And joseph translate French
1,029 parallel translation
" Mary and Joseph, went into the woods.
" Maria et Josef s'en allèrent dans la forêt.
How did the one go about Mary and Joseph?
C'était comment alors, avec Maria et Josef?
Jesus, Mary and Joseph! You have the devil in you.
Tu as le diable dans la peau!
- Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Jésus, Marie, Joseph...
You know how much I Love you. And Joseph and Luke.
Tu sais combien je vous aime, toi, Joseph et Luc.
To fill in those missing years we turned to ancient historians such as Philo and Josephus.
Pour raconter ces années, nous avons fait appel aux historiens anciens, tels que Philo et Flavius Joseph.
Philo wrote at the time that Jesus of Nazareth walked the Earth, and Josephus wrote some 50 years later and watched the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans.
Philo a écrit à l'époque du passage de Jésus de Nazareth sur Terre, et Flavius Joseph quelques 50 ans plus tard, au moment de la destruction de Jérusalem par les Romains.
And Joseph?
Et Joseph?
Jesus, Mary and Joseph
Esther Sanson, I arrest you for the willful murder of Joseph Higgins and Marion Bates... and for the attempted murder of Frederica Linley.
Je vous arrête pour les meurtres de Joseph Higgins et Marion Bates, et tentative de meurtre sur Frederica Linley.
Joseph, go down the path and hurry them up.
Joseph, descends leur dire de se dépêcher.
And last night, Joseph Samuels was killed just because he was a Jew.
Hier soir, Joseph Samuels a été assassiné, car il était juif.
The jury will disregard the statements of both Sir Joseph and Mr. Keane and all they've just heard.
Le jury ne prendra pas en compte ce qu'il vient d'entendre.
A strong man, with thick, strong fingers. And that man was my old, old friend... Joseph P. McGillicuddy.
Un homme costaud aux doigts épais, et cet homme, c'est mon très vieil ami, Joseph P. McGillicuddy.
Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Joseph Young of Africa.
Mesdames et messieurs, M. Joseph Young, d'Afrique.
- And you're Mr. Joseph Barrett?
- Vous êtes M. Joseph Barrett?
Occupants of this taxi cab are believed to be Joseph Norson and George Garsell. Both wanted for murder.
Dans le taxi, sans doute Joe Norson et George Garsell, recherchés pour meurtre.
Take her away, Joseph. And when you're together you'll now there's not need for blood nor for him nor for that.
Et quand vous serez ensemble, tu sauras que tu n'as besoin ni de sang, ni de lui... ni de ça.
His Excellency and Madame Joseph Bonaparte and Mademoiselle Clary.
Son Excellence et madame Joseph Bonaparte, et mademoiselle Désirée Clary.
I intend to stay in Paris as long as Joseph and Julie are here, General.
Je serai à Paris tant que Joseph et Julie y resteront.
Joseph, Julie come and meet everybody.
Joseph, Julie, venez voir les invités.
My brother Joseph is King of Spain, and he remains a French citizen.
Mon frère Joseph est roi d'Espagne mais demeure français.
- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph?
- M. Et Mme Joseph?
- And Mrs. Joseph?
- Et Mme Joseph?
Wonder if you and Mrs. Joseph would care to join me in a drink?
Est-ce que Mme Joseph et vous voudriez prendre un verre avec moi?
The... Dr Joseph, it's too complicated over the telephone. I'll come and see you.
C'est trop compliqué au téléphone, je viendrai vous voir.
- And you, Joseph.
Et toi, Joseph.
This is my Lady Deborra granddaughter to the merchant Joseph of Arimathea, and her husband.
Voici Deborah, la petite-fille de Joseph d'Arimathie, et son époux.
But, Joseph, you will have a million and a half and I'll have a million and a half.
Mais... Joseph, vous aurez un million et demi, j'aurai un million et demi.
But, Joseph, we have so little time, and Monsieur Trane knows our plans.
Mais, Joseph, nous avons si peu de temps et M. Trane connaît notre plan.
You are escorting Joseph and his family tonight?
Tu as pris sous ta protection le jongleur Jof et Maria?
Tomorrow I'll find Joseph and Mary... and off we go to the Saints'Festival.
