You called translate Spanish
36,597 parallel translation
Five years ago, you showed up to a family dinner, and in front of everybody, you called my father, your boss, an ass.
Hace cinco años, tú te presentaste en una cena familiar y delante de todos llamaste a mi padre, tu jefe, idiota.
Oh, I'm so glad you called.
Me alegro mucho de que hayas llamado.
This is the bodega where you called the police.
Esta es la tienda desde donde llamó a la policía.
I'm so glad you called to apologize.
Me alegra tanto que hayas llamado para disculparte.
-'Cause you called it "funky cats and their feisty stats."
Porque la llamaste "gatos molones y sus estadísticas para empollones".
That's what you called us experienced aldermen in your campaign, right?
Así es como nos llamaste a los concejales con experiencia en tu campaña, ¿ cierto?
I can't believe you called INS to do a sweep.
No puedo creer que llamaste a INS para hacer un barrido.
I wasn't going to, but I told Oscar you called and he asked me to find out what you wanted.
No iba a venir pero le conté a Oscar que llamaste y me pidió que averiguara qué querías.
You called Insane Elaine?
¿ Llamaste a la Loca Elaine?
Well, you called.
Bueno, llamaste.
Ah, I was surprised because you called me to summon the meeting and you didn't show up.
Tenía cosas que hacer Me ha extrañado, porque como me has llamado para convocar me Y tú no fallas nunca a las reuniones
Okay, I should've called you before I came here.
Bie, debería haberte llamado antes de venir aquí.
See, that's the whole reason I called you.
Es es la razón por la que te llamé.
You know why RJ called you?
¿ Sabes por qué te llamó RJ?
Because you just called me "boy."
Porque acabas de llamarme "muchacho"
I should've called you right after RJ called me.
Debí llamarte en el momento que RJ me llamó.
You should've called for backup the second you knew Jackson was there.
Deberías haber llamado por refuerzos en el segundo que supiste que Jackson estaba allí.
There I was making up some story to the parents at the party about how you got called away to a big meeting.
Ahí estaba yo inventando alguna historia para los padres en la fiesta acerca de que te llamaron a una gran reunión.
I tore it up when I heard that you, the thief, had called the police and were working harder than anyone to recover the jewel!
¡ La rompí cuando escuché que tú, el ladrón, había llamado a la policía y estabas esforzándote más que nadie para recuperar la joya!
You know what's crazy about this is that... you know, we say these things like we'll go to the ends of the Earth for somebody, but then you're called on it and you realize you don't know how.
¿ Sabe? , lo demencial de esto... es que decimos cosas como si fuéramos a llegar a la otra punta del mundo por alguien pero cuando te piden que lo hagas... te das cuenta de que no sabes cómo.
I want to know why you just called her Bean.
Quiero saber por qué la acabas de llamar Frijolito.
I want whatever number they called you from last.
Quiero cualquier número te llamaron del pasado,
I don't remember what it's called. Do you want to take your coat off and stay a while,
- ¿ Quieres quitarte el abrigo y quedarte?
Listen, I'm sorry that I... I, you know, called you out back there in front of all the...
Escucha, lamento lo que yo..., tú sabes... te dije allí en frente de todos los...
Bishop called you? Nope.
- ¿ Te ha llamado Bishop?
I have to take a leave of absence from my job. I need you to provide a cover story that explains why I get called away on short notice at 3 : 00 a.m.
Tengo que pedir una excedencia en mi trabajo, y necesito que me proporcione una tapadera que explique por qué tengo que salir de urgencia a las tres de la mañana.
From what I can tell, you know him so well, and point is, why I called, Aram, uh, his perfect date- - what would that be?
Por lo que me han dicho, le conoces muy bien, y el asunto por el que te llamo, Aram, su cita perfecta...
You don't think... I called to warn you.
No creerás... yo llamé para avisarte a ti.
Do you know a place called public library?
¿ Conoce un lugar que se llama biblioteca pública?
And you hold it against her because she called you Roberta.
Y tú le tienes manía porque te ha dicho Roberta.
♪ So I called you in the morning ♪
# Así que te llamé por la mañana...
So, good news is, a dog-walker just called in a stolen sheriff's car, and it's a couple miles from you.
La buena noticia es que alguien que trabaja paseando perros ha encontrado el coche robado de los sheriffs y está a unos tres kilómetros de donde estáis vosotros.
He took one look, called headquarters, requesting they find you.
Dio un vistazo, llamó a la central, solicitando que te encuentren.
I called the office to find out what time you'd be home.
McGee. Llamé a la oficina para saber a qué hora volverías a casa.
Julia, your guy at the hospital called you back, sent you a copy of Trinity's tox screen.
Julia, tu chico del hospital te devolvió la llamada te envió una copia del análisis toxicológico de Trinity.
It's called relaxing, and that's all you need to know.
Se llama relajarse y eso es todo lo que necesitas saber.
We're the ones that called you.
Somos los que le han llamado.
You ever been called a "chatty Cathy"?
¿ Les dijeron "parlanchinas"?
I just called you wise.
Acabo de llamarte sabia.
I mean, do you think it's weird she hasn't called us to let us know she's coming back?
¿ Crees que es raro que no nos haya llamado para decirnos que ha vuelto?
I've called you, like, ten times.
Te he llamado como diez veces.
Wait a minute, I called at that very moment and you actually answered the phone?
Espera un minuto, ¿ llamé justo en ese momento y tú contestaste el teléfono?
She called you whore.
Tía, es que te ha dicho puta.
Why do you do that to me, mom? It was time. I called but you didn't pick up.
Te he llamado y no me has devuelto las llamadas. ¿ Qué pasa?
You would like to be called by your name. Right, Coralina?
A ti te gusta que te digan por el nombre, no, Coralina?
I know, Toni. I called but you didn't pick up.
Lo sé, Toni, te he llamado pero no la coges
Millan. You're a piece of the gear which is called public school.
Millán, eres una pieza de un engranaje que se llama instituto público
She called you without consulting me.
Avisando a ti sin consultarmelo
I'm fine. I don't know why I called you.
Bueno, es que no sé por qué te he llamado
Now I know why I called you.
Ya sé por qué te he llamado
I know what you have to tell me. Your mother called me.
Ya sé qué me has de decir Me ha llamado tu madre
you called me 227
you called it 55
you called her 29
you called us 21
you called the police 24
you called him 55
you called for me 29
you called the cops 29
you called them 20
called 487
you called it 55
you called her 29
you called us 21
you called the police 24
you called him 55
you called for me 29
you called the cops 29
you called them 20
called 487
called it 35
called friends 21
called me 28
called it in 23
you can do it 1412
you can 2818
you can't be serious 595
you can't miss it 64
you can't beat me 46
you can't 4106
called friends 21
called me 28
called it in 23
you can do it 1412
you can 2818
you can't be serious 595
you can't miss it 64
you can't beat me 46
you can't 4106
you can talk to me 162
you can't kill me 112
you can't beat that 16
you can't fool me 70
you can't understand 78
you can't go wrong 20
you can't help me 85
you can't make me 84
you can't have it 85
you can't stop me 130
you can't kill me 112
you can't beat that 16
you can't fool me 70
you can't understand 78
you can't go wrong 20
you can't help me 85
you can't make me 84
you can't have it 85
you can't stop me 130