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Make a fist translate French

137 parallel translation
Make a fist!
Fermez le poing.
Now make a fist.
Serrez le poing.
Make a fist.
Serrez le poing.
Make a fist.
Ferme le poing.
Make a fist.
Faites un poing.
Oan't you even make a fist?
Vous n'etes pas capable de faire un poing?
Hell, you think I'm going to hit a man who can't even make a fist?
Putain, vous croyez que je vais frapper un homme qui ne peut même pas faire un poing?
And when they're back in focus, slowly make a fist with the hand that's up
Et quand vous verrez avec netteté, faitez un poing avec la main levée
- I don't want to hit you. - Make a fist.
- Allez, serrez le poing.
Here, put your hand in there like that and make a fist.
Mettez votre main ici et serrez le poing.
Now left, make a fist.
Le poing gauche refermé.
Because you can't make a fist - holding hands.
On ne peut pas donner des coups de poings comme ça.
This won't hurt you a bit. Make a fist.
ça fera pas mal.
I said, make a fist.
Serre le poing. Serre-le, je te dis!
Make a fist for me.
Tu serres bien ton poing s'il te plaît.
Come on, make a fist of it!
Allez, mon grand! À la gare comme à la gare.
Make a fist.
Make a fist and pump it a couple times.
Serrez le poing deux ou trois fois.
- Make a fist, son.
- Montre ton poing, mon fils.
Julia, make a fist for me with your right hand.
Julia, faites le poing avec votre main droite.
Make a fist.
Fermez le poing.
Make a fist again.
Fermez le poing.
Make a fist.
Okay, now make a fist.
Serrez le poing.
Make a fist.
Serre le poing. Plus tard.
You don't have to make a fist.
Tu peux desserrer le poing.
"to make a fist"
"pour faire un poing"
Make a fist and grasp the peniary gland tightly so that the blood gathers round the top.
De ton plus joli poignet, tu garrottes le tronc du pénis pour que le flux sanguin se comprime autour de la couronne du gland.
Make a fist, let's see about children.
Serre le poing, voyons les enfants.
He won't make a fist.
Il ne fermera pas les poings.
You should make a fist, and punch him in the nose.
Tu devrais fermer le poing et le frapper sur le nez.
Now, make a fist... and slowly ease it up underneath your chin.
Maintenant, posez le poing... lentement sous le menton.
Baedal, if you make a fist you can't grasp anything not friends, not earth nor sky
Baedal, si tu fermes le poing tu ne pourras rien attraper. Ni amis, ni terre, ni ciel.
No And if this tip is a washout, I'm gonna make a fist
Mais si ce tuyau est pourri, c'est mon poing dans le cul que je te fourrerai.
Look at this, I can't even make a fist.
Regardez ça, j'arrive pas à fermer le poing.
Make a fist around my fingers as tight as you can. Squeeze.
- Prenez mon doigt et serrez fort.
Make a fist.
Tiens, ferme le poing.
Like this. Loosen up. Now make a fist.
Comme ça, laisse-le comme ça, fais glisser, ferme le poing.
Make a fist, honey.
Serre le poing, chéri.
You telling me you can't make a fist?
Lâche-moi la grappe.
Here, make a fist like this and jab between the nose and mouth in a straight line. Don't'swing like you do but make it a straight line.
Alors, si tu es un agneau pourquoi tu n'es pas dans un pré?
I mean, don't get me wrong.I love what I do, but, well, people have the ability to speak and complain and call you up at 4 : 00 in the morning because they can't make a fist.
Comprends-moi bien. J'aime ce que je fais, mais les gens peuvent parler et se plaindre et te réveiller à 4h du matin parce qu'ils ne peuvent pas fermer le poing.
Make a fist.
- Serrez le poing.
I'm fresh out of the country-side but your answer could make me smash down a house or two like yours with my fist.
Je ne suis qu'un provincial mais si tu me réponds mal, je peux détruire ta maison!
A skilled orator's fist would make a hole.
Un orateur habile ferait un trou dans la tribune.
Yeah, and they'd make a real, tasty fist sandwich.
Assez pour te les flanquer dans la gueule.
- Make a fist- there you go.
- Ton poing.
A habit that would make a bishop put his fist through a stained glass window.
Un évêque en aurait pété les vitraux
Make a fist.
Serrez votre poing.
But, first, make sure your hand is balled up in a fist, so you can beat the black out of his soul.
Mais avant tout, assurez-vous que votre main forme un poing, pour que vous puissiez le débarrasser du Noir qui est en lui.
Kills her, then tries to make it look le a suicide, and in the midst of their struggle, his tooth fragment ends up in her fist?
Il la tue, il essaie de faire passer ça pour un suicide et au milieu de leur bagarre, le fragment de sa dent finit dans le poing de Kira?

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