You find it translate Spanish
19,789 parallel translation
- Can you find it and kill it?
- ¿ Puedes encontrarle y matarle?
Bring it back when you find it.
Tráigala de vuelta cuando la encuentre.
Did you find it?
¿ Lo encontraste?
And how do you find it?
¿ Y cómo lo encuentra?
I'll help you find it.
Te ayudaré a encontrarlo.
You were not supposed to find out It was supposed to be temporary
No se suponía que te enteraras se suponía que fuera temporal
I know where you're going, and it's only a matter of time until I find you.
! Yo sé a dónde va, y es sólo una cuestión de tiempo hasta que te encuentro
Darling, you'll find it.
Querido, lo encontrará
Look, if you want to find out who's behind it, you got to follow the money.
Mira, si quieres encontrar quién está detrás de ella, tienes que seguir el dinero.
So you'd better find it right the fuck now!
- Ricky... -  ¡ No me digas asà !
I don't care what you guys say... there's a bigger world out there and I intend to find it.
No me importa lo que digan... Hay un mundo más grande por ahí y pretendo encontrarlo.
Let Sinclair know that I said it was ok for you to go back to work, But you're benched again if I find anything abnormal in those tests.
Hazle saber a Sinclair que dije que estabas bien para regresar al trabajo, pero estarás en la banqueta de nuevo si encuentro algo anormal en esas pruebas.
I know how important it is to you to find that AI.
Sé cómo de importante para ti es encontrar esa AI.
For two years, I've done everything humanly possible to keep this boat alive, and now I find out that not only did an artificial intelligence that you designed end the world, but you're still working on it.
Durante dos años, he hecho todo lo humanamente posible para mantener esta nave a flote y ahora descubro que usted no solo creó una inteligencia artificial diseñada para terminar con el mundo sino que aún sigue trabajando en ella.
'Cause you make me realize that, um, people really are meant for each other, and it is possible to find true love.
Porque me di cuenta... ¡ EL GRAN DÍA DE DENNIS Y KRISTEN! ... de que algunos son tal para cual, y el verdadero amor es posible.
And you realize that, um, people really are meant for each other, and it is possible to find true love.
Porque te das cuenta de que algunos son tal para cual, y el verdadero amor es posible.
I've had a depressing day and I just wanted to get something that would remind me that happiness can find you when you least expect it.
He tenido un día deprimente y quería comprar algo que me recordara que la felicidad está donde uno menos espera.
Personally, I find it highly unlikely that you were able to accumulate enough fissionable material in this era to fashion a workable nuclear device.
Personalmente, encuentro altamente improbable que hayan sido capaces de acumular suficiente material fisionable en esta era para fabricar un dispositivo nuclear eficaz.
Get promised a nice, cushy job in America, but then you get here, and you find out it's not quite what you thought.
Les prometen un trabajo bueno y sencillo en América, pero entonces llegan aquí y descubren que no es lo que pensaban.
Find it, find him, and you did.
Encuéntralo y lo encontrarás a él, y tú lo hiciste.
[chuckles] Thought I was gonna die of old age Waiting for you guys to find it.
Creí que me iba a morir de viejo esperando a que nos encontrarais.
It's... it's not a place that any mother would put their child, and I just... he just needs help, and I just need to get him a good place, you know, find him a good place,
No es un lugar en el cual una madre pondría a su hijo... y yo... él necesita ayuda y necesito conseguirle un buen lugar... ya sabe, un buen lugar, y...
You might not find it hard calling people liars.
Es posible que no le resulte difícil llamar a la gente mentirosos.
You'll understand I find it difficult to accept I'm the object of an eternal satanic quest.
Entenderás que encuentro difícil de aceptar que yo sea el objetivo de una búsqueda satánica eterna.
I always find it. Lily, you must come home.
Lily, debes volver a casa.
Do you know how hard it is to find his size in Thailand?
¿ Sabes lo que cuesta encontrar su talle en Tailandia?
Find it and you find the treasure.
Encuéntralo y encontrarás el tesoro.
When you find Luna, you'll need it to perform the Ascension ritual.
Cuando encuentres a Luna, lo necesitarás para realizar el ritual de ascensión.
If I find out you had anything to do with it...
Si descubro que has tenido algo que ver...
You find out what it wants.
Averiguando lo que quiere.
If you can find it in your heart to forgive her show yourself... now.
Si puedes perdonarla... muéstrate... ahora.
