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Translate.vc / English → French / [ L ] / Let's try that again

Let's try that again translate French

95 parallel translation
All right, let's try that one again.
Je vais remettre l'autre.
Let's try that again.
On remet ca?
Let's try that again.
Essayons encore. - D'accord.
All right, let's try again. Let's back up and see if you can turn that Mount Everest of manure into a few facts.
Voyons si on arrive à tirer de ces mensonges des faits réels.
Let's try that one again.
Voyons ce que ça donne cette fois.
"Let's try that again." Yeah.
Remettons ça.
That's wonderful. Now, let's try it again.
Encore une fois.
Let's try that again.
Essayons encore.
Yes, I said, " Let's try that again...
Oui, j'ai dit : " Essayons ça encore une fois,
Let's try that again!
Je suis allé de l'avant un peu vite.
Now, let's try that again.
On va faire un deuxième essai.
Let's try that again.
Je remets ça : Bonjour, papa.
- Let's try that again.
- Deuxiême essai.
Let-Let's just try that again.
On peut réessayer?
OK, let's try that again.
Essayons à nouveau.
Let's try to do that again.
Il faudra remettre ça.
Let's try that again at Mach 1.8. - Throw in a shoulder roll for good measure.
Essayons encore une fois à Mach 1,8.
Okay, let's try that again.
On essaie encore.
Let's try that one again.
Essaie encore une fois.
Let's try that again.
On recommence.
Let's go home and try that apology again.
Rentrons, et tu me referas des excuses.
Let's try that again. Yeah.
- Encore une fois.
Let's try that again, shall we?
Essayons encore une fois, d'accord?
And I'm not gonna let some big shot salsa king... sweep in with your mambo moves and your Erik Estrada look... and come in and try to take her away, because I've had that happen before and it's not gonna happen again.
Et je ne vais pas laisser une grosse légume de la salsa... lui faire un petit mambo et avec son air à la Erik Estrada me la prendre... parce que ça m'est déjà arrivé avant et ça ne m'arrivera plus jamais.
Okay, let's try that again.
Ok, on va essayer encore une fois.
Let's try that again... together.
Essayons à nouveau... Ensemble.
Let's try that again.
Reprenons du début.
Let's try that one again Roy.
Essayons celle-là Roy.
Let's try that again.
Essayons ça encore.
Let's try that again
Encore une fois.
Let's try that one again.
Faux. Est-ce vrai?
Let's try that again.
Okay, let's try that again, and leave out the reference you know means nothing to me.
Ok, on la refait, et oublie les références qui n'ont aucun sens pour moi.
Let's try that again, right?
On réessaye, d'accord?
Let's identify something that would've triggered you in the past, something you'd like to try again.
Trouvons quelque chose qui aurait déclenché une crise, avant. Quelque chose que vous aimeriez réessayer.
Let's try that one again.
Well, let's try that again. Come on.
- Bon, alors on recommence.
Okay, let's try that again.
Essayons de nouveau.
- Let's try that again, all right?
Vas-y, essaie encore.
- Let's try that again.
- Je réessaye.
Let's try that again.
On réessaie.
Let's try that again, shall we?
Essayons encore une fois, voulez-vous?
Let's try that again. Shall we?
Essayons encore.
Alright, let's try that one again.
Okay, ré-essayons...
Let's try that again.
Je recommence.
I hate that Zoe won't let me even try to fix it... That I'm lying to Amelia, that Naomi's caught up in this again.
{ \ pos ( 192,210 ) } Que Zoe ne me laisse même pas essayer de le guérir... { \ pos ( 192,210 ) } Mentir à Amelia, que Naomi se retrouve mêlée à ça.
Let's- - Let's try that again.
Réessayons, d'accord?
Let's try that again, shall we?
Essayons encore une fois, veux-tu?
* Falling in love * * Is such an easy thing to do *
Saison 02 Épisode 18 "Let's Try That Again"
Let's try that again.
On le refait.
Let's try that lift again, shall we?
Essayons le porté à nouveau.

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