Demain, j'irai rejoindre Jof et Maria... et nous irons au Festival des Saints.
And nobody needs your old socks. Joseph wore sandals.
Et Joseph porte des sandales, pas des chaussettes.
Joseph and Mary couldn't find no place at the inn, so they had to go to the stable among the animals.
Joseph et Marie n'ont pas pu trouver de place à l'auberge... ils durent donc aller dormir à l'étable, avec les animaux.
Joseph, wilt thou have this woman to thy wedded wife, to live together after God's ordinance in the holy state of matrimony wilt thou love her, comfort her, honor and keep her,
Joseph, veux-tu prendre cette femme pour épouse et vivre avec elle selon la loi de Dieu dans le saint état du mariage pour l'aimer, la secourir, l'honorer et la protéger du besoin,
Your position in the Court of Franz Joseph l, Emperor of Austria... King of Hungary, of Croatia, Bohemia, and Lord knows how many other places.
Votre rang à la cour de François-Joseph I, empereur d'Autriche, roi de Hongrie, de Croatie, de Bohème et de Dieu sait où encore.
A certain Mr and Mrs Joseph Cash.
M. et Mme Joseph Cash.
- Jesus, Joseph and Mary!
Jésus, Joseph, Marie!
Clean your house, Joseph, and in time, count yourself lucky.
Mets de l'ordre chez toi, et tu t'estimeras heureux.
Brothers, remember the night of Christmas and how Mary and Joseph had to look for somewhere to stay. Since then two thousand years have passed but how many sons of workers still come into the world into homes even worse than the stable in Bethlehem?
Mes frères, rappelez-vous la nuit de Noël, et de Marie et Joseph en quête d'un abri.
And so, when Joseph and Mary fled into Egypt Herod's men, seeking all newborn sons did slaughter the innocents of Bethlehem.
Tandis que Joseph et Marie fuyaient en Egypte, les hommes d'Hérode, traquant les nourrissons mâles, massacrèrent les innocents de Bethléem.
And so it was that with Herod's death Joseph brought his family out of Egypt, and betook them to Nazareth where the years passed, numbering 12.
Or, après la mort d'Hérode, Joseph ramena sa famille d'Egypte et s'installa à Nazareth, où les années passèrent, au nombre de douze.
The devils left Mother Joan and possessed Father Joseph
Il a quitté la mère Jeanne pour s'emparer de l'abbé.
Joseph E. Haines- - -... and Haines was the last of the four.
-... et Haines fut le dernier des quatre.
Who was rejected by Joseph and therefore hates him.
Qui, repoussée par Joseph, lui voua une haine mortelle!
You see, 150 years ago... a man named Joseph Curwen moved to this village... and built this palace.
Il y a 150 ans, un homme... du nom de Joseph Curwen avait emménagé dans ce village... et il avait construit ce palais.
They claimed that Joseph Curwen and two other warlocks... were trying to open the gates to these dark gods.
Ils prétendent que J.Curwen et deux autres sorciers... tentaient d'ouvrir les portails à ces dieux des ténèbres.
And now, my dear Joseph, tell me you killed little Claire.
Et maintenant, mon petit Joseph, .. dis-moi que tu as tué Claire.
We were passing by and figured, "Joseph might offer us a drink!"
- On passait et on s'est dit que vous nous offririez un verre..
Isn't his mother Mary and his brothers James, Joseph, Simon and Judas?
Sa mère s'appelle Marie? Et ses frères, Jacques, Joseph, Simon et Jude?
Oh, and here's some money, Joseph. For the card.
Tenez, un peu d'argent pour le timbre.
josephine 124
joseph 739
and just like that 171
and jim 21
and jane 16
and just in time 18
and just think 21
and jimmy 16
and just so you know 170
and just for the record 41
joseph 739
and just like that 171
and jim 21
and jane 16
and just in time 18
and just think 21
and jimmy 16
and just so you know 170
and just for the record 41
and just remember 20
and just 169
and just now 18
and john 44
and j 39
and just to be clear 26
and just so we're clear 26
and james 16
and jeff 16
and joe 16
and just 169
and just now 18
and john 44
and j 39
and just to be clear 26
and just so we're clear 26
and james 16
and jeff 16
and joe 16