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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ Y ] / You mustn't blame yourself

You mustn't blame yourself translate Spanish

54 parallel translation
Really, you mustn't blame yourself.
De veras, no debes culparte.
You mustn't blame yourself, Oliver.
No debes culparte, Oliver.
But you mustn't blame yourself too much.
Pero no debes culparte a ti mismo.
You mustn't blame yourself, Father.
No es tu culpa, papá.
No, you mustn't blame yourself.
No, no debería culparse.
Oshizu, you really mustn't blame yourself.
Shizu, no debes culparte.
No, you mustn't blame yourself, Mom.
No, no se eche la culpa.
You mustn't blame yourself, you know.
No debes hacerte demasiados reproches.
You mustn't blame yourself because Marvick loved you.
No debe culparse porque Marvick la amaba.
You mustn't blame yourself, Jamie.
No debes culparte, Jamie.
You mustn't take the blame yourself.
No debes echarte la culpa.
You mustn't blame yourself, sir.
No puede echarse la culpa, señor.
You mustn't blame yourself.
No se haga reproches. Prométamelo.
You mustn't blame yourself, Elizabeth. You always gave him love.
Tú no debe sentirse culpable, Elizabeth, tu siempre le has dado mucho amor.
- You mustn't blame yourself.
- No debes culparte.
You mustn't blame yourself.
No debe culparse.
You mustn't blame yourself.
No debes culparte.
You mustn't blame yourself. You can still avenge the doctor's death by capturing this Moriarty and rescuing my father.
Sr. Holmes no debe culparse todavía puede vengar la muerte del doctor capturando a este Moriarty y rescatando a mi padre.
You mustn't blame yourself.
No se culpe.
Joyce, you mustn't blame yourself for her leaving.
Joyce, no debe culparse porque se marchó.
You mustn't blame yourself for Ilario's death.
No debes culparte de su muerte.
You mustn't blame yourself.
No debes sentirte culpable.
You mustn't blame yourself about how this one turned out.
Pero no te sientas mal por cómo salió éste, Vernon.
Whatever happens, you mustn't blame yourself.
Pase lo que pase, no te culpes.
That's something. You mustn't blame yourself for things that are beyond your control.
No debes culparte por cosas que están más allá de tu control.
- You mustn't blame yourself.
- No debe autoinculparse.
Look, you mustn't blame yourself.
Mira, no te tienes que culpar a ti misma.
You mustn't blame yourself!
¡ No debes culparte!
Whatever this throws up, you mustn't blame yourself.
Lo que plantean, es que no debes culparte a tu mismo.
You mustn't blame yourself.
No deberías insultarte.
You mustn't blame yourself.
No te culpes.
Ruth, you mustn't blame yourself.
- Ruth, no debes culparte a tí misma.
You mustn't blame yourself.
No debes echarte la culpa.
Don't... you mustn't blame yourself... come on... let's go in and talk.
No pienses así. No debes culparte. - Vamos, entremos y hablemos.
You mustn't blame yourself.
No deberías culparte.
Oh, you mustn't blame yourself!
¡ Oh, no debe culparse!
You mustn't blame yourself.
No debes culparte a ti misma.
But you mustn't blame yourself.
Pero no debe culparse.
Well, you mustn't blame yourself for being an imperfect spy.
Bueno, no debería culparse por ser un espía imperfecto.
The important thing is, you mustn't blame yourself for his death.
Lo importante es que no debes culparte por su muerte.
You really mustn't blame yourself, you know.
No debería culparse a sí mismo.
You mustn't blame yourself, darling.
No deberías culparte, cariño.
And you mustn't blame yourself for crashing me on that primitive planet, either.
Y tampoco deberías culparte de haberme estrellado contra aquel planeta primitivo.
Michael, you mustn't blame yourself.
Michael, no deberías culparte.

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