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How'd you get here translate French

748 parallel translation
"How d'you get out of here?"
Comment on sort d'ici?
How'd you get in here?
Comment êtes-vous entrée?
There's something phony here. How'd you get it?
Comment avez-vous fait?
- How'd you get here in the first place?
- Comment êtes-vous arrivés là?
And how'd you get here?
Comment es-tu venue?
How'd you get in here anyway?
Comment êtes-vous entrés?
How much money do you want to get out of here?
Combien d'argent veux-tu pour partir?
How'd you get in here?
Comment es-tu entrée?
How'd you get here ahead of me?
Vous êtes arrivé avant moi?
- How'd you get here so soon?
- Comment êtes-vous rentrés si vite?
How'd I get over here? Are you all right?
- Comment ai-je atterri ici?
If I ever walk on a stage again... how'd you get here?
On ne me verra plus sur scène
How'd you get over here, Ms. Mary?
- Comment êtes-vous venue, Mlle Mary?
- That's nice. - How'd you get here so early?
- C'est mignon.
- How'd you get in here?
Que faites-vous?
Well, anyway, since driving over here, what I'd like to know is, how do you fellows get into this valley?
Je me demande, après l'avoir empruntée, comment vous êtes arrivés ici.
Nick, how'd you get here so soon? We only got the flash a couple minutes ago.
Comment avez-vous fait pour arriver aussi vite?
- How'd you get here anyway?
- Comment êtes-vous venu?
How'd you get in here?
- Sortez, vous êtes mineure!
How'd you get here?
- Où vous ont-ils trouvée.
How'd you girls get up here?
- Comment êtes-vous arrivées ici?
We were just wondering, all of us here, and talking about how you'd get out.
Tout le monde s'inquiétait et on se demandait comment te sortir de là.
How would you like to get outta here, Miss Collins?
Comment aimeriez-vous sortir d'ici, Mlle Collins?
How'd you get here so fast? They shoot you out of a cannon?
Comment êtes-vous arrivé si vite?
How'd you get here?
Comment t'es arrivé là?
How'd you get him here?
Comment tu as fait?
How'd you get here?
Comment tu as fait pour venir?
- How'd you get up here from Brooklyn?
- Comment êtes-vous venue?
- Could you tell me how to get out of here?
- Tu pourrais me dire comment sortir d'ici?
- How'd you get here?
- Comment t'es venue ici?
How did you get out of here?
Comment es-tu sorti d'ici?
- How'd you get here? - Small plane. Landed South of the village.
Dans un petit avion qui a atterri au sud du village.
How'd you ever get here?
Qu'est-ce qu'on va faire, bon dieu!
You know how someone said, "The sooner I get out of here, the happier I'll be."
Tu te souviens de celui qui disait je me réjouis de chaque jour que je peux passer loin d'ici?
Calder, how long do you think it'll take us to get from here to Council City?
Calder, combien de temps il faut d'ici à Council City?
How'd you get here?
T'es venue comment?
- You'd better get out of here. - How come?
Ne reste pas ici.
How did you expect to get out of here?
Comment comptiez-vous partir d'ici?
- How'd you get here?
Comment t'as fait?
How'd you get down here?
Comment es-tu descendu jusqu'ici?
How are you going to get the child out of here, eh?
Comment allez-vous sortir l'enfant d'ici?
- How do you get out of here?
- Comment sortir d'ici?
How'd you get in here?
Comment es-tu entré?
How do you say "Let's get out of here"?
Comment dit-on "fichons le camp d'ici"?
How'd you get here?
C'est quoi votre histoire?
How'd you like to come over here and sort of get acquainted early in the morning?
Venez ici, qu'on fasse un peu connaissance tôt le matin.
How'd you get here?
Comment as-tu fait pour venir ici?
- How'd you get in here?
- Comment vous êtes entrée ici?
How'd you get in here? Oh, we just walked in.
- Eh, les enfants!
How'd you get here?
Comment tu es arrivé ici?
- How'd you get in here? - What do you mean?
- Comment vous êtes entré?

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