You got to move translate Spanish
580 parallel translation
You got to move or you'll die.
¡ O te mueves o mueres!
Them 12 hours is all you got left to move in.
Por tener aún 12 horas para mudarse.
Move our things to the smallest room you've got.
Muden nuestras cosas al cuarto más pequeño que haya.
You have got to move from here or stop what you're doing.
Tiene que mudarse o dejar de hacer lo que hace.
No sooner have you got settled in a pleasant place, you're to move on.
En cuanto te has establecido en un agradable y relajado lugar, te ves obligado a dejarlo.
Could we at least rest here until tomorrow? No, you've got to move on.
¿ Podemos descansar aquí hasta mañana?
Results depend on surprise. You've got to move quick to find anything.
El resultado depende de la sorpresa.
I guess you'd like me to pay up and move along... only Pop's got the bankroll and he's - -
Supongo que quiere que pague y que me vaya... pero papá tiene los fondos y no- -
"You've got to feel how the boy's going to move with your body."
"Tienes que sentirlo con tu cuerpo".
You've got about five minutes to hitch up and move off here, and keep moving.
Tenéis cinco minutos para recoger, y largaros con paso vivo.
You've got to move out of here!
- ¡ Tienen que irse de aquí!
I said don't move. We've got to find out if you're all right first.
Dénos... tiempo de ver si todo va bien.
- Oh, you got to - I'm gonna move that toe, boy
- Voy a mover ese dedo, muchacho
Say, why don't you pack up and move out to the house, huh? We got plenty of room.
Oye, ¿ y si recoges todas tus cosas y te vienes a casa?
- You got 1200 head of sheep to move.
- Debe trasladar 1200 cabezas.
Got an order to move four rooms, family of five. ls that you?
Tengo una órden para una mudanza, 4 habitaciones, 5 personas. ¿ Es aquí?
When you're looking for a murderer, you've got to move fast, especially with children around, you've got to close in quickly.
Cuando buscas a un asesino, tienes que moverte rápido. Especialmente cuando hay niños cerca. Hay que cercarlo rápido.
Renzo, tomorrow you've got to move the plug to the other room.
¡ Renzo! Mañana habrá que cambiar el enchufe.
Now, look, if you've got anything to say, please say it, otherwise move along.
Ahora mira, si tienes algo para decir, por favor dilo... de lo contrario, vete.
If you've got any possessions you'd want to keep, i'd move them out.
Si tiene cosas que quiera conservar, yo las sacaré.
You've got to move with the times.
Tienes que moverte al ritmo de lo actual.
Listen, I've got two whole free periods to help you move, Irene.
Tengo dos descansos libres para ayudarte en la mudanza.
Now, you've got a job to do, mister, so move it.
Bueno, señor, tiene usted trabajo, así que andando.
You've got enough to move us.
Tiene bastante para movernos.
( gunshots ) I'm telling you, Mae, we've got to move out of this neighborhood.
Te digo, Mae tenemos que irnos de este vecindario.
Right! Get a move on. You've got 30 minutes to get out and get your trunks up into the loft.
Tienen 30 minutos para salir y sacar sus baúles.
If we don't get a move on the others will be too tired to even attempt an escape. Have you got any ideas?
Si no conseguimos un cambio en los demás, estarán demasiado cansados como para ni siquiera intentar una huida. ¿ Tienes alguna idea?
You've got to move fast and hit them hard.
Hay que moverse rápido y golpearles duro.
If there's anything I do know about prospecting, it's you've got to keep on the move.
De lo poco que sé sobre buscar oro es que no debemos parar.
I'd like to be able to move on if I got bored or something, you know?
Me gusta poder moverme antes de aburrirme.
We've got to move out of here you know.
Tenemos que salir de aquí, ya sabes.
Move, you've got to go to Trapani...
¡ Muévete, tienes que ir a Trapani!
You've got to move against that factory now.
Tienes que actuar contra esa fábrica ya!
You got two ways to move, lawman.
Tiene dos opciones, Alguacil.
Aw, he's got you so you're scared to move, Captain.
Te tiene de tal modo que te asusta moverte.
We had to move you out of there fast... before the police got there.
Teníamos que sacar sus cosas rápido... antes de que llegara la policía.
You've got to move out tonight.
Debéis partir esta noche.
All you got to do is make your move.
Todo lo que debes hacer es hacer tu movida.
Then you'd have to move out of this nice office you've got here.
Tendrían que dejar esta linda oficina que tienen.
You've got to move your King.
Debes mover el rey.
We've got a lot of injured to move and you're gonna move them in this. And I'm gonna stay here.
Tenemos que desplazar a muchos heridos, y lo vas a hacer tú.
Yeah, well, you say you're fine, but me, I'd like another opinion because I'm not too anxious to move to Eastbridge and after four months there, be told by my sweet wife we got to move again
Sí, bueno, tú dices que estás bien pero a mí me gustaría tener otra opinión porque no estoy ansioso por mudarme a Eastbridge y después de dos meses aquí, mi dulce mujer me dice que debemos mudarnos de nuevo
Hey, chico. Muévete antes que te golpee.
If Kenny's moving, you've got to move.
Si Kenny se mueve, tienes que moverte.
But finally you've got to make a move or turn out like the rest of us.
Pero tendrás que tomar una decisión o terminarás como el resto.
No. I wanted to move to Washington when you first got elected Senator.
No. Quise mudarme a Washington cuando te eligieron senador.
Uh, Face? If you feel well enough, I've got a hot-water heater I need to move out of the basement.
Si te sientes suficientemente bien... hay un calentador de agua en el sótano que debemos sacar.
[Sighs] Look. The only reason we got involved with these clowns in the first place... was because you want to move to Atlanta.
Mira... la única razón de los términos relacionados con estos payasos... fue porque quería ir a Atlanta.
- You've got to move now, they're starting.
- Pues ahora tienes que moverte.
# We got a rockin'rhythm and a hi-tech sound # That'll make you move your body down to the ground
Traemos ritmo y lo último en sonido Para que bailes hasta quedar rendido
- You ain't got to move!
No tienes que hacer nada.
you got this 563
you got it 4932
you got a pen 63
you got me 900
you got that right 241
you gotta be fucking kidding me 42
you got the wrong guy 127
you got anything 117
you got a problem 205
you gotta be kidding me 471
you got it 4932
you got a pen 63
you got me 900
you got that right 241
you gotta be fucking kidding me 42
you got the wrong guy 127
you got anything 117
you got a problem 205
you gotta be kidding me 471
you got something for me 35
you got to be kidding me 439
you got a minute 371
you got 695
you got me all wrong 20
you got something 185
you gotta 165
you gotta be kidding 116
you gotta do something 53
you gotta help me 173
you got to be kidding me 439
you got a minute 371
you got 695
you got me all wrong 20
you got something 185
you gotta 165
you gotta be kidding 116
you gotta do something 53
you gotta help me 173