Maybe i could translate French
7,251 parallel translation
There was very little about him that I didn't know, so... maybe I could help you.
Il y avait peu de choses que j'ignorais sur lui, alors... peut être que je peux vous aider.
I guess maybe I could un-ruin it.
Je pourrais peut-être essayer de le "déruiner".
You think maybe I could come with you?
Tu crois que je pourrais venir avec toi?
- Hmm. Okay, maybe I could imagine it, but I had to stay focused on my Toby mission.
Bon, je pouvais l'imaginer, mais je devais me concentrer sur ma mission Toby.
Maybe I could finance somethin'for you to star in.
Peut-être que je pourrais financer un truc où tu serais la star.
Maybe I could direct.
Je pourrais réaliser.
And then maybe I could have avoided living such a bullshit life for the past 40 years, that's what I think, John.
Comme ça, j'aurais évité cette vie de merde que je mène depuis 40 ans, voilà ce que je dis, John.
Maybe I could come over to the house later and we could discuss them.
Je pourrais peut-être venir chez vous plus tard pour en discuter.
You've asserted yourself, and you got a job, so maybe I could give you a loan.
Tu t'es affirmée, tu as trouvé du travail, alors je pourrais te prêter de l'argent.
Maybe I could use some structure, sir.
J'ai peut-être envie de hiérarchie.
Oh, I'm sorry, but it does say pizza hut and taco bell, so I thought maybe I could get some pizza as well.
Excusez-moi, mais je vois ici Pizza Hut et Taco Bell, alors... Je pensais que je pourrais avoir une tranche de pizza.
Maybe I could teach it.
Je pourrais enseigner ça.
At any rate, I figured we could pass the time and do something fun, maybe a movie night.
En tout cas, je me suis dit qu'on pourrait passer le temps et faire quelque chose d'amusant, peut-être une soirée cinématographique?
I thought maybe you could take off the afternoon.
Je pensais que tu pourrais prendre ton après-midi.
If I had a sketch of the dead woman, maybe Aubrey could I.D. her.
Si j'ai une esquisse de la femme qui est morte peut être qu'Aubrey pourrait l'identifier.
Isabelle and I thought that... maybe you could stay with Océane someday soon.
Isabelle et moi, on pensait... te demander de venir garder Océane, un soir, quand tu aurais le temps.
I was thinking that maybe you could see a therapist.
J'y pensais, pourquoi tu vas pas voir un psy?
I was thinking that maybe we could have lunch together on Tuesday, after your shrink.
C'est pour te dire que je serai près de chez toi mardi prochain, et j'irai déjeuner avec toi après ton psy.
I thought maybe this meant that we could... stop living the lie.
Je pensais que ça signifiait peut-être que nous pourrions mettre un terme à ce mensonge.
I thought maybe he could take a look at my puzzle- - it's a good one- - and consider it for publication.
J'ai pensé qu'il pouvait peut-être jeter un coup d'oeil à mon énigme, elle était bonne, et envisager sa publication.
If-if I haven't burned too many bridges, I was wondering if maybe you and I could give it another try. Oh, wow.
Si je n'ai pas tout foutu en l'air, je me demandais si toi et moi, pouvions refaire un essai.
So I was just gonna throw out this brand-new squash racquet, but then I thought, "hey, maybe the Captain could use it."
Mais laisse-moi te poser une question. Ça te paraît comment une zone scone? Super bien.
Oh, uh... I-I guess we could maybe just order something.
On pourrait commander un truc.
Maybe you could also serve unicorn burgers and magic beans, and I'll invite my boyfriend, Bigfoot!
Tu pourras aussi servir des hamburgers licornes et des haricots magiques, et je vais inviter mon copain, Bigfoot!
And I was thinking that maybe we could do that.
Et je pensais qu'on pourrait faire ça.
But I mean, you think that maybe they could slip a kegger past the detail?
Mais, tu crois qu'elles pourraient faire une fête sans qu'ils le sachent?
- Hey, you know, I was thinking maybe later we could do some Kennish karaoke.
- Oui, tu sais, je pensais que peut-être que plus tard on pourrait faire du Kennish karaoké.
I thought maybe we could watch it together.
