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Translate.vc / English → French / [ M ] / Morning

Morning translate French

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He won't know what's hit him in the morning.
comme œ, il est encore plus surpris en se réveillant.
Good morning.
Good morning, everybody.
Bonjour à tous.
Good morning, Ms. Süreyya.
Bonjour Madame Süreyya.
Good morning.
- Bonjour.
Hello. Good morning.
- Good morning.
- Bonjour.
You come here one evening and the next morning Deniz disappears.
Un jour, vous arrivez dans cette maison et le lendemain matin Deniz disparaît.
Fresh cut this morning.
Fraîchement coupée ce matin.
I paid your debt this morning.
J'ai payé ta dette ce matin.
Morning, noon, and night.
Matin, midi et soir.
His pickled carcass was dragged from St. James'pond early this morning.
On a repêché son cadavre alcoolisé, dans l'étang de St James ce matin.
They dragged him out the pond near his house this morning.
On l'a repêché dans l'étang près d'ici ce matin.
Just coffee for you this morning?
Un café seulement, ce matin?
Birth control pills, morning  after pills, murdering babies.
La pilule... la pilule du lendemain... ils assassinaient les nourrissons.
How are you this morning?
Comment ça va, ce matin?
I'll be your server this morning.
Je suis votre serveuse.
Good morning, welcome.
Réveil-toi! Bonjour.
- Good morning.
Morning to you.
Bonjour à vous.
Good morning, girls.
Bonjour, les filles.
Good morning, Aunt Lydia.
Bonjour, soeur Lydia.
I am sure we are all aware of the unfortunate circumstances that bring us together on this beautiful morning, when I am certain we would all rather be doing something else.
Nous savons tous, ce qui nous rassemble, en cette belle matinée... alors qu'on aimerait tous faire autre chose.
We're pulling together a march for Thursday morning.
On prépare une manif pour jeudi matin.
This room gets such nice light in the morning.
La lumière dans cette chambre est magnifique, le matin.
Good morning, girls.
Bonjour, mesdemoiselles.
Good morning, Aunt Lydia.
Bonjour, Tante Lydia.
Monday morning, you better start putting your money where your mouth is and find us another $ 50,000 case.
Dès lundi, joins l'acte à la parole et trouve-nous une autre affaire à 50 000 $.
I made peace with my family ; I got my old associate back, and as of this morning, I'm the head of my firm, and when I thought of sharing that with someone, I thought of you.
J'ai renoué avec ma famille, j'ai récupéré mon collaborateur, et je prends la tête du cabinet, et quand j'ai pensé à partager ça avec quelqu'un, j'ai pensé à vous.
You're later than usually this morning.
Tu arrives plus tard que d'habitude.
And the truth is, I've been neglecting them ever since they got here, but that ends this morning.
En vérité, je les ai négligés depuis leur arrivée, mais cela prend fin ce matin.
Good morning, Gretchen.
Bonjour, Gretchen.
Good morning, boys and girls.
Bonjour à tous.
From what I heard, you had time to go off on the associates this morning.
J'ai cru comprendre que tu avais le temps de sortir avec les associés ce matin.
Wait a second, I thought you told me as of the other morning that you're now head of the firm.
Attends, l'autre matin tu m'as dit que tu dirigeais le cabinet.
- Good morning, Rita.
- Bonjour, Rita.
The joke you spent all morning coming up with.
Ta blague de la matinée.
Which means you could have told him this morning.
Tu aurais pu lui en parler ce matin.
We'll pick this up first thing in the morning with your witness.
On reprendra demain matin avec votre témoin.
This vote isn't until tomorrow morning.
Le vote n'aura lieu que demain.
Tomorrow morning, I'm going to ask Mike if anyone knew he was a fraud while he was at Pearson Specter.
Demain matin je vais demander à Mike si on savait que c'était un imposteur quand il était à Pearson Specter.
Monday morning, you better start putting your money where your mouth is and find us another $ 50,000 case.
Lundi matin, commence à chercher un autre dossier à 50 000 $.
So tomorrow morning, I'm gonna go in there with my head held high.
Donc demain matin, je vais aller là bas avec la tête haute.
As of this morning, I'm the head of my firm, and, when I thought of sharing that with someone, I thought of you.
Depuis ce matin, je suis à la tête de mon cabinet, et quand j'ai pensé à partager cela avec quelqu'un, j'ai pensé à vous.
He takes his morning coffee halffull of Jim Beam.
Le matin, son café, il l'arrose au whisky.
How did it go this morning? Did Baby Angela take her bottle?
Angela a bien pris son biberon, ce matin?
I'll see you in the morning.
À demain matin.
Morning, Jane.
Bonjour, Jane.
But I've been wanting to clean this room out for quite some time, and the light here is so beautiful in the morning.
Le matin, la lumière est magnifique.
You can let me know in the morning.
Tu peux me donner ta réponse demain matin.

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