But once I heard you were looking for it, I made sure to find it and put it somewhere safe.
Pero cuando oí que estabas buscándolo, me aseguré de encontrarlo y ponerlo en un lugar seguro.
Okay Sarita, find it as soon as you can.
Bien, Sarita. Encuéntralo lo antes que puedas.
Seems like a pretty sweet gig if it gets you a hook-up on an impossible-to-find intake valve.
Parece una buena pesca si te consigue pillar... una válvula de admisión imposible de encontrar.
I believe you'll find it most illuminating.
Creo que lo encontrarás de lo más iluminador.
How fortunate it was for all of us that I was able to find you and bring you home.
Qué afortunado ha sido para todos nosotros... que pudiera encontrarte y traerte a casa.
If there is something out there, you better find a way to prove it.
Bueno, si hay algo ahí fuera, mejor que encuentren un modo de probarlo.
From the moment Hive popped up on our radar, you suddenly knew where to find this and had your hands on it until our distress call diverted you to Malick's base.
Desde el momento en el que'Hive'apareció en nuestro radar... de pronto sabías dónde encontrarlo... y poner tus manos en él... hasta que nuestra llamada de socorro te llevó a la base de Malick.
It's no sweat if you can't find it.
No te agobies si no lo encuentras.
- Just find out what it is, will you?
- Tú averigua lo que es, ¿ quieres? - Muy bien.
So, this has been spewed out over the Korean peninsula, it's in parts of China, it's in parts of Russia, and there's even about three inches of ash that fell over parts of Japan that you can still find today.
Todo eso se esparció por la península coreana y llegó a China, a Rusia. Unos siete centímetros de cenizas cayeron sobre ciertas zonas de Japón y se los puede hallar incluso hoy.
When I couldn't find you, it kinda felt like you were running away from me.
Al no encontrarte, parecía que estabas huyendo de mí.
But if you can find it in your heart to forgive me, we could have an extra strong friendship because of what we went through.
Pero si pudieras encontrar en tu corazón el modo de perdonarme, podríamos tener una amistad extrafuerte por todo cuanto hemos pasado.
A scrofulous john fucking some girl just like you, and quick with the back of his hand while he's at it. Find him and bring me his right hand!
¡ Encuéntrenlo y tráiganme su mano derecha!
Hey, you know, you'll find it, or it'll find you.
Ya sabes, o lo encuentras o te encuentra.
If it's meant to find you, it finds you. I tried...
Si tiene que encontrarte, te encontrará.
Oh, it is a relief to find you hale and hearty, Lieutenant.
Es un alivio encontrarte sano y salvo, teniente.
She's going to find out, and it's not gonna hurt any less coming from you.
Va a descubrirlo, y no le va a doler menos si se lo dices tú.
It's going to help you find a werecoyote.
Va a ayudarte a encontrar a una mujer coyote.
Least you could do is help me find a vehicle for it, pitfight being your idea, after all.
Lo menos que podías hacer es ayudarme a encontrar un vehículo, la pelea fue idea tuya, después de todo.
You know, it took 3 heretics to successfully find Julian's spirit in that stone.
Ya sabes, hicieron falta tres herejes para hallar con éxito el alma de Julian dentro de esa piedra.
you find anything 120
you find something 47
you find her 31
you find that funny 16
you find him 57
find it 240
it's fine 7136
it is 11007
it's not fair 795
it's friday 105
you find something 47
you find her 31
you find that funny 16
you find him 57
find it 240
it's fine 7136
it is 11007
it's not fair 795
it's friday 105
it's done 1271
item 93
it's been so long 173
it's cold 680
it is good 116
it's warm 139
it's over 4654
it's okay 22028
it's ok 4874
itis 22
item 93
it's been so long 173
it's cold 680
it is good 116
it's warm 139
it's over 4654
it's okay 22028
it's ok 4874
itis 22
itchy 49
italy 247
italian 217
it's me 10254
it was 5878
itch 25
it's all right 8832
it's not 5855
itself 24
items 25
italy 247
italian 217
it's me 10254
it was 5878
itch 25
it's all right 8832
it's not 5855
itself 24
items 25
it's about damn time 34
it's a boy 347
it's cool 1584
it's me again 322
it's only fair 72
it's a girl 287
it's just 7387
it's a boy 347
it's cool 1584
it's me again 322
it's only fair 72
it's a girl 287
it's just 7387