Cancel that translate French
543 parallel translation
No, I'm sorry, dear. I'm afraid we'll have to cancel that tomorrow.
Désolée, chéri, on va devoir décommander.
Cancel that reservation. - It's Hi Hat!
Annulez ma réservation!
Mr. Powell will have to cancel that appointment.
M. Powell a annulé votre rendez-vous. - J'attends.
Operator, cancel that call.
Opératrice, annulez cet appel.
You do see that I can't cancel that invitation, don't you, darling?
Je ne peux annuler cette invitation.
- And cancel that thing at the embassy.
- Et annulez ce truc à l'Ambassade.
I'll call Blackmore's and cancel that fellow before he gets down here.
Je vais décommander l'autre clown avant qu'il n'arrive.
I have to cancel that.
Je suis obligée d'annuler.
Now, you want us to cancel that flight for the Army?
Vous voulez qu'on annule le vol de l'armée?
You better cancel that luncheon engagement.
Annulez le déjeuner.
You can bet the Japs didn't cancel that convoy.
Si les Japonais en faisaient autant...
Walter, Dr Gruber. Cancel that order for Consolidated Wire.
Walter, annulez la passation d'ordre pour Consolidated Wire.
You just lie back, baby, and when I get you all prettied up I'll go and cancel that call.
A présent, détends-toi, laisse-moi te faire beau.
Cancel that call.
Annulez l'appel.
- Louise has to cancel that party.
- Louise doit annuler son dîner.
Cancel that board meeting.
Annulez la réunion.
Security, cancel that order. implement a full search for the mechanism.
Sécurité, ordre annulé. Fouille complète du vaisseau.
Cancel that duck!
- Laissez tomber le canard!
No, we'll have to cancel that, because Sir Charles'lunches, they go on for ever.
Je vais devoir annuler car le déjeuner avec Sir Charles dure toujours des heures...
Cancel that order.
Annulez l'ordre.
You can cancel that 10-25.
Annulez le 10-25.
Cancel that and report to me.
Abandonnez et rappelez-moi.
Can you get Lewis to cancel that last paragraph?
Attends. Est-ce que tu peux faire que Lewis annule le dernier paragraphe?
You better cancel that ambulance, Roy.
Tu ferais mieux d'annuler l'ambulance, Roy.
I don't have to take a box for that charity thing Saturday night now... you know, for backward orphans or something. And I'll cancel my hairdresser's tomorrow. You leave everything to me.
Annulons le Bal de Charité samedi pour les orphelins de je ne sais où et mon coiffeur demain.
If that call's what I think, she can cancel those roses and make it lilies for me.
Ça ne tardera plus. J'aurais dû commander une couronne!
Take that girl out of New Orleans, and we'll cancel your debt.
Emmenez cette fille loin d'ici, et nous annulerons votre dette.
And if I should want him to cancel a passage, he'd do that too.
Je pourrais aussi lui demander de ne pas prendre quelqu'un.
Uh, and I insist that you cancel your engagement you have to fight at Puebla.
J'exige que vous annuliez votre promesse pour la corrida de Puebla.
'A community of hollow shells, chipped and battered'by Allied bombs, according to a methodical plan,'a plan that would cancel out the city as a tough enemy centre,'and still retain some choice spots.
Un ensemble de coquílles vídes sculptées par les bombes allíées selon un plan méthodíque, censé anéantír cette vílle ennemíe tout en épargnant certaíns líeux.
Come, seeling night, scarf up the tender eye of pitiful day ; and with thy bloody and invisible hand cancel and tear to pieces that great bond which keeps me pale!
Viens, aveugle nuit, encapuchonne l'œil tendre du jour enclin à la pitié, et de ta main sanglante et invisible, abolis et déchire ce grand contrat de vie qui fait pâlir mon étoile.
Cancel my appointments and inform M. Casorati that we arrive.
Annulez mes rendez-vous et prévenez M. Casorati qu'on arrive.
You will have to cancel that invitation.
- Tu vas devoir annuler.
Now, Dr. Van Kessel will try to tell me that the reason I came was because I really wanted to cancel the appointment, and that meeting you was just an excuse for avoiding him.
Il va me dire que je suis venue à ta rencontre pour annuler ma séance.
Let me tell you something about security, Parker. You cancel a date and so do 12 other guys, soon it's all over London that something's up.
Vous annulez un rendez-vous, douze autres types font de même et bientôt tout Londres est au courant.
In view of the fact that the entire "Chisel" team has suddenly caught the measles, the referees have decided to cancel the "Chisel-Puck" match until the "Chisel" team recovers.
En raison de la soudaine épidémie de rougeole qui a frappé toute l'équipe de Zubilo les arbitres ont donc décidé d'annuler le match Zubilo-Shayba jusqu'à ce que l'équipe de Zubilo soit rétablie.
If we ever make it home, I have to cancel my order for that big plane.
Si jamais rentrons à la maison, je dois annuler ma commande pour ce grand plan.
You insisted that I cancel other meetings for this.
Vous insistiez tellement que j'ai annulé d'autres rendez-vous.
Sir Elwin, that's enough. I cancel our contract, give me back my money.
Ca suffit, Elwin, j'annule notre contrat.
Of course, she knew that nothing I did or was done to could ever cancel out our love, the pleasure we gave each other.
Elle savait que rien de ce que j'avais pu faire ou de ce qu'on m'avait fait ne pouvait tuer notre amour, ou notre plaisir à être ensemble.
But I'm afraid that we're gonna have to cancel our dinner date.
Mais il va falloir que nous annulions notre dîner.
A little over a month after this the Akashi clan asked the Central Gov't to excuse themselves and cancel all official business and on October 23 it was announced that Sir Naritsugu Matsudaira was to depart Edo and return to his territory early the next morning.
Il se passa un mois. Le clan Akashi évitait de se faire remarquer. Il ne participait à aucun événement officiel.
Did you cancel that call?
Tu as annulé cet appel?
N'épouse pas ce courtier en placements.
I'll cancel that.
Oh, cancel the insurance. - Take my name off that building.
Résilie l'assurance et supprime mon nom sur l'immeuble.
I understand that it is difficult to cancel maintenance.
Je comprends qu'il soit difficile d'annuler l'entretien.
And with thy bloody and invisible hand cancel and tear to pieces that great bond which keeps me pale.
Et de ta main sanglante et invisible annule et déchire ce lien... qui me tient dans la peur.
Uh, no, cancel that.
Non, oubliez ça.
Silverio may have considered that, if he denounces us the Viscount will cancel his debts in exchange.
Silvério a pu penser qu'en nous dénonçant, le vicomte effacerait sa dette en récompense.
" Grant that your Roman people cancel the stain of impiety
" Fais que ton peuple romain efface la tache de l'impiété
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
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that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
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that's 10531
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that's gross 203
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that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
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that's good to hear 161
that's awesome 830
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