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By solving this one giant problem, the fact that you had to build a new rocket for every launch in the past. By doing that, he thinks he can ignite an entire new era of space travel where we become a genuinely space-faring civilization.
Al resolver este problema gigantesco, el hecho de tener que construir un nuevo cohete para cada lanzamiento, cree que puede iniciar una nueva era de viajes espaciales en la que nos convertimos en una civilización espacial.
Yes, well, I mean, you had free will, and look at what you did with it!
Sí, bueno, es decir, tenías libre albedrío, ¡ y mira lo que hiciste con él!
Worse than that, you had history.
Peor que eso, tenías historia.
I thought you had a monster in here, or something!
¡ Creía que aquí dentro teníais un monstruo o algo así!
I didn't know that you had feelings like that for Severide when you guys dated.
No sabía que tenías sentimientos como esos por Severide cuando ustedes salían.
I mean, you had a whole day planned.
Es decir, tienes tu día planeado.
You had those girls, and you lost them.
Tenías a esas chicas y las perdiste.
You had me scared, disappearing like this.
Me tenías asustada, desapareciendo así.
And you said exactly what you had to say.
Y dijiste exactamente lo que tenías que decir.
You had to make yours up.
Tienes que solucionar los tuyos.
Just checking in to see if you had a minute to check out that demo.
Oye, hombre, soy yo.
I didn't know you had such a lovely daughter, Carlotta.
Ni siquiera sabía que tenías una hija adorable, Carlotta.
You had nothing better else to do this morning than to come here and mess with my peace?
No tenías nada mejor que hacer esta mañana que venir aquí y joderme mi paz?
I didn't know you had such a lovely daughter, Carlotta.
No sabía que tenías una hija tan adorable, Carlotta.
Yeah, but you had everybody going, "Eh!"
Sí, pero pusiste a todo el mundo a decir, "Eh!"
You know how nasty your room would've looked if you had pulled that stunt?
Sabes lo desagradable que hubiera lucido tu habitación si hubieras tirado de ese gatillo?
I didn't think you had it in you.
No creí que tuvieras eso en ti.
Neither one of you had a damn thing to say when Jahil decided to put Eva in the group.
Ninguna de ustedes tuvo una maldita cosa que decir cuando Jahil decidió poner a Eva en el grupo.
If you hadn't had done that, she wouldn't be here.
Si no hubieras hecho eso, ella no estaría aquí.
You had us at "tour date."
Nos tenías con lo de "fecha de giras".
You did what you had to do.
Hiciste lo que tenías que hacer.
I've already absorbed what little you had, and every single crime family in town has asked that I not let you leave here alive tonight.
Ya he absorbido lo poquito que era, y todas las familias criminales de esta ciudad han pedido que no la deje salir con vida de aquí esta noche.
You had $ 3 million.
Tenías tres millones.
- You had a vision of them together?
- ¿ Has tenido una visión de los dos? - No.
The Soviets had Sputnik up in the sky and you could hear the beeping going by.
Los soviéticos tenían el Sputnik y se podía escuchar el pitido pasar.
I had to stop you, or at least not stand in the way of someone else who wanted to, because the guns were getting bigger, the stakes were getting higher, and any minute now it was going to be goodnight, Vienna.
Tengo que detenerte, o al menos no interponerme entre alguien que quiera hacerlo, porque las armas estaban mejorando, había más cosas en juego, y en cualquier minuto iba a ser una buena noche, Vienna.
Now, they don't trust me yet, not completely, and I had to just check that you weren't under the influence
Aún no confían en mí, no del todo, tenía que asegurarme de que no estuvieras bajo su control
I want to ask if you've had any dealings with the Monks before.
Quería saber si alguna vez has tratado con los monjes.
You know, this is the first conversation we've ever had where you weren't lying to me.
Esta es la primera conversación que hemos tenido en la que no me has metido.
I mean, you and I weren't much older when we met, and that was fun, right? We had a good time.
Tú y yo nos conocimos a esa edad y nos divertíamos.
You never had sex?
¿ Jamás has tenido sexo?
Hey, do you remember when we went wine tasting in Santa Barbara and you said that was the best rosé you'd ever had?
¿ Te recuerdas cuando fuimos a catar vinos en Santa Bárbara y tú dijiste que fue el mejor vino rosado que tomaste?
I had my doubts about that girl, but after you two? She's better off with us.
Tenía mis dudas sobre esa chica, pero después de veros, ella está mejor con nosotros.
She told me I had to take care of you.
Me dijo que tenía que cuidar de ti.
You saw her, she had Carlotta's gun.
La viste, tenía el arma de Carlotta.
I bet everything I had on you dumb bitches, and you blew it.
Apuesto todo lo que tenía en las perras tontas y lo echan a perder.
Well, you know, sister Jenkins just had a stroke. Mm.
La hermana Jenkins acaba de tener un derrame cerebral.
At least you had a house.
Sabes, me encanta porque me sacó de la casa.
You wouldn't think she had a daughter at all.
No creía que tuviera una hija.
That's why I ain't never had you over.
Por eso nunca tuve más.
You know, the choir director that had the stroke?
Ya sabes, la Directora del coro que sufrió el accidente cerebrovascular?
You wouldn't think she had a daughter at all.
No pensaba que tuviera hijos.
You know, you're just like all the other gold-digging sluts I've ever had.
Sabes, eres como todas los otras cazafortunas que he tenido.
I could've helped you. Had you put in another home.
Podría haberte ayudado... te habría puesto en otra casa.
I had you wrong.
Creo que estás equivocada.
That cop ain't had no business putting his hands on you.
Ese policía no tenía que poner sus manos sobre ti!
Had I known who you were, uh, before, I would've made an effort to spend more time with you.
Si hubiera sabido quién eras, ah... antes, habría hecho un esfuerzo por pasar más tiempo contigo.
Uh-huh. And thank you for telling Jahil I had syphilis.
Ajá y te agradezco por decirle a Jahil que tengo sífilis.
I had to come and get you.
Tenía que venir a buscarte ;
You two had your chance.
Tuvisteis vuestra oportunidad.
For what it's worth, we had this plan laid out before I ever met you.
Por si sirve, teníamos trazado este plan desde antes de conocerte.
you had me at 66
you had me 26
you had a bad day 18
you had sex 37
you had it coming 17
you had enough 29
you had me worried 35
you had to be there 28
you had your chance 121
you had fun 22
you had me 26
you had a bad day 18
you had sex 37
you had it coming 17
you had enough 29
you had me worried 35
you had to be there 28
you had your chance 121
you had fun 22