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Across the river translate French

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He's right across the river.
Il est de l'autre côté de la rivière.
One more occurence like this and you'll live in that shack across the river.
Encore un coup comme ça et tu dors dans la cabane près de la rivière.
And he takes them across the river to the underworld. ... where all spirits are.
Le mort traverse le fleuve pour atteindre le monde des esprits.
Across the river?
De l'autre côté du fleuve?
You're gonna lead them out of Egypt and across the river of Jordan.
Tu les feras sortir d'Égypte en traversant le Jourdain.
I gotta get'em across the river.
D'ailleurs, il faut que je les fasse traverser.
Montez dans ce chariot.
We'll be across the river before morning.
On sera de l'autre côté avant l'aube.
That's it! If we could just get our cattle across the river...
Si le bétail traversait la rivière...
Across the river, across the river, in a green valley,
Au bord de la rivière, Dans le pré verdoyant
Lieutenant Dunbar, get them started across the river.
Traversez le fleuve! Vous ne m'emmenez pas!
He says you remember him from across the river in Beecham.
Une vieille connaissance de Beecham.
There's a whole valley of orchids just across the river.
Il y a toute une vallée d'orchidées, là-bas.
It's only across the river! I could swim it faster!
J'irais plus vite à la nage!
Job, I was born right across the river there, near Grant's Tomb.
Job, je suis née de l'autre côté de la rivière, près du tombeau de Grant.
" From the German fortification across the river,
" Du côté ennemi, de l'autre côté du fleuve,
Your train will proceed to the Gartempe bridge where the boats will take you across the river.
Votre train va continuer jusqu'au pont de la Gartempe où les bateaux vous feront traverser.
He refused my command to halt and attempted to swim across the River Vienne.
Il a ignoré mon ordre de s'arrêter et a voulu s'échapper en traversant la Vienne à la nage.
- My sister means that it's across the river.
De l'autre côté du fleuve? Lequel?
Is Brooklyn across the river here too?
Brooklyn est de l'autre côté de la rivière, ici aussi?
You must have word from across the river. How could we?
Vous devez savoir quelque chose.
He's fighting across the river. - I have to see him.
- ll est de l'autre côté.
The National Liberation Committee might have news of him, but they're across the river.
Le comité de libération sait peut-être. Mais il est là - bas.
And you boys, go across the river. Who knows if you'll find him there.
- Voyez de l'autre côté du fleuve.
Well, I took the two lion cubs across the river and traded them for the flashlight.
J'ai échangé les deux lionceaux contre la lampe de poche.
No, but I haven't got any graze to move to except what I used to claim in the Basin across the river.
Je dois me rabattre sur les pâtures de l'autre côté de la rivière.
I've organized these two bit ranchers to fight any move Lufton makes to push his herd across the river and into the Basin here.
J'ai monté les colons contre Lufton pour qu'ils empêchent son bétail de passer.
By now Dad's probably got his herd across the river some place else while you wait here at Rocky Ford to throw him back.
Papa a dû traverser la rivière pendant que vous l'attendiez ici.
Lufton's across the river with that herd.
Lufton a franchi la rivière.
Makes a pathway across the river.
Cela crée un passage à travers le fleuve.
- Where is he? - At his home across the river.
- De l'autre côté de la rivière.
It's only across the river. It's not far away.
Ce n'est pas si loin.
I took a ferry across the river.
J'ai traversé la rivière en ferry.
- What business you got across the river?
Qu'est-ce que t'as foutu de l'autre côté?
Please, Lord, carry your sinful children safely Through the journey and take us across the River Jordan. Lord, give that young man strength and guidance.
Seigneur, sauve-nous pauvres pécheurs et fais-nous traverser le Jourdain.
Either you or the Texas Rangers. You see, I ran out of places to hide across the river.
Entre toi et les Texas Rangers... je savais plus où me cacher, là-bas.
Yes, but what happens to the regiment after the division is across the river?
Que devient le régiment quand la division est à l'abri?
- What of the section across the river? - An inferno.
- Et de l'autre côté de la rive?
- Il y a un chariot de l'autre côté.
- Oui.
Over, across and under the river.
Au-dessus du fleuve ou dessous.
Across the Vaal River, we finally found our new home.
de l'autre rive de la rivière Vaal, nous avons finalement trouvé notre nouveau foyer.
- I got it in the rain... eight days ago... before he took your herd across that river and left.
- Je l'ai eu pendant les pluies il y a huit jours avant qu'il ne fasse traverser cette rivière au troupeau et s'en aille.
- Across the river?
Sur l'autre rive?
The only way for Elmer to escape was across the big river.
Elmer est forcé de traverser la grande rivière pour s'échapper.
He says he'll contact Scalise in an hour, and you should be in the East River Drive across from Bellevue at 3 : 00am.
Il contactera Scalise dans une heure... Rendez-vous à East River, en face de Bellevue à 3 h du matin.
Troops have been rushed across the Potomac River from Fort Myer and have thrown a cordon around the ship.
Les troupes de Fort Myer ont traversé le Potomac d'urgence et sont venues encercler le vaisseau.
The orders said this here army is going up the river, cut across... and coming around in behind the Rebs.
Notre armée va remonter la rivière pour prendre les Confédérés à revers.
The army's going to march. We're going up the river. Cut across, and come around in behind the Rebs.
On va remonter la rivière et prendre les Confédérés à revers.
We'll go up the river, cut across, and come around in behind them.
On va les prendre à revers.
Yeah. We're going up the river, cut across, and come around in behind them.
On va remonter la rivière et les prendre à revers.

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