J'ai pensé qu'on pourrait le regarder ensemble.
Maybe I could mortgage the house. You could buy it, Dad.
- Tu pourrais l'acheter, papa.
I thought maybe we could kiss or something?
Je me disais qu'on pouvait peut-être s'embrasser.
In fact, if I had a dad like Dusty when I was your age, maybe he could have taught me how to stand up for myself.
En fait, si j'avais eu un père comme Dusty à ton âge, il m'aurait appris à me défendre.
I'm feeling a little overdressed, so if you maybe have something that I could change into?
Je me sens un peu trop habillée, donc si vous aviez quelque chose pour me changer?
I don't know, maybe you could, uh.. wrap your shirt around it.
- Je ne sais pas. Peut-être qu'il faudrait... Ah oui, l'enrouler avec ton t-shirt.
Drama sucking, I could've maybe bought that.
Que Drama soit mauvais, j'aurais pu y croire.
Yeah. So I thought maybe we could have some dinner sometime?
On pourrait peut-être dîner ensemble un de ces quatre.
I think that we could maybe just get a taxi...
Je pense qu'on devrait peut-être prendre un taxi...
I was just thinking we could maybe blow off the Turay match, rethink things, pick a fight
Je pensais qu'on pourrait annuler le match contre Turay, repenser à tout ça, choisir un match
I'm pretty good with sayings, so I make these cards for my sister, but I think maybe you could use one.
Je fais des cartes pour ma sœur, mais vous en avez besoin.
I gotta do this five-second stop, and then maybe we could get a little something.
J'ai un petit arrêt à faire. Après, on pourrait manger un morceau.
Is it... ls there any way that I could maybe get to it?
Puis-je y avoir accès?
You're an adult on planet earth. Well, maybe if you put a circuit breaker on my crystal ball, I could do my job here.
Et peut-être que si tu mettais un disjoncteur sur ma boule de cristal, je pourrais faire mon travail.
Is there anyway, if I like, take double or something that I could maybe buy some beer?
Est-il possible, c'est à dire, si vous payez le double...? Vous pourriez peut-être acheter de la bière?
Maybe after I get settled we could ride out to the bluffs like we used to.
Quand je serai installé, on pourrait aller au promontoire à cheval.
I thought maybe you could tell me what it's like to be me.
Vous pourriez peut-être me dire ce que ça fait d'être moi.
I was hoping maybe you could go grab her.
Pourriez-vous aller la chercher?
I'm just really bloody lonely, and we had something. - And I thought maybe we could figure out...
Je me sens très seul et comme on s'est aimés, j'ai pensé qu'on pourrait...
I thought maybe you could help me.
Vous m'aideriez à la trouver?
Maybe, I don't know, someone could have photoshopped it.
Ça peut être du Photoshop.
I was hoping I could maybe miss the lunch service on Thursday.
J'espérais pouvoir manquer le service du déjeuner de Jeudi.
Until that moment, when I realized that if I could be way up in the clouds, then maybe it would take me away from the hurt I felt down on the ground.
Jusqu'au moment où j'ai réalisé que si je pouvais être dans les nuages, ça m'enlèverait peut-être la douleur que je ressentais sur terre.
Yeah, I was wondering if maybe you could consider helping us try to overturn the verdict.
Oui, je me demandais si vous pouviez Considérez que nous aider à essayer de renverser le verdict.
maybe i could help 28
maybe it's better this way 17
maybe i do 116
maybe i don't 50
maybe i won't 28
maybe i am 188
maybe it won't 17
maybe it's me 32
maybe i did 99
maybe i will 247
maybe it's better this way 17
maybe i do 116
maybe i don't 50
maybe i won't 28
maybe i am 188
maybe it won't 17
maybe it's me 32
maybe i did 99
maybe i will 247
maybe it's for the best 67
maybe it isn't 28
maybe it does 31
maybe i don't want to 17
maybe i'm 26
maybe it is 190
maybe it's time 38
maybe it 21
maybe it's true 24
maybe it's my fault 16
maybe it isn't 28
maybe it does 31
maybe i don't want to 17
maybe i'm 26
maybe it is 190
maybe it's time 38
maybe it 21
maybe it's true 24
maybe it's my fault 16