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Sylvester translate French

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Better get under cover, Sylvester.
Viens t'abriter Sylvester.
Dr. Sylvester says Stephen has a guilt complex.
"Complexe de culpabilité", dit le Dr Sylvester.
Here, hold this. Dr. Sylvester says that men like Steve can't admit what they feel for a woman is not love.
"Stephen est de ceux qui justifient le désir en l'appelant amour."
He says that's why Stephen married you. To convince himself that your friendship had dignity and importance.
"Et en épousant la femme qui en est l'objet." Sylvester dixit.
She's going to that new psychoanalyst. You know, Dr. Sylvester.
Elle va chez un psychanalyste, le Dr Sylvester.
Did I tell you I'm going to Dr. Sylvester? My dear, he keeps me for hours and never sends me a bill.
Savez-vous que le Dr Sylvester ne me fait jamais payer?
You've never been to Dr. Sylvester in your life!
Vous n'allez jamais chez ce charlatan!
Don't be silly. I'm not interested in Dr. Sylvester.
Il ne m'intéresse pas.
- Don't be coy. It's all over town what a fool you're making of yourself over Dr. Sylvester.
Sylvia, avouez donc que vous courez après le Dr Sylvester.
She's now telling that he had to grow a Vandyke beard so you can't see him laughing at you.
Elle raconte que Sylvester... se laisse pousser la barbe pour pouvoir rire à la vôtre!
Are you sure we're on the right boat, Sylvester?
Tu es certain que nous sommes sur le bon bateau, Sylvester?
Maxwell Frere, the ventriloquist was charged with the attempted murder of a man in the same line of business, Sylvester Kee, an American.
Maxwell Frere fut accusé de tentative de meurtre sur la personne d'un autre ventriloque, Sylvester Kee.
Sylvester Kee!
Sylvester Kee!
The name is Kee, Sylvester Kee.
Kee, Sylvester Kee.
- Sylvester, you may call me Hugo.
- Appelez-moi Hugo.
Sylvester, I'll be waiting for you in my dressing room.
Je t'attends dans ma loge.
- Who is it? - It's Sylvester Kee
Qui est-ce?
Glad to see you, Sylvester.
Content de vous voir!
Ignore him, Sylvester. Just ignore him.
Ne l'écoute pas.
Well, it's my old friend Sylvester! Ha ha, that's better.
Ce vieux Sylvester!
- Well... - I'm not such a fool as you think, Sylvester Kee.
Je ne suis pas aussi stupide que vous le pensez.
I'm going to team up with Sylvester.
Je vais me produire avec Sylvester.
Say you remember me - The name is Kee, Sylvester Kee.
Vous vous souvenez de moi : Sylvester Kee.
Why, hello, Sylvester.
Bonjour, Sylvester.
Will you please wait, Sylvester?
Attendez un instant, Sylvester?
How did you know my name was Sylvester?
Comment saviez-vous que je m'appelle Sylvester?
Sylvester, are you getting bored with us?
Sylvester, vous vous ennuyez avec nous?
Sylvester, pull up here.
Sylvester, arrêtez ici.
- Sylvester, stop the car.
- Sylvester, arrêtez.
Look at Sylvester!
Regardez Sylvester!
Now, Sylvester.
Bravo, Sylvester.
Keep cool, Sylvester!
Restez calme, Sylvester!
Good night, Sylvester.
Bonsoir, Sylvester.
- Good night, Sylvester.
- Bonsoir, Sylvester.
Sylvester is a noble soul.
Sylvester a une grande âme.
Sylvester, this is my husband, Bishop Brougham.
Sylvester, c'est mon mari, le révérend Brougham.
Thank you, Sylvester.
Merci, Sylvester.
What about Sylvester in Philadelphia? Fine.
Que pensez-vous de Jim Foster?
Good idea, Sylvester.
Bonne idée, Sylvester.
Yeah, or Ralph or Sylvester or Nathaniel or Gustaf...
Oui, ou Ralph, ou Sylvester....... Ou Nathaniel, ou Gustav?
- Come here, Sylvester.
- Viens ici, Sylvester.
Why didn't I think about Sylvester?
Pourquoi n'ai-je pas pensé à Sylvester?
Are we calling Sylvester or not?
On appelle Sylvester, oui ou non?
Because your son, Sylvester is an irresponsible, unreliable, big loudmouth, no-good bum who, if he isn't a crook, it's only because he hasn't got the brains or ambition even to become a crook.
Parce que votre fils, Sylvester, est un bon à rien irresponsable, une grande gueule qui n'a pas de parole, et s'il n'est pas un escroc, c'est uniquement parce qu'il n'a pas assez de cervelle ni d'ambition pour cela.
I want to speak to Sylvester Marcus.
Je veux parler à Sylvester Marcus.
Hello! - Sylvester? - Is that you, Mom?
C'est toi, maman?
Poor Sylvester!
Pauvre Sylvester!
Kate, this is sylvester pringle.
Je te présente Sylvester Pringle.
- Who on earth is Sylvester?
- Et qui est Sylvester?

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