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Translate.vc / English → French / [ B ] / Bridey

Bridey translate French

45 parallel translation
Give her a real bridey wedding... with all the fixin's.
Donnez-lui un grand mariage... avec tout le cérémonial.
Miss ESP and Bridey Murphy, some combination.
Mlle P.E.S. et Bridey Murphy... Quelle équipe!
I'm nothing less than your faithful Girl Friday, Bridey James... here with your wake-up call of today, which is Wednesday the 23rd.
Je suis néanmoins votre fidèle servante, Bridey James, ici, à votre réveil aujourd'hui, le mercredi 23!
Bridey, I didn't mean to hit you.
Désolé. Je ne voulais pas vous frapper.
Thanks, Bridey.
- Certain. Merci, Bridey.
I've got friends who can help. Bridey said she came by a couple of days ago. You were -
Bridey a dit qu'elle était passée et t'étais...
My name's Bridey Mae Tolliver.
Je m'appelle Bridey Mae Tolliver.
- Bridey Mae Tolliver.
Bridey Mae Tolliver.
You like to watch the trains come and go, Bridey Mae?
Tu aimes regarder passer les trains, Bridey Mae?
Are you married, Bridey Mae?
Tu es mariée, Bridey Mae?
You know that, Bridey Mae?
Tu sais ça, Bridey Mae?
Mrs. Elkins, Mrs. Mounts, Bridey Mae, me... we all lost our men in that fire.
Mme Elkins, Mme Mants, Bridey Mae et moi, on a toutes perdu nos maris dans ce feu.
- Hey, Bridey.
- Salut, Bridey.
That Mr. Kenehan is what I come to talk to you about, Bridey.
C'est à propos de M. Kenehan que je suis venu, Bridey.
He said some things, Bridey...
Il a raconté des choses, Bridey...
I need for you to help me, Bridey, and sometimes you gotta tell a little bit of a lie just to get the truth across.
J'ai besoin de votre aide, Bridey! Parfois, il faut faire de petits mensonges, pour faire triompher la vérité.
You know how Bridey builds things up.
Vous savez comment Bridey exagère tout.
Bridey Hannon forointment for Mr. Hannon's legs.
Bridey Hannon, pommade pour les jambes de M. Hannon.
You want inside, Bridey-girl?
Tu veux aller dedans, Bradley, ma fille.
And too bridey.
Trop future mariée.
- Yes, that's Bridey.
- Oui, c'est Bridey.
Or perhaps Bridey's a better fit.
Peut-être que Bridey conviendra mieux.
Are you a Bridey or a Sebastian, Mr. Ryder?
- Bridey ou Sebastian?
He can't borrow Bridey's clothes. Bridey dresses like a bank clerk.
- Bridey s'habille comme un employé de banque.
What do you enjoy, Bridey?
Qu'est-ce qui te plaît?
I'm going to leave Bridey at the first covert, hack over to the nearest pub, and spend the whole day drinking.
Au 1er couvert, je m'éclipserai pour filer... au pub le plus proche et m'y enivrer.
Bugger off, Bridey.
Fiche le camp.
Hello, Bridey.
- Bonjour, Bridey.
- Congratulations, Bridey.
Félicitations, Bridey.
But, Bridey, where did you find her?
Comment l'as-tu rencontrée?
Bridey, you need to call for a priest.
Bridey, appelle un prêtre.
- Bridey... - Don't interfere, Charles.
Ne t'en mêle pas, Charles.
Jason Maclntyre, Mike Brighty, Gabe Vertz asked me.
Jason McIntyre, Mike Bridey, Gabe Wertz me l'ont demandé.
Hey, bridey, got a match?
hé la marriée, t'as une alumette?
" And if I never told you, my dearest Bridey,
" Et si je ne te l'ai jamais dit ma chère Bridey,
You remember Bridey O'Halloran? Oh...
Tu te rappelle de Bridey O'Halloran?
Bridey O'Halloran.
- Oh... Bridey o halloran.
You remember Bridey O'Halloran?
Tu te souviens de Bridey o halloran
Louise has gone "bye-bye, bridey," but she left a note.
Louise a pris la fuite mais elle a laissé un mot.
Bridey Cruz. High school.
Bridey Cruz, du lycée.
Bridey Cruz.
Bridey Cruz.
Do you follow me, Bridey?
Vous me suivez, Bridewell?
You're not marrying her for her matchboxes, are you, Bridey?
Tu l'épouses pour ça?

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