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Isn't it amazing translate French

406 parallel translation
Amazing, isn't it?
Etonnant, non?
Isn't it amazing, Henry, that lying here within this cowl is an artificially developed human brain?
N'est-il pas incroyable que dans ce crâne repose un cerveau humain créé artificiellement?
Isn't it amazing?
N'est-ce pas merveilleux?
It's amazing how time flies, isn't it?
Le temps passe si vite, n'est-ce pas?
Isn't it amazing?
C'est incroyable?
Isn't it amazing, the amount of stimulation we feel we need in our daily lives?
N'est-ce pas incroyable la quantité de stimulant dont on a besoin au quotidien?
Amazing, isn't it, major?
Étonnant, non, commandant?
It's amazing, isn't it?
Incroyable, pas vrai?
Isn't it amazing what one letter can do?
C'est incroyable ce qu'une lettre peut faire.
- Amazing, isn't it?
- Stupéfiant, n'est-ce pas?
Isn't it amazing?
C'est fantastique, non?
They're still coming. Amazing, isn't it?
Dire qu'il en arrive encore...
Isn't it amazing?
Incroyable, non?
Isn't it amazing?
Chez nous, tout est encore enneigé et glacé.
And, yet, on several others... both he and Artie showed no more emotional maturity than a seven-year-old. - It's amazing, isn't it?
Mais leur maturité émotionnelle est celle d'un enfant de 7 ans.
It's an amazing process, isn't it?
C'est un processus étonnant, n'est-ce pas?
Isn't it amazing how they get those big fish into those little glass jars?
N'est-ce pas étonnant qu'on mette ces gros poissons dans ces petits bocaux?
- So, isn't it amazing?
- Ça alors, c'est bon?
Amazing, isn't it, how it's assured me a life of comfort and security?
Il m'assure une vie confortable et dépourvue de tout souci.
Amazing, isn't it, the things that endure the ravages of time and taste?
Incroyable, n'est-ce pas, ce qui résiste aux ravages du temps et du goût?
- Isn't it amazing?
- Ce n'est pas merveilleux?
Isn't it amazing?
N'est-ce pas étonnant?
Isn't it amazing?
DOCTEUR : N'est-ce pas fantastique?
It's amazing what turns up in the trap sometimes. Isn't it?
On trouve de drôles d'animaux dans les pièges parfois.
Sam, isn't it amazing how stupid a man can be?
C'est étonnant combien les hommes peuvent être bêtes.
Isn't it amazing?
Étonnant, non?
- You do? Isn't it amazing?
Merveilleux, n'est-ce pas?
The criminal mind is an amazing thing, isn't it?
Curieux, le cerveau d'un criminel, n'est-ce pas?
Amazing what they can do, isn't it?
Mon visage a changé. On n'arrête pas le progrès.
It's amazing what they can do with this costume stuff these days, isn't it?
C'est inouï ce qu'on fait de nos jours avec les pierres artificielles.
Amazing, isn't it?
Isn't it amazing what a vivid imagination can do?
Le pouvoir de l'imagination est incroyable.
Isn't it amazing how quickly they build things nowadays?
Ils construisent si vite de nos jours.
It's amazing, isn't it?
C'est stupéfiant, n'est-ce pas?
Look, isn't it amazing?
Regarde, tu ne trouves pas ça extraordinaire?
Amazing likeness, isn't it?
Etonnamment ressemblant, non?
Amazing, isn't it?
Dingue ça?
Isn't it fantastic? Yes, it is. It's amazing.
Je commande les sentiments... comme je commande les hommes.
Really amazing, isn't it, Melody?
- Melody, impressionnant, non?
You know, it's amazing how good it can be after 21 years, isn't it?
Tu sais, c'est incroyable comme ça peut être bon après 21 ans, non?
It's amazing, isn't it?
C'est épatant, non?
Huh. Isn't it amazing how often a doctor... will live up to our expectation of how a doctor should look? When you see a terrorist on television, he looks just like a terrorist.
Un médecin ressemble à l'idée qu'on se fait d'un médecin, le terroriste qu'on voit à la télé a une gueule de terroriste!
- It's amazing, the mind, how the eyes can make you see something that isn't even there.
- C'est incroyable, comment l'esprit vous fait voir des choses qui n'existent pas.
Amazing, isn't it?
Étonnant, non?
- Isn't it amazing?
- C'est incroyable.
Isn't it amazing that three people could accumulate so much stuff?
C'est fou ce que 3 personnes peuvent accumuler.
Isn't it amazing how I can feel so bad and still look so good?
C'est inouï d'être si mal fichue et encore si belle.
But isn't it amazing how things always work out?
C'est fou comme tout s'arrange!
It's amazing, isn't it?
C'est génial non?
Isn't it amazing how you can fit a whole town of humans... into a few card of board boxes, if you slice off the fat?
C'est fou de parvenir à faire entrer tous ces gens dans des cartons. En enlevant le gras.
- Isn't it amazing?

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