual?
Now, where were we when Pop interrupted us? As I remember it, you had just called me aloof.
Ahora, ¿ dónde estábamos cuando Pop nos interrumpió?
Major, perhaps captain Starr can tell us something about those awful men you mentioned the other day... guerrillas I believe you called them.
Mayor, tal vez el capitán Starr pueda decirnos algo sobre esos horribles hombres de los que nos habló el otro día. Creo que les llamó guerrilleros.
I am very happy, that you've fullfilled your duty. Even though this duty seperated us.. .. when it called you away, just when I arrived..... and makes me go back home, just now that you come back.
"Y no debemos nunca renegar de nuestro deber aunque se interponga entre nosotros, haciendo que partas tú cuando yo llego, y a mí ahora que llegas tú."
Major Wilson just called, sir, and asked if you and the young lady will join him at the U.S. Grant Hotel as he's still tied up.
El mayor Wilson llamó y quiere saber si ambos, pueden ir a verlo al Hotel US Grant porque sigue ocupado.
Well, you didn't tell us about all these ancestors of yours... who were killed by this so-called monster.
No nos contó de todos sus ancestros... a los que mató el supuesto monstruo.
Of course, no one in this so called hotel has the slightest suspicion that you've been working for us.
Supongo que nadie del hotel sospecha de que trabaja para nosotros.
You know, they called us the Three Musketeers of the AEF.
Nos llamaban los Tres Mosqueteros en la Fuerza Expedicionaria.
You mean that since you called off your deal with us for breakfast...
Desde que canceló el trato con nosotras por el desayuno- -
She tell us that you called her at approximately 1 1 : 45 p.m and asked her where Mr. Beragon was.
Dice que usted la llamó a las 11 : 45 y preguntó por Beragon.
Did you hear what shovel-nose just called us?
¿ Oíste lo que nos dijo ese nariz aplastada?
Well, if you'll excuse us, I believe there's a place called- - Niagara Falls.
Bien, si nos disculpan, creo que hay un Lugar llamado...
He always called you that to us.
Así es como le llamaba él.
Don't waste your time in the so-called real life. You belong to us...
No pierdas tu tiempo en eso que llaman vida real.
By the way, Maureen called up just after you left... and wants us for dinner on Wednesday.
Maureen llamó. Nos invitó a cenar el miércoles.
I hope, Dr. Walker, you've called us here to assure us the stories about dead men walking our streets is only a hoax.
Dr. Walker, espero que nos haya reunido para asegurarnos que lo de los muertos vivientes es broma.
Well, didn't you all hear us called in to supper?
Bueno, ¿ no oyeron que nos llamaron a cenar?
When I called you to free us, you didn't open the cage.
Cuando te llamamos, no abriste la jaula.
Professor bickford called us to take you there at once.
El Prof. Bickford nos llamó para llevarlo a usted allá de inmediato.
He called us about you.
Nos llamó en referencia a usted.
You consider us to be primitive because we live here in solitude, away from the so-called "real world."
Nos considera a nosotros primitivos, por vivir aqui en soledad. Lejos del, asi llamado, mundo real.
She mistook us for reporters and called you on us for false reasons.
Nos tomó por periodistas y llamó a la poli con una acusación falsa.
Prudence, you weren't called before the faculty board to give us a lecture on love.
- Eso es todo. Prudence, Ud. no fué convocada.. Ante la Dirección de la facultad para darnos una cátedra de amor..
You've obviously called us here for something and i would welcome hearing whatever it is.
Obviamente nos ha convocado aquí por algo y yo por mi parte... agradecería escuchar lo que sea.
Tell us your name. Do you know what you're called?
Díganos su nombre. ¿ Cómo se llama?
FRANCES : I do wish you'd tell us... why this hotel is called the Moon-Spinners.
Quisiera que nos dijera... porqué este hotel se llama Las Hilanderas de la Luna.
You sure called a turn on Spangler coming after us.
Acertaste cuando dijiste que Spangler vendría después de nosotros.
I fail to understand why you didn't give those so-called mates to us.
No entiendo cómo no nos entregaste a esos que llamas tus "amigos".
You called out to us.
Nos llamó. Le escuchamos.
Well, if you don't get angry and the name fits us both,... I'd like to be called José María, just like you. What do you think?
Pues si tú no te enojas y el nombre ajusta para los dos yo quisiera llamarme José María, como tú. ¿ Qué te parece?
There's the crux of the matter. Do you expect us to believe that nonsense? That you managed, in that ridiculous machine called the Tardis, have managed to travel through time?
Ahí está el quid de la cuestión. ¿ Espera usted que creamos sus tonterías, que tripula esa máquina ridícula llamada TARDIS, que han conseguido viajar en el tiempo?
Hey you! Can you tell us, boy, where we might find a man called Talby?
¿ Sabes por casualidad donde podemos encontrar a un tal Talby?
Yes, but you should have at least called us individually
Sí, podrías habernos llamado uno a uno.
You want us to believe that the press was called in while he was questioning us?
¿ Quiere que pensemos que llamó a la prensa para el interrogatorio?
You have called this upon us.
Tú nos has llamado.
Sonny did not know there was a picture of us not until you came to my place and I called him.
Sonny no sabía que existía esa foto hasta que usted vino a mi casa y yo se lo dije.
Because of so-called guardians of public decency we are not permitted to describe to you in any way the hardcore, live, in-person monstrosity we have with us tonight.
Los supuestos guardianes de la moral nos impiden describirles de ninguna de las maneras a la salvaje y monstruosa personalidad que nos acompaña esta noche.
All the trouble you've caused in this company, not to mention the half a million dollars you cost us by fooling around in something you called "research".
Causaste muchos problemas en esta empresa sin contar el medio millón de dólares que nos costaste perdiendo el tiempo en lo que llamabas investigación.
she knows about you and only then she called us.
Y se nos d ¡ o el serv ¡ c ¡ o.
You should have called us... as soon as you began to suspect it was somewhere near the house.
Debió llamarme cuando sospechó que andaba por aquí.
Your father's an anarchist who is in exile. You're called Anarchy and we're concubines... and you provoke them! They'll banish us from the city.
Tienes un padre en el exilio, tú te llamas Anarquía, somos concubinos, y tú provocas, fastidias. ¡ Nos van a echar de la ciudad!
You should've called us.
¿ Por qué no nos has llamado?
You called me and she invited you to have a coffee with us.
Me llamaste y ella te invitó a tomar un café con nosotros.
you called 151
you called me 227
you called it 55
you called her 29
you called him 55
you called the police 24
you called for me 29
you called the cops 29
you called them 20
used 73
you called me 227
you called it 55
you called her 29
you called him 55
you called the police 24
you called for me 29
you called the cops 29
you called them 20
used 73
ushna 19
use your brain 33
use it 260
use your imagination 74
use your words 42
use your head 124
use me 43
used to 118
use mine 46
use the force 25
use your brain 33
use it 260
use your imagination 74
use your words 42
use your head 124
use me 43
used to 118
use mine 46
use the force 25
use it wisely 19
us too 58
use your power 21
use your hands 17
use your legs 22
used to be 136
use them 48
use these 22
use that 67
use this one 17
us too 58
use your power 21
use your hands 17
use your legs 22
used to be 136
use them 48
use these 22
use that 67
use this one 17