I did it all translate French
1,378 parallel translation
And I did it all for you.
J'ai fait tout ça pour toi.
And I did it all before my 19th birthday.
Et j'ai fait tout ça avant mes 19 ans.
I did it all alone.
J'ai fait ça tout seul.
You know what I think, Mr. Bretas? Was it worth it, all the suffering of Antônio Francisco? He worked so hard, he did so many beautiful things... and soon everything will be ruined.
Je me demande, M. Bretas... si ça vaut la peine, la souffrance d'Antônio Francisco... son effort, ses belles oeuvres.
Elaine, I think you did, too. And why throw it all away just because...
Ne gâchons pas tout à cause...
I did it to fulfill his promise for all the women of Oden Tal.
Je voulais qu'il tienne sa promesse pour les femmes de Oden Tal.
You know, all that stuff about disaster and Dawson and the ripple effect in our universe it was all right. I mean, what I did, that was just monumentally stupid.
Toute cette histoire, avec Dawson et l'effet sur notre groupe... Tu avais raison. J'ai eu un instant de stupidité.
- I cannot condone what his people did but for all this unparalleled flora to flourish it may not be entirely unreasonable to...
- Je ne tolère pas ce que son peuple a fait, mais pour que cette flore extraordinaire survive, il n'est pas déraisonnable d'envisager de...
Erm, Cassidy, we went to Maloney's, we got drunk, and I wanted it to happen as much as you did, but that's all I wanted to happen.
- Cassidy... On s'est soûlé chez Maloney. Et j'en avais envie autant que toi mais on va arrêter là.
Captain, it took me years to accept the fact that my mother was an alcoholic... and, when I did, I had to accept all the consequences.
J'ai mis des années à accepter que ma mère était alcoolique. Et j'ai dû aussi en accepter les conséquences.
it was a snap decision, but I really think I did the right thing. That's all right.
J'ai pas réfléchi, mais j'ai aucun regret.
I'd give it to. I did the most brilliant thing of all :
j'ai fait la plus brillante des choses je l'ai donnée à Dewey.
All right! All right, I did it!
D'accord, j'avoue!
Why did the light go out? It's all right. I just have to replace the power cell.
Ce n'est rien. ll faut juste que je remplace la pile.
So, just to, uh... clarify. This whole past week, beginning with the appeal we made on Tollana, in which I did a lot of hard work by the way, I take it that was all a scam?
donc,... juste pour... juste pour clarifier les choses, notre appel lancé aux tollans et tout ce qui a suivi, ce n'était que de l'arnaque?
I started watching it all day, every day, Just in case it did it again.
Je la regardais tous les jours des fois que ça recommence.
- Even if all I did was stay away it " s still the best thing I ever did in my life.
Même si je suis simplement resté à distance... c'est ce que j'ai fait de mieux dans ma vie.
It's time I did something about it. - Hey, all right.
Il est temps que je mette la main à la pâte.
At one point I thought that if what we did together was all that you wanted, it was because you knew more than me.
A un moment, j'ai pensé que si tu ne voulais que ça, c'est parce que tu en savais plus long que moi.
All I'm saying is that cats are known to be very territorial animals, and it's likely that it did attack, but that doesn't mean it was possessed.
Même s'il a attaqué, ça ne veut pas dire qu'il est possédé.
I am sure you will all fulfill the promise, which you sealed at the time with your signatures, to protect the King should it be necessary to put away Queen Joan and the people did not approve of that serious decision. Well.
Je suis sûr que vous remplirez tous la promesse, que vous avez scellée avec vos signatures, de protéger le Roi s'il fallait enfermer madame Jeanne et que le peuple n'approuva point cette grave décision.
Did I get it, y'all?
Est-ce que je l'ai eu?
- All right, all right, I did it.
- Ça va! Oui, c'est de ma faute.
Nothing exciting ever happens in this place. All right, who did it? 'Fess up or I start calling parents!
Rien d'excitant n'arrive jamais ici. OK, qui a fait ça?
All I was did was attempted to bring him a fork and a napkin... so he wouldn't have to eat with his hands and get it all over his face and his clothing.
Je voulais juste lui amener une fourchette et une serviette afin qu'il n'ait pas à manger avec ses doigts et qu'il s'en mette partout.
Yeah, I know it did, and we all got a wonderful insight
- Je le sais bien. Et on a tous eu un merveilleux aperçu
I'll make you cool. After all, I did it for me.
Je vais vous rendre populaires, comme moi.
And second of all, if I did, it would so work.
Et deuxièmement, si je le faisais, ça marcherait.
