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You drunk translate Spanish

10,681 parallel translation
- Mr. Bravers, are you drunk?
Sr. Bravers, ¿ está usted borracho?
Are you drunk?
¿ Estás borracha?
And she's like, "Well, you know, were you drunk?"
Me preguntó : " ¿ Estabas borracha?
The reason why they put it in there is because it would get you drunk quickly.
Lo ponen en las bebidas porque te emborracha rápidamente.
Are you drunk?
¿ Estáis borracho?
Are you drunk?
¿ Está borracho?
Are... are you drunk?
Son... ¿ estás borracho?
He thought you were too big for your britches, so they got you drunk and made you think you killed the girl.
Él creyó que eras demasiado engreído, así que ellos te emborracharon y te hicieron creer que la habías asesinado.
Wine doesn't get you drunk fast enough.
El vino no te emborracha lo suficientemente rápido.
Are you drunk?
¿ Estás ebrio?
Are you drunk?
¿ Estás borracho?
Ah, you're just drunk.
Toma, échale un vistazo a esto.
You're really drunk.
Mucho, mucho.
I think you must have been drunk when you worked on that thing.
Creo que tienes que haber estado ebrio cuando trabajaste en esa cosa.
You threw her off the team because she was drunk at my party, remember?
La echasteis del equipo porque estaba borracha en mi fiesta, ¿ os acordáis?
You are drunk. - You are sober.
Lo haces todo lo que la mente clara.
Yes, you are a super fun drunk. But when you get this drunk, you usually drunk dial your exes.
Si, una borracha super divertida pero cuando estás borracha, generalmente tú llamas a tus ex novios
The idea would be to get everyone so incredibly intoxicated, you know, blackout drunk, that would increase the chances that people would be getting laid.
La idea era que todas se emborracharan mucho, hasta desmayarse, para aumentar la probabilidad de tener relaciones.
And, look, yeah, I'm not crazy about you guys taking him out, getting him drunk all the time, but I support him because it makes him happy, because this isn't about us ;
Y mira, sí, No estoy loca por ustedes saliendo con él, emborrachándolo todo el tiempo, pero lo apoyo porque eso lo hace feliz. porque no es trata de nosotros.
You're drunk.
Estás borracho.
Perhaps you were drunk.
Tal vez estabas ebrio.
Have you ever known me to be drunk in the performance of my duties?
¿ Alguna vez me ha visto ebrio en el cumplimiento de mis deberes?
You also need a drunk corner and a desperation annex.
También necesitas una esquina para borrachos y un anexo de desesperación.
You are the drunk boy.
Eres el chico borracho.
Blow me, preacher man. Your daddy teach you to talk like that? My daddy was a degenerate drunk, and that's all you need to know.
Le dejaré presumir con sus colegas de biblia que ha sido usted el primero al que le he invitado a un refresco, pero solo si me promete que su sermón será corto y suave.
You probably don't want to get to "Level Two Jimmy drunk"
Usted probablemente no desea llegar a "Nivel Dos Jimmy borracho"
Hell, when I was 16, I was either drunk or high half the time. How about you?
Demonios, cuando tenía dieciséis, estaba borracho o drogado la mitad del tiempo. ¿ Y tú?
They can't prove you were drunk.
No pueden demostrar que estaba borracho.
I must have gotten really drunk with you.
Debí emborracharme mucho contigo.
Well, some people say that if you're too drunk to remember, then that's not... it's not... it's just not okay. Uh... Are you accusing me of...
Bueno, alguna gente dice que si estás demasiado borracho para recordarlo, entonces no está... no está... no está bien. ¿ Me estás acusando de...?
I'm just saying, if I was that drunk, maybe you shouldn't have...
Solo digo que si estaba tan borracha, quizás no deberías haber...
And you're sitting here drunk and eating pudding?
Y usted está sentado aquí borracho y come el pudín?
You show up here drunk, creeping around in the dark?
¿ Vienes borracho y te pones a andar en la oscuridad?
Says you were drunk, took a swing at him.
Dice que estaba borracho, que quiso pegar al policía.
- You're drunk.
- Estás borracha.
Does that mean you're drunk?
¿ Estás borracha?
I guess when you said I could have anything I wanted for my birthday, I got a little drunk with power.
Supongo que cuando dijiste... que podía hacer lo que yo quisiera en mi cumpleaños... me embriagué un poco con el poder.
And you're kind of a mean drunk.
Y tu eres un borracho malo.
Bridget called, said you drove home drunk last night, came in and passed out.
Bridget llamó diciendo que habías conducido borracha anoche, que llegaste y te desmayaste.
So you got my daughter drunk instead?
¿ Y en vez de eso emborrachas a mi hija?
You have been looking for this kind of attention your entire life, and now that you're finally getting it, I think that you are a little drunk on the power.
Has buscado este tipo de atención toda tu vida, y ahora lo has conseguido, pero creo que estás un poco mareado.
Mr. Solloway, A., you're drunk.
Sr. Solloway, A - Usted está borracho.
But we might have to get you a little drunk before you meet him.
Pero puede que tengamos que emborracharte un poco antes que le conozcas.
You covered for the brigadier general when you knew he was a drunk.
Cubriste al brigadier general cuando supiste que estaba borracho.
You're not gonna like that you said that to me tomorrow. You're drunk.
Estás borracho.
You see, we're either gonna get drunk and talk about it or stay here and have a good time, because I don't give a shit about Sarah Tran right now, and neither should you.
Usted ve, estamos bien va a emborracharse y hablar de ello o quedarse aquí y pasar un buen rato, porque no me importa una mierda Sarah Tran en este momento, y tú tampoco deberías.
I mean, you were clearly... drunk.
Quiero decir, estabas totalmente ebrio.
Just because you were married to a drunk doesn't give you the right to come over here and grill me on what I do and where I go.
Sólo porque estuviste casada con un borracho no te da derecho a venir aquí y cuestionarme en lo que hago y adonde voy.
So you've been drunk lately, and you've been belligerent.
Entonces has estado tomando ultimamente y has estado agresivo
You come to work drunk, your paperwork...
Vienes a trabajar borracho, tus informes son...
Because by the looks of this, you must've been drunk all semester.
Porque en vista de esto debes haberte pasado borracho todo el semestre.

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