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Translate.vc / English → French / [ M ] / Mr sheldrake

Mr sheldrake translate French

50 parallel translation
Are you Mr Sheldrake?
Etes-vous Monsieur Sheldrake?
Hello, Mr. Sheldrake.
Bonjour M. Sheldrake.
Look, Mr. Sheldrake.
Ecoutez, Mr.
- Mr. Sheldrake?
- M. Sheldrake?
I'll send that efficiency report to Mr. Sheldrake in Personnel.
J'envoie le rapport sur votre efficacité à M. Sheldrake.
Mr. Sheldrake's secretary.
La secrétaire de M. Sheldrake.
Mr. Sheldrake called me.
M. Sheldrake m'a appelé.
- Yes, Mr. Sheldrake.
- Oui, M. Sheldrake.
- Good evening, Mr. Sheldrake.
- Bonsoir, M. Sheldrake.
"Good morning, Miss Kubelik." "Good night, Mr. Sheldrake."
"Bonjour, Mlle Kubelik." "Bonsoir, M. Sheldrake."
Sorry, Mr. Sheldrake. I'm full up.
Désolée, M. Sheldrake.
- Good morning, Mr. Sheldrake.
- Bonjour, M. Sheldrake.
You know Mr. Sheldrake?
Vous connaissez M. Sheldrake?
I could talk to Mr. Sheldrake.
Je pourrais lui parler.
Yes, Mr. Sheldrake.
Oui, M. Sheldrake.
Mr. J.D. Sheldrake.
Monsieur J.D. Sheldrake.
OK, Mr. Sheldrake.
Très bien.
Goodbye, Mr. Sheldrake.
Au revoir, M. Sheldrake.
After all, Mr. Sheldrake's a married man.
Après tout, M. Sheldrake est un homme marié.
Will you see that Mr. Sheldrake gets it?
Pourriez-vous le faire parvenir à M. Sheldrake?
Mr. Sheldrake?
M. Sheldrake?
Operator, this is Mr. Sheldrake.
Ici M. Sheldrake.
- No, thank you, Mr. Sheldrake.
- Non, merci, M. Sheldrake.
Mr. Sheldrake.
M. Sheldrake.
- To someone like Mr. Sheldrake.
- A quelqu'un comme M. Sheldrake.
Mr. Sheldrake's office? This is C.C. Baxter.
Le bureau de M. Sheldrake?
Mr. Sheldrake, I've got good news for you.
M. Sheldrake, j'ai une bonne nouvelle pour vous.
I suppose you heard about Mr. Sheldrake.
Vous avez appris pour M. Sheldrake.
- You were wrong about Mr. Sheldrake. - I guess so.
- Vous aviez tort pour M. Sheldrake.
Mr. Sheldrake wasn't using me.
Il ne se servait pas de moi.
- Aren't you meeting Mr. Sheldrake? - No.
- Vous ne partez pas avec M. Sheldrake?
- Sorry, Mr. Sheldrake.
- Désolé, M. Sheldrake.
What about Mr. Sheldrake?
Et M. Sheldrake?
- Excuse me, Mr. Sheldrake.
- Pardon, M. Sheldrake.
You know Mr. Sheldrake.
Tu connais M. Sheldrake.
Mr. Sheldrake, I'd like you to meet my wife.
M. Sheldrake, je vous présente ma femme.
- How do you do, Mr. Sheldrake?
- Enchantée, M. Sheldrake.
You see, Mr. Sheldrake?
Vous voyez?
Mr. Sheldrake has just one little request.
M. Sheldrake désire juste une petite chose.
Mr. Sheldrake, you wanna drive my car?
M. Sheldrake, vous voulez conduire ma voiture?
Oh, Mr. Sheldrake.
Oh, M. Sheldrake.
Mr. Sheldrake there's something I'd like to try and explain to you but I'm not absolutely sure how to- -
M. Sheldrake, il faut que je vous explique quelque chose, mais je ne sais pas vraiment comment...
Oh, why, Mr. Sheldrake, that sounds wonderful.
Mais ça a l'air merveilleux, M. Sheldrake.

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