You noticed translate Spanish
8,447 parallel translation
Well, you're the same as all of them - the boss, the trade union, the MP, the new supervisor - and, have you noticed, you're all men?
Bueno, es lo mismo que todos ellos, el jefe, el sindicato, el parlamentario, el nuevo supervisor. Y, ¿ lo notó? , son todos hombres.
Have you noticed anything else go unexplained?
¿ Se ha percatado de algo más que sea inexplicable?
- You noticed.
- lo notaste.
I imagine you noticed.
Imagino que se dieron cuenta.
You noticed, right?
Te has fijado, ¿ no?
Have you noticed that?
¿ Ha notado eso?
Guys, have you noticed how romantic we are?
Chicos, ¿ han visto qué románticos somos?
Have you noticed Will hasn't had to use his inhaler?
¿ Has notado que Will no ha tenido...? ¿ que usar su inhalador?
Have you noticed that your father's been having mood swings?
¿ Ha notado que su padre ha estado teniendo cambios de humor?
Oh, you noticed.
Te diste cuenta.
She's got a weird smell. Have you noticed that?
Tiene un olor raro. ¿ No lo notaste?
You noticed me?
¿ Te has fijado en mí?
Hey, Paul, I noticed that you put up all these lights.
Hey, Paul, me di cuenta que tú pusiste todas estas luces.
Me acabo de dar cuenta de cuán adorable estás con mi camisa.
I noticed you almost finished yours, so... You didn't need to do that.
Yo, me di cuenta de que casi terminaste el tuyo, así que... no tenías que hacer eso.
I've always noticed you in my restaurant.
Siempre te veo en mi restaurante.
You may have noticed I don't have the best brain in the world.
Puede haber notado que no tengo el mejor cerebro en el mundo.
You, obviously, haven't noticed me.
Tú, obviamente, no me has visto.
I got a lot of bills to pay and I noticed that, um, you haven't transferred the money for this month - into my account yet. - Hmm.
Tengo muchas facturas que pagar y me he dado cuenta de que, no me has transferido el dinero de este mes todavía a mi cuenta.
And I noticed that, you know, he was sort of white-knuckling.
Noté que tenía los nudillos blancos.
In restaurants in've noticed that you are interested in cars.
En el restaurant me he dado cuenta de que estás interesada en los coches.
You may have noticed that the weather has been a little erratic lately.
Habrán notado que el clima ha sido un poco irregular últimamente.
How have you guys not noticed?
¿ Cómo has chicos no se nota?
I noticed you were, uh, rummaging around in the, uh, garbage, there.
Noté que estabas hurgando en la basura...
Hey, listen. We are dwindling numbers, in case you haven't noticed.
Cada vez somos menos, por si no lo notaste.
- Mr. fox, I've noticed that you're now earning less than your monthly mortgage repayments.
- Sr. Fox, me he dado cuenta de que ahora está ganando menos que sus pagos mensuales de la hipoteca.
Um, I noticed that you haven't been drinking.
Noté que no has bebido.
You know, and that your weight's been yo-yoing a little bit and, uh... Frankly, we've noticed, too.
Sabes, y que tu peso ha estado brincando un poco y, francamente, también nos hemos dado cuenta.
You noticed me?
¿ Me ha notado?
Don't think I haven't noticed how hard you've been working.
No creas que no he notado qué tan duro has estado trabajando.
" But you never noticed them.
Crees que esto es todo muy bonito.
No-one on this hill knows what they're doing, Bev, if you haven't noticed.
Nadie en esta colina sabe lo que están haciendo Bev... por si no lo has notado.
You had already noticed that she was frightened.
Ya habías notado que estaba asustada.
I don't think you've noticed, but the internet's shut down and cellphones.
Quizá no te diste cuenta, pero no hay Internet ni móviles.
I noticed in your room there are a lot of photos of you playing the piano.
Me di cuenta que en su habitación habían muchas fotos suyas tocando piano.
- Believe me, I noticed you.
- Créeme, te noté.
- Well, my dad is very good at playing the dotting father and in case you haven't noticed he's a little bit of a.
Bueno, mi papá es muy bueno siendo sobreprotector y por si no lo has notado es un poco..., ya sabes.
You know, I noticed that your contempt for our music didn't stop you from banging our drummer.
Ya sabes, me di cuenta de que tu desprecio por nuestra música... no te impidió joder con nuestra baterista.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but in case you haven't noticed, your guts are literally attached to the wheels of this bicycle.
No me gusta ser el portador de malas noticias, pero en caso de que no lo hayas notado, tus tripas están literalmente unidos a las ruedas de esta bicicleta.
In case you haven't noticed, we are a bit busy, Vincent.
Si no te diste cuenta, estamos un poquito ocupados, Vincent.
Do you think she noticed?
¿ Crees que se ha dado cuenta?
I know you never noticed, that's how good I was!
¡ Nunca lo has notado porque soy así de bueno!
Only, when I asked about the ghost earlier, I noticed both Andre and your sister look at you, but you didn't say anything.
Es que, cuando antes he preguntado por el fantasma, he observado que su hermana y Andre le han mirado, pero usted no ha dicho nada.
I ask because I was here the other day while you were on a walk, and I noticed the hole,
Lo pregunto porque yo estaba aquí el otro día... mientras estaba en un paseo y... me di cuenta del agujero,
That if you are rocking the boat you might get noticed and she rocked the boat as often as she could. She liked rocking the boat.
Si causabas problemas te harías notar y ella causo muchos problemas le gustaba hacerlo.
I'm sure a month ago you would have certainly noticed a new maid.
Estoy segura de que hace un mes habrías notado a una doncella nueva.
What do you mean I would certainly have noticed a new maid?
¿ A qué te refieres con que hubiese notado a una nueva doncella?
You haven't noticed that?
¿ No te has dado cuenta?
You can't tel me you haven't noticed.
No puedes negarme que no te has dado cuenta.
So, you're telling me you've never noticed her hands.
Me estás diciendo que nunca te has fijado en sus manos.
I noticed your contacts the moment you arrived.
Noté tus lentes de contacto apenas llegaste.
you noticed that 32
noticed 24
you nailed it 83
you need something 126
you need to rest 177
you need some help 125
you need anything else 61
you need to know 57
you need anything 203
you need my help 75
noticed 24
you nailed it 83
you need something 126
you need to rest 177
you need some help 125
you need anything else 61
you need to know 57
you need anything 203
you need my help 75
you need to calm down 202
you need a ride 61
you need to sleep 33
you need me 391
you need to relax 122
you need a hand 67
you needn't worry 60
you need to go home 72
you need to see this 158
you need help 387
you need a ride 61
you need to sleep 33
you need me 391
you need to relax 122
you need a hand 67
you needn't worry 60
you need to go home 72
you need to see this 158
you need help 387