Eat that translate French
5,584 parallel translation
You gonna eat that last piece of yellowtail, bud?
Veux-tu le dernier morceau de thon?
Really wouldn't eat that.
Je n'en mangerais pas.
If you guys eat that sort of thing.
Si vous... mangez ce genre de trucs.
Don't eat that!
Ne pas manger ça!
Don't eat that!
Mange pas ça!
- So you did eat that cock.
Tu as bouffé cette queue?
Properous, brriliant, wine, money,... Just like a delicious piece of meat that many people want to eat.
Exactement ce que vous imaginiez, comme un bon gros morceau de viande que tout le monde voudrait manger.
Go eat that in bed.
Va manger ça dans ton lit.
You are not seriously gonna eat that.
Tu vas pas manger ça?
" Oh yeah, oh yeah, eat that pussy, Pinocchio!
" Oh oui, oh oui, bouffe cette chatte, Pinocchio!
I don't eat from that tree.
Je ne mange pas de cet arbre.
Eat that motherfucker!
À toi de jouer.
That you threatened to eat your father and cut your mother's throat.
Que tu as menacé de manger ton père et de trancher la gorge de ta mère.
So does that mean I don't have to eat vegetables?
Plus besoin de manger mes légumes, alors?
That states if you get your face burnt off, or you take rebar through your chest, or accidentally get poked by a hep C needle, or so stressed out that you want to eat a bullet, that states that you won't bitch out and sue the city.
Que si tu te fais brà " ler le visage ou empaler par une barre d'acier, ou piquer par une aiguille contaminà © e à l'hà © patite C, ou si tu deviens si stressà © que tu te tires une balle, tu ne viendras pas te plaindre et poursuivre la ville.
That's a lot of cheese sandwiches to eat in one sitting!
41 sandwiches! C'est une quantité énorme en une seule fois!
If Mustafa sets foot on that ship, I'll eat my fez!
Si Mustafa monte sur ce bateau, je mange mon chapeau!
I haven't even stopped to eat, if you call that okay.
J'ai même pas mangé. À part ça, ça va.
You're not gonna eat all that, are you?
Vous allez pas tout manger?
Alexander, why don't you help Mom keep Trevor away from anything that will eat him?
Alexandre, aide maman à éloigner Trevor de tout ce qui pourrait le dévorer.
But, when you wake up with them and you eat with them and you're with them all day, I think that the relationship then becomes no longer coach and athlete, it becomes friends to almost being brothers...
Mais on se réveille ensemble, on mange ensemble, on passe la journée ensemble, on ne peut donc plus avoir qu'une relation entraîneur-athlète.
Hey, don't floss after you eat all that.
Ne passe pas le fil dentaire après tout ça.
Before we do that, let's do the thing before we eat.
Faisons notre truc avant de manger.
Gwen, I promised him that I would keep away from you and now I'm gonnna come eat dinner with your family.
Je lui avais promis de prendre mes distances avec toi. Et là je suis sur le point de partager un repas avec toi et ta famille.
"You mean, judge, I can milk her, kill her, cook her... eat her, even, but that's illegal?"
"M. le juge, je peux la traire, la faire cuire, " et même la manger, mais ça, c'est illégal? "
I need to shit like that every time I eat bacon.
- Je sais. J'ai aussi envie de chier dès que je mange du bacon.
Eat you, kill you, maybe, but that's it.
Vous manger ou vous tuer, peut-être, mais pas ça.
See how many crackers line up to get that Captain Crunch-covered freezing shit? - I eat it three times a week.
Les Blancos se bousculent pour ces yaourts glacés garnis de croquants.
" Do eaters, that apos ; they eat and eating
" Fais que les mangeurs, ce qu'ils mangent et le fait de manger
That's kind of harsh and your ball gowns and just go eat steak or something.
Va jouer avec tes copains super rupins et tes robes de bal. Bouffe des steaks.
Just think of that next time you eat pig bacon.
Il suffit de penser de cette prochaine fois que vous manger du bacon de porc.
In fact, men are still howling And screamed that could eat a thousand
Elle en a déjà avalé tant, mais elle ne cesse d'hurler, et pourrait en engloutir des milliers.
Eat food with other people. People, that's another thing I like.
Manger de la nourriture, discuter avec des gens.
All right, you got to promise that you're not gonna tell my wife, because she hates it when I eat candy.
Vous devez promettre de ne pas dire à ma femme Parcequ'elle déteste me voir manger des sucreries.
If you're that hungry, why don't you go and eat shit?
Si t'as la dalle, mange ta merde!
Eat some good food, put on some fine threads, break out my'49 Pontiac, kick that baby until the engine blows up!
Faire une bonne bouffe, mettre des belles sapes, sortir ma Pontiac 49 et mettre la gomme à en faire péter le moteur!
Flesh-eating piranhas that eat flesh.
Les piranhas mangeurs de chair mangent... de la chair.
Not that yöu need one. But they're good. yöu eat them.
T'en as pas besoin, mais c'est bon.
But if that's true, why does this eat away at me every goddamn day?
Mais si c'est le cas, pourquoi ça me bouffe jour après jour?
Omnivorous, that means he'll eat everything.
Ça veut dire qu'il mange de tout.
The winter snow has melted down by the Alaskan coast, and all that green offers the promise of something to eat.
La neige a fondu sur la côte de l'Alaska, et tout ce vert offre la promesse de quelque chose à manger.
After months of being on the constant hunt for salmon, it seems almost impossible that the bears can be too full to eat.
Après des mois passés à la recherche de saumon, il semble impossible que les ours soient repus.
They got kids out there that can't eat, robbing and stealing and doing what they got to do to survive.
Il y a des enfants qui n'ont rien à manger, qui volent et font le nécessaire pour survivre.
At that time. There was nothing to eat in all Japan.
À cette époque, les japonais n'avaient plus rien à se mettre sous la dent.
And billions of flies eat shit every day! So what? Does that make it good?
Des milliards de mouches bouffent de la merde chaque jour, et alors?
It's just that I hate to eat alone.
Je déteste manger seul.
And that they eat well.
Et qu'ils mangeront bien.
You, these people, this place, ifs like you eat your fucking young and that's all just fine as long as you got something to salute, huh?
Toi, ces gens, cet endroit. Comme si vous bouffiez vos enfants mais que tout va bien tant qu'il vous reste quelqu'un à saluer, c'est ça?
Danny, that dog shits in the house'cause of the racket, I'm gonna make y'all two eat it!
Danny, si ce chien chie dans la maison à cause du bruit, je vous fais bouffer sa merde.
I like eating critters that want to eat me.
J'adore manger des bestioles qui veulent me bouffer.
And just pull out the heart, and eat it like a apple. That ain't right.
Il a arraché le cœur, et l'a mangé comme ça.
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's good to hear 161
that's awesome 830
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that'll be it 25
that's my best friend 28
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
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that's good to hear 161
that's awesome 830
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that'll be it 25
that's my best friend 28
that's my sister 96
that's good to know 269
that doesn't seem fair 27
that's for sure 889
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that's my line 54
that is so lame 16
that's good to know 269
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that's for sure 889
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that's me 2273
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that's my man 51
that's my line 54
that is so lame 16