I called them translate French
795 parallel translation
I called them, no soap.
- Des clous.
- I called them.
Je les ai appelés. Vous, Hopps!
I couldn't take your packages to Fisher and Lewis, so I called them.
Je ne pouvais pas les rapporter chez Fisher et Lewis, je les ai appelés.
But when I called them, she was out.
- Oui, mais elle est de sortie.
Je m'en souviens, je les ai appelés hier.
I called them.
- C'est moi.
They already have. I called them on my way here.
- Mais ça peut être important.
I... i called them from the tourist office last night.
Je... Je les ai appelés de l'office du tourisme hier soir.
I called them on the way here.
Je les ai appelés en venant ici.
I've never heard them called that before.
C'est la première fois que j'entends ça.
I'm going to tell them the truth and kick them out. After what he called you?
Je les fous dehors!
When you called from Bermuda the wires were crossed, and I took it upon myself to get them connected again.
Quand tu as appelé des Bermudes, la communication est tombée... et j'ai demandé qu'on la rétablisse.
I've already called them.
C'est déjà fait.
- No. I told them that you were called away by duty.
Je leur ai dit que tu étais parti en mission.
I called out to them, but they didn't hear me, so I followed them.
J'ai crié, ils ne m'ont pas entendu, donc je les ai suivis.
I just called the cops, gave them the address.
Je viens d'appeler les flics et leur ai donné l'adresse.
No, after I called your attention to them.
Non, depuis que je vous l'ai dit!
Major, perhaps captain Starr can tell us something about those awful men you mentioned the other day... guerrillas I believe you called them.
Major, le capitaine connaît peut-être ces hommes dont vous parliez, les guérilléros, vous les appeliez.
I called on Chief Councillor... and other lords... and apologized to them... for what our lord did.
J'ai invité le Chef Conseiller... et les autres Lords.. et leurs ai présenté des excuses.. pour ce que notre Lord a fait.
After you called up I spoke to them all... and I think I've got Velma on my side, but Ma is against it.
Après votre appel, je leur ai parlé... Velma est pour, Ma est contre.
McPherson? Sorry you went to all that trouble. I've already called them.
Il ne fallait pas vous déranger, je les avais déjà invités.
- Sure, or would you rather I called the cops and tell them you killed the man and stole his money.
Merci? Je dis aux flics que tu l'as tué?
I still say we should've called the police and told them a prowler broke in and killed her.
Je persiste à dire que nous aurions dû appeler la police. et leur dire qu'un rôdeur l'avait assassinée.
Well, my wives and I have been talking it over... and they're both still absolutely convinced that I somehow or other called them back.
Mes femmes et moi sommes sûrs que quelqu'un d'autre les a appelées.
I've called dozens of them and the blighters are either at the films or walking in the park.
Ceux qui ne sont pas au cinéma, se promènent dans le parc.
I live at Jenny's... from time to time. - Have you called on them?
J'habite chez Jenny de temps en temps.
I feel I ought to take off me hat to these little dead sticks, as you once called them.
J'ai envie de lever mon chapeau à ces brindilles mortes, comme vous les appelez.
I called this little auto club I know. Gave them her license number.
J'ai donné le numéro à mon club automobile.
So called them. I'm square with the police.
Je m'en fiche!
How could I have called them dirty?
Rien de "malpropre" à leur sujet.
I saw he was getting ready to keel, so I got him in here. Else one of them would have called the newspapers and splashed the front page.
Je l'ai amené ici avant qu'un des poivrots n'ameute la presse et qu'il fasse la couverture.
I haven't called the police, because it's something you might handle without them. There's gonna be trouble tonight with Beaver Canal.
Je n'ai pas appelé la police, mais il y aura du grabuge à Beaver Canal.
Well, when I decided to go ahead with the experiment, I called an employment agency and told them I needed a woman who had experience taking care of babies.
Pour les fins de l'expérience, j'ai appelé une agence de placement et leur ai dit que je cherchais une femme apte à s'occuper d'un bébé.
As to his so-called blundering and so-called slow-wittedness... perhaps I overlook them because I know the reason for them.
Quant à sa soi-disant maladresse et sa soi-disant lenteur d'esprit, je les excuse, car j'en connais la raison.
I carved off each symbol with a razor blade... and listed them in their correct position in what I called a master list.
J'ai gravé chaque symbole avec une lame et je les ai classés dans le bon ordre sur "la liste principale".
I'm wore down and out, tired of being insulted by them fellas, called a pig farmer.
J'en ai assez d'être traité de bouseux!
When I looked around, there was no sign of them or anyone else, except a bunch of girls in the distance. Out riding from some school called St Trinian's.
Je me suis retourné et il n'y avait plus personne, excepté un groupe de filles qui venaient de cette école, St Trinian.
I called the police from your room and told them who you are... and what you did tonight.
J'ai dit qui vous étiez et ce que vous avez fait cette nuit.
I didn't feel like going to the office then and called them... and told them I wouldn't be in until after lunch.
Je n'avais pas envie d'aller au bureau. J'ai appelé pour dire que j'arriverais après déjeuner.
I used to eat two of these a day. We all ate them. "Hickey in heaven" we called them.
Autrefois, j'en mangeais 2 par jour!
I told you how them folks laughed at me and called me smart names.
Je t'ai dit qu'on s'est moqué de moi et qu'on m'a insulté.
Mr. Tajima-ya, Takeno and the mistress in Hama-cho... three clients called for treatment... but I told them you went to Kawasaki and wasn't here.
Tajimaya, Takeno et Madame à Hamacho, ont demandé à être massés, mais je leur ai dit que tu étais à Kawasaki.
I told them you called off the party.
Je leur ai dit que tu avais annulé Ia fête.
I called the newspaper, and told them to publish the article.
J'ai appelé le journal :
I was sending them below when you called out.
J'étais en train de les renvoyer dans la cale.
Not really, it's just part of a course. I only say that to agitate them. The concept is that love taken on the mature level as opposed to the uh... erotic, or the so-called romantic, with all its false conceptions, is really an art.
Le concept est que l'amour, pris au niveau mature en opposé... à l'érotisme ou au soi-disant romantisme avec toutes ses fausses conceptions, est tout un art.
Now, just a minute before you break out into unbridled laughter. I called out to them.
Avant que vous n'éclatiez de rire, je dois vous dire que je les ai interpellées.
She called out to them I put her head into the water.
Elle les a appelés. J'ai mis sa tête sous l'eau.
You called rather early ; I was on my way to collect them first thing this morning.
Vous êtes venues trop tôt, c'était la première chose que je devais faire ce matin.
Yes, they're called bifocals. I invented them.
Des lunettes à double foyer de mon invention.
The moment you let her know I was double-crossing them, she called Yussef to warn him.
Dés qu'elle a su par vous que je les doublais, elle a prévenu Yussef.
i called him 132
i called it 59
i called you 172
i called 270
i called earlier 21
i called her 89
i called the police 46
i called the hospital 16
i called the cops 33
i called your office 21
i called it 59
i called you 172
i called 270
i called earlier 21
i called her 89
i called the police 46
i called the hospital 16
i called the cops 33
i called your office 21
i called dr 19
theme 39
them 588
themselves 24
theme song 16
themed 19
theme music playing 79
them's the rules 20
theme music 17
them too 26
theme 39
them 588
themselves 24
theme song 16
themed 19
theme music playing 79
them's the rules 20
theme music 17
them too 26