I don't know what I ever did to you, but whatever it was, I'm glad. All right?
Quoi que j'aie pu te faire, je suis content.
* How and when did it all happen? * I felt as if I had met him
"Comment et quand est-il tous arrivé?"
You don't need to thank me. I did it with all my heart!
Ne me remercie pas, je l'ai fait de bon coeur.
I did it. It was me. It was all me.
J'avoue, c'est moi qui ai tout fait!
But what you did today, I mean, it, uh... It made me feel all that anger again. - Hey, thanks.
Mais aujourd'hui, votre interprétation a ravivé toute cette colère enfouie.
Second of all, did it occur to you that I might want... to do something'cause it's the right thing?
Ensuite, il ne vous est jamais venu à l'esprit que je veuille... Faire quelque chose par devoir?
All I know is we did it with good intentions... whatever happens.
Tout ce que je sais, .. c'est qu'on l'a fait avec de bonnes intentions. Quoi qu'il arrive.
"I Did It All For The Nookie", de Limp Bizkit. Ah ouais?
Look, I know your wife killed herself, and it's been hard but all I did was come in and you had this fucking gas hangover
Je sais que c'est dur, ta femme s'est suicidée... mais je suis juste entré... et t'étais sous l'effet de l'essence.
- I'm sorry, we're really late. - Anyways, but the mother of the kid who did the shooting works at Dick Clark's All-American Grill... - Forget it.
La maman du petit garçon qui a tiré travaille dans votre restaurant dans le comté d'Oakland.
Whatever I did or didn't do or said or didn't say it was all a little mistake.
Quoi que j'aie fait ou pas fait, ou dit ou pas dit... c'était une légère erreur.
All I did was turn it down.
Je n'ai fait que le baisser.
All I did was try to fight it...
Je me suis battue...
As a young man, he was a labor activist But when you grew up, and did all kinds of sports, I thought it was fortunate he fought for you instead
Quand il était jeune, c'était un syndicaliste acharné, mais quand tu as grandi et pratiqué toutes sortes de sports, je pensais que c'était bien qu'il s'occupe de toi à la place.
If I put up with all things you did to me it's for love.
Si j'ai supporté toutes tes moqueries... c'est parce que je t'aime.
And I said, "Really?" He's like, "I kind of did it all cool too."
Moi : "C'est vrai?" Lui : "J'ai fait ca bien et tout."
I did feel like it made the point that all a lesbian needs is a good deep-dicking.
les lesbiennes ont juste besoin... - De se faire mettre bien profond. - Vraiment?
I did it. All me.
Je l'ai fait toute seule.
Yeah. You know, I still can't figure it out... what did Slick want with all that firepower?
Ouais.Tu sais, j'arrive toujours pas à m'imaginer.
It's not like, "How did I get better all of a sudden?"
Elle va pas se dire : "Pourquoi je vais mieux?"
Except all I did was think about it.
Mais j'y ai pensé tout le temps.
I hurt you, and I had to spend hours on a stinky bus... next to a guy that was spitting into a can... thinking about all the minutes going by that I wasn't at your graduation... and they were hurting you... because it was so selfish of this person who wasn't me to do what she did.
Je t'ai blessée, et j'ai du passer des heures dans un bus puant à côté d'un mec qui crachait dans une canette en pensant à toutes les minutes qui passaient et que je n'étais pas là et que ça te blessait alors que ça n'aurait pas du parce que c'était si égoïste de la personne qui n'est pas moi pour avoir fait ça
I mean, I realize now he was doing all that to impress me, so that's why I think he did it.
Je comprends maintenant qu'il faisait ça pour m'impressionner.
i did it all for you 18
i did 11059
i didn't 6296
i didn't mean to 734
i didn't ask 203
i didn't mean to upset you 69
i didn't want to bother you 42
i didn't mean to offend you 51
i didn't hear you 152
i didn't realize 188
i did 11059
i didn't 6296
i didn't mean to 734
i didn't ask 203
i didn't mean to upset you 69
i didn't want to bother you 42
i didn't mean to offend you 51
i didn't hear you 152
i didn't realize 188
i didn't mean to hurt you 93
i didn't do it on purpose 65
i didn't see you 162
i didn't mean 401
i didn't want to wake you 60
i didn't know 1538
i didn't do it 744
i didn't do anything 1161
i didn't mean it 356
i didn't mean it like that 222
i didn't do it on purpose 65
i didn't see you 162
i didn't mean 401
i didn't want to wake you 60
i didn't know 1538
i didn't do it 744
i didn't do anything 1161
i didn't mean it 356
i didn't mean it like that 222