And on that day translate French
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Oh, um, she came by my house the other day, you know, to talk about everything that was going on, so... And she just kind of left upset.
Elle est passée chez moi pour me parler... de ce qui se passait, et elle est partie énervée.
That thing where people tell complete strangers whether they started their day putting on both socks and then both shoes or one sock and one shoe or the other sock or the other shoe.
- ou l'autre chaussette et chaussure.
It's funny how you wake up each day and never really know if it will be one that will change your life forever.
C'est drôle comme on se lève chaque jour sans jamais savoir si votre vie ne changera pas pour toujours.
Not that I would date two guys at the same time, because in school, this nun told me if I kiss two boys on the same day, their spit would mix in my mouth and would kill me.
Je ne sortirais jamais avec deux mecs en même temps. À l'école, une nonne m'a dit que si j'embrassais deux garçons le même jour, leur salive se mélangerait dans ma bouche et me tuerait.
And even on a good day, that bitch never shuts up.
Et même dans un bon jour, cette salope ne la ferme jamais.
You know, in my day, we used to play a game that combined eight-ball and beer pong and gambling.
De mon temps, on jouait à un jeu qui combinait 8 boules, le bière-pong et le pari.
Yes and I was thinking that maybe one day we could be the kind of friends
Oui. Et je pense qu'un jour on pourrait peut-être
That's what happens when you Drink all day and skip lunch!
Voilà ce qui arrive quand on picole et qu'on saute le déjeuner.
What happens when a patient gets wheeled in here one day and that poor guy sees Jackie yelling at me like I'm the world's biggest asshole?
Que se passera-t-il quand on amènera un patient sur un brancard et que ce pauvre gars verra Jackie m'engueuler comme le dernier des enfoirés?
Well, we can spend all day arguing about that or we can go and look for Abby.
Soit on passe la journée à débattre de ça soit on va chercher Abby.
I have been working on it night and day since and I am certain that I've got it right this time.
J'ai travaillé jour et nuit depuis... Et je suis certaine d'avoir le bon vaccin cette fois.
So that on game day, we look across the field at those pieces of shit. And know they have fear in their hearts.
Pour que le jour du match, on regarde ces tas de merde, et pour qu'ils aient peur.
And then he actually got us into the space and had us working on a day rate so that he could kind of keep coming up with projects and change'em around.
Il voulait nous garder dans le studio toute la journée comme ça il pouvait venir avec des projets, incessamment et les changer au fur et à mesure
But from that day on I've always known that in another life I could fly, and that's why in this life I dance.
Mais depuis ce jour j'ai toujours su que dans une autre vie je pourrai voler, et c'est pour ça que dans cette vie, je danse.
But on the day that he got his wish and was published in the newspaper. The world turned their eyes from him to a certain girl of the same age. ( Junior high student murders family of four )
Mais le jour où son souhait se réalisait et qu'il fut cité dans les journaux le monde se désintéressa de lui
As I sat there that day across the table from the humans the future of both species and of our beloved planet Earth rested in our hands, but as the discussions went on,
Tandis que j'étais à table avec les humains, l'avenir de nos deux espèces et de notre bien aimée planète, reposait entre nos mains.
It's like our first real date, and it's Valentine's Day, and I just really want to feel pretty for a change, and I need that dress.
On se retrouve, c'est la St-Valentin. Je veux être jolie. Il me faut cette robe.
We may or may not win tonight, but I know that ZBZ will be number one again, and when that day happens, it'll be because of you.
Que l'on gagne ou pas ce soir, je sais que ZBZ reviendra au top, et quand ça arrivera... Ce sera grâce à toi.
And what I've learned is It's a choice that you make every day That leads you to where you want to be
J'ai appris que c'est un choix qu'on renouvelle chaque jour, sur qui on veut être,
You know the part that I don't understand, Judith, is how somebody can tell you that they love you one day, then turn around and break your heart the next.
Tu sais ce que je comprends pas, Judith, c'est comment on peut dire un jour je t'aime, et le lendemain, changer d'avis et te briser le coeur.
Join me in stopping the meanness and competition that goes on every day in our hallways.
Rejoignez-moi pour arrêter la méchanceté et la compétition qui ont lieu chaque jour.
Remember that day we brought it home, and it was all... eeee... ooo... eee... ooo.
Quand on l'a ramené à la maison, ça faisait... eeee... ooo... eee... ooo.
We... we made a great home, and that's where my daughter's gonna wake up every day, and she's gonna... you know, she's gonna watch TV and... and do her math worksheets.
On... Tu la considères vraiment comme ta fille?
Do you know that I would give anything to go back and have dinner with you on Valentine's Day?
Je donnerais tout pour revenir au dîner de la St-Valentin avec toi.
* and on that day, you'll stand and shout * That looks fun. * well, it's tough being a teen * Uh, hey!
Et finalement, tu te lèves pour crier
This guy he'd been working with came in on Pete's day off, And I told him that Pete had been shot by a cop,
Je lui ai dit qu'on avait tiré sur Pete et j'ai conclu l'affaire.
And that I tried out for cheerleading also, But the day before tryouts, I dropped a big rock on my toe.
Tu es capitaine des pom-poms girls et j'ai passé l'audition, mais la veille, je me suis cassé l'orteil.
And she could not find any on that particular day. So again, canada- - Obviously not a place to go for chinese homeless.
Donc, le Canada n'est pas un bon endroit pour les SDF chinois.
We went to the beach one day, and had such a good time that he wanted to bring home a jar of sunshine so he could always remember it.
- Regardez-moi ça. - C'est quoi? On était allés à la plage, et Luke s'était beaucoup amusé.
