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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ Y ] / You following me

You following me translate Spanish

2,327 parallel translation
Why are you following me?
¿ Por qué me estás siguiendo?
Where are you following me to?
¿ Adónde me sigues?
Then why are you following me around?
Entonces, ¿ por qué me estás siguiendo?
Why are you following me around and bothering me?
¿ Por qué me estás siguiendo por todos lados y me fastidias?
Why are you following me around?
¿ Por qué me sigues?
Hey, man. You following me?
Hola. ¿ Me estás siguiendo?
You following me now Michael?
¿ Me estás entendiendo ahora Michael?
Are you following me?
¿ Me estás siguiendo?
Why are you following me?
Por qué me estás siguiendo?
Why are you following me, englishwoman?
¿ Por qué me sigues, inglesa?
- Why are you following me?
¿ Por qué me sigues?
Why were you following me like that?
¿ por qué me estabas siguiendo?
Were you following me, or...
¿ Me estabas siguiendo o...?
Yeah. Why are you following me?
Sí. ¿ Por qué me sigues?
You following me?
¿ Me estás siguiendo?
Were you following me?
¿ Me estabas siguiendo?
Why do you keep following me and being rude? Oh, come on.
¿ Por qué me sigues y eres grosero?
Then I realize that you are the one following Baek Seung Jo.
Luego me di cuenta de que tú eras quien perseguía a Baek Seung Jo.
Seems like you're old enough to know better, why risk your neck following me just for a few pennies?
Parece que eres lo bastante viejo para conocerte mejor... ¿ por qué arriesgas tu cuello por mi causa, sólo por unos pocos centavos?
Well, I think you were about to tell me how you enjoy following me.
Creo que ibas a decirme cuánto disfrutas siguiéndome.
- Were you following me?
- Si.
- Not following me, are you?
¿ No estás siguiéndome, o sí?
You were following me?
¿ Me estaban siguiendo?
- I don't like the way you're following me.
- No me gusta cómo me persigues.
He's definitely following me, don't you think?
Definitivamente me sigue, ¿ no te parece?
How long have you been following me?
¿ Desde hace cuanto me has estado siguiendo?
You've been... You've been following me,
Me has, estado siguiendo.
Now if you please be following me to the ground floor -
Si me acompaña a la planta baja...
Gonna have to forgive me. I'm just not following you.
William, necesitas perdonarme, por no estarte acompañando.
You will kill me for following you?
¿ Me matarás por haberte seguido?
You're following me.
Me estás siguiendo.
How long have you been following me?
¿ Cuánto hace que me sigues?
Why are you following me?
¿ Por qué me has seguido? Yo...
You're not following me, are you?
- No está siguiéndome ¿ O sí?
Last night you gave me some excellent advice regarding my problem here at home, you kissed me and then vomited on and off for 40 minutes, following which you passed out on your bathroom floor.
Anoche me diste un excelente consejo acerca de mi problema aquí en casa, me besaste y luego vomitaste por 40 minutos, seguido de lo cual te desmayaste en el piso de tu baño.
You okay? Ashton Kutcher is no longer following me on Twitter.
Ashton Kutcher ya no me sigue en Twitter.
I'm sorry, Stef, but I can't have you following me.
Perdón, Stef, pero no puedo tenerte siguiéndome.
You've obviously been following me.
Tú has estado siguiéndome, obviamente.
How long you been following me?
¿ Desde hace cuánto me sigues?
I can't tell if you guys are following me or not, and I'm just a little out of sorts, to be honest with you.
No podría decir si me estáis siguiendo o no, y estoy un poco cruzado, para ser sincero con vosotros.
I know it's you Who's been following me home at night.
Sé que eres tú quién ha estado siguiéndome a casa por la noche.
¿ Me estás siguiendo?
me estás siguiendo
How are you not following me here?
¿ Cómo no puedes entenderme?
I appreciate that when you were going to kill me you were simply following orders.
Entiendo que cuando intentaste matarme sólo estabas siguiendo órdenes.
They told me you were worth following.
Me dijeron que valía la pena seguirte.
Don't you go thumbing your gears at me just because you have a bunch of dim-witted droids following you about!
No andes pavoneándote sólo porque un montón de droides débiles de carácter te siguen.
"yöu always keep following me."
Sigueme por siempre.
You've been following me, why?
Me has estado siguiendo, ¿ por qué?
- What are you, following me now?
- ¿ Qué, ahora me sigues?
While you're following the ambulance, call me every 5 mins.
Debo irme a casa.

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