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You remember it translate Spanish

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You want to write that down, or can you remember it?
¿ Quieres escribirlo o te acordarás?
Did you remember it's your aunt's birthday on Sunday?
¿ Te acordaste que el domingo es el cumpleaños de tu tía?
Do you remember it?
¿ Lo recuerdas?
- Do you remember it?
- ¿ Te acuerdas de ella?
Do you remember when you told me that I might... I might have such strong feelings about a boy that it might be hard for me to decide what's right to do?
¿ Recuerdas cuando me dijiste que yo podría... que podría tener fuertes sentimientos por un chico que podría ser difícil para mí decidir qué es lo que hay que hacer?
You know, no one likes having bad memories, but maybe it's better to remember the bad things and learn from them than to go all denial crazy trying to forget.
Sabes, a nadie le gusta tener malos recuerdos, pero tal vez es mejor recordar las cosas malas y aprender de ellas que entrar en negación e intertar olvidar.
You'd do best to remember it.
Haría bien en recordarlo.
You really don't remember it?
¿ De verdad no lo recuerdas?
I mean, I've been trying to explain to him that it's really not that big a deal and, you know, probably in like 10 or 20 years, no one will remember, but he just keeps telling me to leave him alone.
O sea, he intentado explicarle que en realidad no es para tanto, ya sabes, probablemente en 10 o 20 años nadie lo recordará, pero él sigue diciéndome que lo deje en paz.
We'd ask if you'd want in, but you probably remember how you got it.
Te íbamos a preguntar si querías participar, pero seguramente te acuerdas de cómo te lo pusieron.
Just try to remember how bad it made you feel.
Trata de intentar lo mal que te hace sentir.
It was the day that we were supposed to leave with Amanda and Daniel and start our new life. Do you remember?
Fue el día que se suponía que debíamos irnos con Amanda y Daniel a empezar nuestra nueva vida. ¿ La recuerdas?
I don't remember who the girl was and if it was you, I am sorry,
No recuerdo quién era la chica y si eras tú, lo siento,
Remember I told you it looked like he was shot by two different caliber bullets?
Recuerdas que te dije... parece que le dispararon con dos calibres diferentes.
You know, I just have a vague memory of being a kid and seeing Stevie Ray Vaughan on Austin City Limits. I just remember it, like... Like a dream almost, I remember seeing it.
Yo sólo recuerdo, como... como un sueño casi, Recuerdo verla
Like, I remember, you know, watching MTV and, like, watching some fucking hair metal band just, like, ripping it up, and I'm looking at this guitar magazine with, like, the tablature
Recuerdo, sabés, mirar MTV y, tipo, ver algunas putas bandas de glam sólo, como, destrozándola, y estoy mirando esta revista de guitarra con, tipo, la tablatura de cómo tocar, sabés?
Remember, when you face your fear, It ceases to have power over you.
Recuerden, cuando enfrentan su miedo, deja de tener poder sobre ustedes.
♪ Remember when I broke you down to tears ♪ Dash : "To whom it may concern"...
"A quien corresponda..."
Sometimes, he will recognize a voice, but it's likely he won't remember yours, or know who you are.
A veces, reconoce la voz, pero lo mas seguro es que no recuerde la tuya, o sepa quien eres.
I was supernaturally programmed to take out my sister, remember, but this whole us versus them thing is gonna drive you crazy, and it's gonna get you killed.
Fui programado sobrenaturalmente para eliminar a mi hermana, recuerdas, pero todo esto de nosotros contra ellos va a volverte loco, y te va a matar.
Bueno, recuerdas cuantas puertas tenà ­ a?
I said that very same thing, and you said, "don't worry. Oh, remember? It will all be over soon."
Dije exactamente lo mismo, y dijiste : "no te preocupes, todo acabará pronto".
I also remember buying you that... that fuzzy pink comforter that went with it.
También recuerdo haberte comprado esa rara manta rosa que hacía juego.
Put it in the bottom of your locker, and then a year from now when you find it, you can remember this day.
