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Translate.vc / English → French / [ G ] / Give me that gun

Give me that gun translate French

237 parallel translation
Give me that gun. Where'd he get you?
- Qui lui a donné le flingue?
Give me that gun! Give me that!
Donnez-moi ce mousquet!
Give me that gun!
Donnez-moi ça!
Give me that gun!
Donne-moi ton arme.
Give me that gun!
Donnez-moi ce fusil!
Give me that gun.
Donnez-moi cette arme.
Give me that gun.
Donne-moi ça.
- Give me that gun.
Donne cette arme.
- Give me that gun.
- Donne-moi ton arme.
Wait a minute. Give me that gun.
Donne le fusil.
Give me that gun!
Donnez-moi cette arme.
Give me that gun.
Donne-moi ce flingue!
Cherry, give me that gun.
Cherry, donnez-moi cette arme.
- Give me that gun. - No.
- Donne-moi ce revolver.
Give me that gun at once.
Donnez-moi ce fusil.
- Give me that gun!
- Mon fusil!
Give me that gun.
Donne-moi ce revolver.
Just give me that gun.
Passe-moi ce revolver.
I'm your father. Give me that gun.
Je suis ton père, donne ce revolver!
Give me that gun.
Donnez-moi ce revolver.
Give me that gun.
Donne-moi cette arme.
Don't! Give me that gun.
This ain't the war Dan. You better give me that gun back.
On n'est plus en guerre!
- Give me that gun.
- Donne-moi cette arme.
- Give me that gun.
Donne-moi ce fusil.
Give me that gun.
Le fusil!
- Give me that gun!
Mon pistolet!
- Give me that gun.
- Donne-moi ce fusil.
Now, give me that gun.
Donne-moi ton arme.
- Give me that gun!
- Donne-moi cette arme!
Now, give me that gun before you get into real trouble.
Donnez-moi ce revolver avant d'avoir de vrais ennuis.
And just give me that gun.
Et donne-moi ce pistolet.
- Give me that gun. - Tony, will you?
- Donne-moi ce pistolet.
- Give me that gun.
- Rends-le-moi.
Now give me that gun belt! And, for the first time in your life, try to be the man that I'd like you to be.
Donne-moi ton ceinturon, et, pour la première fois de ta vie, essaie d'être l'homme que j'aimerais avoir pour fils.
Give me that gun and get on your job.
Donne-moi ce fusil et remets-toi au boulot.
Papa! Give me that gun.
Passe-moi le fusil.
Give me that gun. Come on!
Donne-moi cette arme.
You did. Now, give me that gun, and no harm will come to him.
Exact, maintenant, donnez-moi cette arme et aucun mal ne lui sera fait.
We could give them the real story about Jerry trying to use wife and kids as shield threw a gun on me, tried to force me to help shoot out. But that's another story.
On pourrait raconter que jerry voulait utiliser sa famille en bouclier, m'a jeté un flingue, a voulu me faire tirer, mais c'est une autre histoire.
Give me that prop machine gun.
Donnez-moi cette fausse arme.
Give me that gun.
- Donne-moi ce fusil.
Eddie, give me that gun.
Donnez-moi cette arme, ou la porte ne s'ouvrira pas.
If they'd just give me back that gun, I'd use it on myself.
S'ils me rendaient mon arme, je me ferais sauter la caisse.
Give me that gun.
La carabine!
You give me back that gun.
If you really mean that give me back my gun.
Si c'est vrai, rends-moi mon arme.
- Up to now one round, but now the commander will give me a machine gun because he says that my aim is good.
Au mousqueton, mais le chef va me donner une mitraillette parce que ma visée est bonne.
Now that I'm holding the gun, you're willing to give me my honor back, huh, Clint?
Maintenant que je suis armé, tu me rends mon honneur, hein?
I know it might seem foolish from your point of view, but I'd suggest that you untie me and give me my gun.
Ça peut paraître stupide, mais tu ferais mieux de me détacher.
He came at me, insisting that I give him money, even though I told him I didn't have any, and I tried to get the gun away from him and it went off.
Il s'est jeté sur moi en me réclamant de l'argent, même si je lui avais dit que je n'en avais pas. J'ai essayé de lui arracher son pistolet, et la balle est partie.

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