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Make it fast translate French

524 parallel translation
You will make it fast as you can, won't you Mr Horan?
On peut faire vite? Je suis déjà en retard pour le dîner.
All right, Ygor, make it fast.
Allez, Igor, dépêche-toi.
Get anything, and make it fast.
Allez, file!
Let's make it fast.
On se dépêche.
Make it fast, my boy.
Serre bien.
- Get down there and make it fast.
- Descends et attache-le.
Make it fast.! Kovac, man the pump.!
Kovac, actionne la pompe.
Better make it fast, Chavez.
Dépêchez-vous. Il vous reste cinq minutes.
Well, I got to make some dough first. Well, you better make it fast.
Je dois gagner de l'argent avant.
As a good last gesture just shoot straight and make it fast, will you?
Mais tirez vite et droit, S.V.P.
But you'd better make it fast.
Mais en vitesse, hein.
"Make it fast", huh?
En vitesse, c'est ça?
Make it fast. - Let's go, Cappie.
- Allez, allez, vite!
Get me Mr Boot, and make it fast.
Passez-moi M. Boot en vitesse.
- Le  s make it fast.
Faites-la voler!
Make it fast.
Fais vite!
Grab an armful of boughs, make it fast.
Prenez un tas de branches, vite.
Boss, give me a phone chip, make it fast.
Patron, un jeton de téléphone! Garage Sebastiani.
OK, but make it fast.
D'accord, mais faites vite.
Make it fast to the cleats.
Attachez la corde!
Lieutenant Schaeffer, take two men to Fort Laramie, make it fast.
Lieutenant Schaeffer, partez avec deux hommes à Fort Laramie.
- Make it fast. We gotta celebrate.
- Vite, qu'on aille fêter ça.
- Come on, Cherry, let's make it fast.
Ne traînons pas!
Call him, make it fast.
Appelle-le. Grouille!
Well, come on! Make it fast.
Et que ça saute.
Medwick Country Club, as fast as you can make it.
Au Medwick Country Club, le plus vite possible.
I can grab it back so fast it'll make your head swim.
Je peux le reprendre aussi vite, que la tête vous en tournera.
Now then, start talking and make it quick and fast.
Maintenant, parlez-leur et faites ça le plus vite possible.
Make it fast.
- Vite.
If it wasn't for Norton and his striped-pants ideas about company policy... I'd have the police after her so fast it'd make her head spin.
S'il n'y avait pas Norton et sa manie des procédures, elle aurait déjà les flics à ses trousses!
But if you act wise I'll make sure you pop into jail so fast, it'll give you the bends.
Fais le mariole et tu plongeras si vite que tu remonteras jamais!
When is he gonna learn you can't drink it as fast as they make it?
Quand apprendra-t-il qu'on ne peut pas les vider plus vite qu'on les remplit?
We hit'em hard, fast, sudden, and we make it...
On frappe dur, on frappe vite, et on gagne!
I'll be right there as fast as I can make it.
It's the one way to make Dave and Jim Crew more fast.
Comme ça, Dave et Jim Crew devront agir sans attendre.
You start a fight with me... and he'll have the United States Army here so fast it'll make your head swim.
Johanna! Shéhérazade s'évanouit. L'Armée et la Marine!
Come on, boys. Make it fast.
Allez, on se dépêche.
But you're the kind of guy that's always on the prowl for a fast buck. And you're not going to make it off the ponies.
Mais tu es la genre de type à courir après l'argent facile et c'est pas comme ça que tu y arriveras
That rifle can be loaded and fired so fast, it'll make each man equal to five.
Il peut faire le travail de cinq hommes!
Make it fast!
Faites vite!
Make it fast, I'm in a hurry.
It took a lot of fast talking to make her see the right way of things.
J'ai eu beaucoup de mal... à la convaincre.
If I can't make it back, you get out of here as fast as you can.
Si je ne m'en sors pas, allez vite rejoindre les autres.
Can you make it as fast as possible?
Pourriez-vous faire aussi vite que possible?
Sure, I'll pitch you out of this school so fast it'll make your head swim, but I'll respect you as a man.
Certes, je vous exclurai immédiatement, mais vous aurez tout mon respect.
"I could make the line fast," he thought, " but then he could break it.
" Je pourrais amarrer la ligne, mais il risque de la rompre.
Jesse told me. I'd fire that girl so fast, it would make her head swim.
A votre place, je la renverrais si vite que la tète lui tournerait.
- Appelle une ambulance.
I'd pull you down to headquarters so fast it would make your ears ring!
Je t'enverrais au poste si vite que tes oreilles siffleraient!
They're gonna swoop down and scoop you up so fast it'd make your head swim.
Vous serez ramassés en moins de deux.
I'll make it all right, if I don't take it too fast.
Je m'en sortirai si j'arrive à amortir.

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