Pitched voice translate French
172 parallel translation
Say mama. ( IN HIGH-PITCHED VOICE ) Mama.
- Dis "maman".
( IN HIGH-PITCHED VOICE ) Hello, Dan, what are you doing here?
Bonjour, Dan, que fais-tu ici?
( IN HIGH-PITCHED VOICE ) Say, you look like you're upset.
Tu as l'air triste. Que s'est-il passé?
( IN HIGH-PITCHED VOICE ) Well, let's go up to my place and have a little talk.
Allons chez moi pour discuter.
( IN HIGH-PITCHED VOICE ) Oh, say, you're not like you used to be.
Tu n'es plus comme avant, toi.
( IN HIGH-PITCHED VOICE ) Well, what of it?
Et alors?
[High-pitched Voice] Trasky, she's waiting for you.!
Trasky, elle t'attend!
Right... He's a small man about this high With a high - pitched voice.
Il est petit comme ça, avec une voix de crécelle.
Because then, when he sang, it was in this real high-pitched voice.
Parce qu'il se met à chanter avec cette voix perçante.
Oh, ( HIGH-PITCHED VOICE ) you want me to do the dishes? I hate doing dishes. Oh, no.
( In high-pitched voice ) Hello.
Bonjour. Ah, mon Dieu.
[High-pitched Voice] You perfect gentlemen.
Vous êtes de parfaits gentlemen.
Until I heard this wee, small voice whisper in my ear — [High-pitched Voice] "Buy me".
Jusqu'à ce que j'entende sa toute petite voix : "Achète-moi."
[High-pitched Voice] " He's so dreamy.
Il est tellement adorable.
[High-pitched Voice ] Oh, that would be delight- - [ Normal Voice] Quiet, boy.
Ça serait merveilleux... Tais-toi!
[High-Pitched Voice] Room service, Mr. Tommy. Can I turn down your pants? Agh!
Service d'étage, je peux faire votre pantalon?
It was as if voices of innumerable children, strangely formed a single strong and high-pitched voice.
C'était comme si des voix d'enfants innombrables d'une manière invraisemblable formaient une seule voix aiguë et forte.
( High-pitched voice ) I'm so, so, sorry.
Je suis si, si désolé.
[High-Pitched Voice] Ooh, look at me. I'm Kim Basinger, the big movie star.
Regardez-moi, je suis Kim Basinger, la grande star.
[High-Pitched Voice] Attus glad that over.
Heureusement que c'est fini.
When summer arrives in the hamlet, the baby partrige chirps with its high-pitched voice.
Quand vient l'été, là-haut dans le hameau, Le perdreau pépie de sa voix haut perchée
( HIGH-PITCHED VOICE ) Let me out!
Faites moi sortir!
Why are you talking like that? [High-pitched Voice] These are our real voices.
- Pourquoi vous parlez comme ça?
[Stairs Squeaking ] [ High-pitched Voice ] Well, I'm off to market. [ Burps]
Je m'en vais faire les courses.
- [Whirring Stops ] - [ High-Pitched Voice] You have information.
Vous avez des informations.
( in High-pitched voice ) hello, Jeffrey, you're home at last. Go and tidy your room.
"Salut Jeffrey, tu es enfin rentré, va dans la chambre toute proprette"
( WEIRD HIGH-PITCHED VOICE ) Sometimes it's kinder!
C'est parfois leur rendre service...
( High-pitched voice ) okay, nearly there.
" Ok les gars, j'y suis presque.
But what to do with your high pitched voice?
Mais quoi faire avec ta voix aiguë?
I never want to hear that high-pitched voice again!
Je ne veux plus entendre sa voix aiguë!
And I have to prove to them that it might have been a man's voice, especially a high-pitched man's voice- - just like mr.
Je voulais vous prouver qu'il pouvait y avoir un homme. Une voix d'homme, aiguë.
I could call her up, but my voice sounds lousy on the telephone. Kind of high-pitched.
Je pourrais l'appeler, mais ma voix est atroce au téléphone.
Firstly, in my normal voice, then in a kind of silly high-pitched whine.
D'abord avec ma voix normale, puis avec un gémissement aigu ridicule.
And thus I discovered that my voice was capable of a scream so high-pitched that no one dared take my drum away.
Je découvrais ainsi que ma voix tenait une note si élevée que personne n'osait me prendre mon tambour.
She was convinced that Astra was responsible for, characteristically, the treble frequencies were accentuated, the instrumental backing to the song had been tuned out and only the high-pitched female voice was audible.
elle était convaincue que cela venait d'Astra car, de façon caractéristique, Ies fréquences aiguës étaient accentuées, Ie support instrumental du chant avait été supprimé et seule Ia voix féminine aiguë était audible.
That dumb chick with her high pitched-mongoloid-voice?
Joëlle est moche, con et débile!
They say her voice used to be really high-pitched
Mais elle est devenue rauque à force de trop chanter.
[High-Pitched Voice] Attus renounce throne.
Attis renonce au trône.
[High-pitched Voice] Welcome to the secret land of the jockeys.
Bienvenue dans le pays secret des jockeys.
[High-pitched voice] And he--he didn't--I didn't- -
Tu te souviens?
( high-pitched, altered voice ) :
( voix déformée aigüe ) :
( high-pitched altered voice ) : Take Boulder Take the Yucca exit east, one mile.
( voix altérée ) : prenez la direction de Boulder, autoroute sud, suivez l'insterstate 93 puis la sortie Yucca Est, sur un mile.
( high-pitched, altered voice ) :
( voix déformée ) :
The old haymaker, when the yelling starts and the voice gets high-pitched.
L'uppercut final qui fait hurler tout le public.
I don't know, but he was so hysterical that his voice got into that high-pitched squeal he does, and all I could make out was "fire" and "abandon me"
Je ne sais pas, mais il était si hystérique qu'il a poussé ses petits cris aigus et tout ce que j'ai compris c'était "feu", "abandonnez"
When you sing, your voice is low-pitched.
C'est quand on chante avec une voix grave.
( high-pitched voice ) oh, can my twin sister watch?
Ta poitrine parfaite est restée indemne.
The voice is more high-pitched than I might have imagined.
Sa voix est plus aiguë que je l'imaginais.
Oh, my God, do not talk in that high-pitched girly voice of yours!
Bon dieu, arrête de parler avec cette voix de fille aussi aigue.
voice 254
voices 86
voicemail 54
voice breaking 417
voiceover 55
voice mail 36
voice breaks 98
voice echoing 29
pitch 63
pitcher 16
voices 86
voicemail 54
voice breaking 417
voiceover 55
voice mail 36
voice breaks 98
voice echoing 29
pitch 63
pitcher 16