'cause I was in there the other day And like I say, little bird noises and that,
J'y suis allé l'autre jour, et comme je disais, on entendait le son des oiseaux.
You know, with the state of healthcare and how stressful it can be for families and for patients, I'm surprised that more medical professionals aren't killed every day. Yeah.
Vu l'état du système de santé et le stress causé aux familles et aux patients, ça m'étonne qu'on ne tue pas plus de professionnels de santé.
- And people like us - We're stupid enough to come back here and relive that pain every day.
Nous, on est assez stupides pour y revenir tous les jours et revivre cet enfer.
It's said that each day he traveled across the sky and through the Underworld to be born again at sunrise.
On dit que chaque jour il voyageait à travers le ciel et l'enfer pour renaître de nouveau au lever du soleil.
Hey, that's what we've been asking about you for the last day and a half, although we pretty much figured you'd be on your back, legs in the air.
On se demandait la même chose sur toi. On a compris, t'étais les 4 fers en l'air.
On the day that Shepherd is interviewing Evans for my job and I'm the new girl here who no one really knows, and even Yang is in love with Evans and I... [sneezes] Ah!
Le jour où Shepherd rencontre Evans au sujet de mon boulot. Je suis la nouvelle ici, que personne ne connaît vraiment. Même Yang est amoureuse d'Evans, et moi...
Where it used to be a joy every single day to strap on those pads and put on that helmet.
Quand c'était une joie d'enfiler ta tenue et ton casque.
Anyway, Lockhart / Gardner Bond did not do well, even though I know for a fact that we have gay associates who just aren't acknowledging that they're gay. In this day and age, why would someone not be up-front about their sexual orientation?
Lockhart / Gardner Bond même si je suis sûr qu'on a des associés gays qui n'admettent pas qu'ils le sont. pourquoi quelqu'un cacherait son orientation sexuelle?
You know what, Carol, today is a very special day, and you should have known that, and you can't use cell phones on planes.
C'est un jour très spécial, aujourd'hui. Tu devrais le savoir, comme d'éviter le portable en avion.
And one day we're all gonna get old, and one of us is gonna be gone, and we're gonna regret every single day that we didn't spend loving each other.
Un jour, on sera vieux, et l'un de nous sera mort, et on regrettera les jours qu'on a pas passés à s'aimer.
Didn't you people see all the evidence? He makes pregnant women on the assembly line give birth and then get right back to work! That's why he built the Martin Sugar Day Care Center.
Quelqu'un va frapper à votre porte...
A problem that seems impossible... like finding a single motorcycle circling in a crowded city... becomes much easier if you can hire a hundred people to sit on street corners... and record every motorcycle they see for a few dollars a day.
Un problème qui peut sembler insoluble... comme trouver une motocyclette circulant dans une ville achalandée... devient plus simple si vous engagez cent personnes pour s'asseoir aux coins de rue... et noter toutes les motos qu'elles voient pour quelques dollars par jour.
Yeah. It's like that friend that you meet in science camp, and you find that you have all the same interests, and you like to go to all the same movies, and do all the same things, and then one day, he offers to give you a haircut.
C'est comme se faire un copain en colonie de vacances, on se découvre les mêmes passions, on va voir les mêmes films, on fait les mêmes choses, et un jour, il te propose une coupe de cheveux.
Look, my husband and I talked about it. We both feel that one day out of the year, one single day, Emily deserves to have exactly the kind of party that she wants.
On est d'accord... pour qu'un jour par an, un seul jour,
On that day the machine was taken apart and cleaned.
Ce jour-là, la machine était démontée et nettoyée.
They talked six times on the phone the day of the murder, and then got into a nasty argument that afternoon.
- Il ont parlé six fois au téléphone le jour du meurtre, et se sont disputés violemment l'après-midi.
That's like Hanukkah and Christmas falling on the same exact day.
Deux pour le prix d'un. Hanukkah et Noël le même jour.
He told me the day would come that we would need to cut ties and go dark.
Il m'a dit qu'un jour, on devrait couper les ponts et disparaître.
Okay, we're going to talk about this more tomorrow and the next day and the day after that because we have to start talking and keep talking, or this family is just going to fall apart.
On en reparlera demain, et après-demain, et le jour suivant, car on doit commencer à se parler, ou cette famille va s'effondrer.
You think? You think that some day Amy and I will get married and be as happy as you and Betty?
Tu penses qu'un jour on sera mariés et aussi heureux que Betty et toi?
And that way we don't have to acknowledge the day that we actually get older.
Et on a donc pas à se soucier du jour où l'on vieillit vraiment.
One day we'll be standing round a body and he'll be the one that put it there.
Taxi... Allo? Un jour on se tiendra devant un corps et ce sera lui qui l'aura tué.
and only then 44
and one more thing 220
and one night 37
and one last thing 30
and one for me 24
and one by one 23
and once again 116
and once 34
and one time 28
and only you 38
and one more thing 220
and one night 37
and one last thing 30
and one for me 24
and one by one 23
and once again 116
and once 34
and one time 28
and only you 38
and one other thing 34
and on the other hand 23
and one for you 40
and only 43
and one thing led to another 22
and on top of that 107
and one more 22
and one of them 22
and on that note 43
and one of you will be out 19
and on the other hand 23
and one for you 40
and only 43
and one thing led to another 22
and on top of that 107
and one more 22
and one of them 22
and on that note 43
and one of you will be out 19
and one day 275
and on the other 17
and on 33
and one 183
and on and on 21
and on that bombshell 23
on that day 78
that day 272
and on the other 17
and on 33
and one 183
and on and on 21
and on that bombshell 23
on that day 78
that day 272