Ponlo en el fondo de tu armario, y luego y dentro de un año cuando la encuentres, podrás recordar este día.
It's Hannah, do you remember me?
Soy Hannah, ¿ me recuerdas?
Nancy, do you remember when we were here before, on that day when it all went wrong, when Tom came?
Nancy, ¿ recuerdas cuando estábamos aquí antes, o el día cuando todo salió mal, cuando vino Tom?
But you have to remember it's Superman, which is, you know, is a hot character.
Pero tienes que pensar que es Superman, que es, un personaje
You remember her? Oh. - It's me, isn't it?
¿ Te acuerdas de ella?
You remember who sent it?
¿ Recuerda quién lo envió?
You can remember it because it's also Bastille Day.
Puedes recordarlo porque además es el Día de la Bastilla.
I knew you had a strong opinion on it, but I couldn't remember what it was.
Sabia que dijiste algo fuerte, pero no recordaba que era.
- You really don't remember any of it?
¿ De verdad no lo recuerdas? ¿ Ni siquiera una cosa?
It's a relief that you don't remember any of it.
Es mejor que no lo recuerdes.
During the three months that you don't remember, truly many things happened. I can't tell you now, but that's how it was.
En los tres meses... que no puede recordar... muchas cosas pasaron entre nosotros... aunque no le puedo decir sobre ello ahora.
Remember how, five years ago, I told you it wouId be your turn to cry?
Te acuerdas hace cinco años, te dije que te tocaría a ti llorar.
You know, someone told me a joke about Vaseline once. But I can't entirely remember it.
Una vez, alguien me contó un chiste sobre vaselina pero no me lo acuerdo bien.
Whenever it rains, you'll remember me.
Cuando llueva, te acordarás de mí.
Even though Yar's Revenge might look primitive, you know, it looks like the super-connecting, supercollider compared to a lot of the games that were out there at the time. I remember the first time I put the cartridge in.
Aunque Yar's Revenge parezca primitivo, era como el Supercolisionador... comparado con la mayoría de juegos de entonces.
I remember playing Yar's Revenge one day, and we happened on this trick that lets you--if you were on this right spot at the right time in the game, you know, it was between levels, these initials came up. These initials were HSW.
Recuerdo estar jugando a Yar's Revenge, y descubrimos que si estabas en cierto lugar en cierto momento, en la pantalla entre niveles, aparecían las iniciales HSW.
Whatever it is you've been sent here to do... remember, you are not in Moscow anymore.
Como sea, tu fuiste enviado para... recuerda, ya no estamos en Moscú.
- It's like a solidarity thing. - You remember Reverend Norm?
- Es como una cosa solidaridad. - ¿ Te acuerdas reverendo Norma?
You remember how loose it was?
¿ Recuerdas eso?
Remember, you can have anything you want,'cause it's Christmas!
Recuerde, usted puede tener cualquier cosa desea, porque es Navidad!
What is it you just must remember?
¿ Qué es lo que debe recordar?
So the house, well, I'd just really like to hold on to it, you know, to remember... to remember how much we love each other.
Entonces, pues, me gustaría poder conservar la casa para recordar para recordar cuánto nos amamos.
Got it. I'll remember that if you remember no more duck face.
Lo tengo Lo recordaré si te acuerdas de ninguna cara más pato
So remember, if you persecute Jews when you're alive, boy, are you going to get it when you're dead.
Así que recuerden, si persigues judíos cuando estás vivo... los vas a alcanzar cuando estés muerto.
You know, and I was kind of very disappointed, because I remember when I went to Berlin and I was watching it in Berlin after it opened and did okay in the United States,
Estaba en Berlin, donde la vi luego de que se estrenara y funcionara bien en Estados Unidos.
You said all my friends are using it all the time, remember?
Me dijiste que mis amigos la repiten mucho, ¿ no te acuerdas?
I put this on so I'd remember to give it to you.
Me puse esto... para recordar dártelo.
Remember you said it would protect me?
¿ Recuerdas, dijiste que me protegería?

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