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Twenty bucks translate French

226 parallel translation
Twenty bucks a dozen.
Vingt dollars la douzaine.
Silk. Twenty bucks.
De la soie. 25 biftons.
Honey, could you spare another twenty bucks?
Chéri, t'aurais pas vingt billets de plus?
Twenty bucks!
Vingt dollars!
- Twenty bucks?
- 20 dollars?
Twenty bucks.
Vingt dollars.
Twenty bucks. There ought to be a law.
Il faudrait une loi.
There's twenty bucks that's not working.
Voilà 20 $ qui ne servent à rien
And do you know something? You owe me twenty bucks.
Tu me dois 20 billets.
I'm broke, friend. You got almost twenty bucks. I saw it.
Je suis fauché et t'as au moins 20 dollars.
- Twenty bucks.
Vingt dollars.
- Twenty bucks apiece. - Twenty bucks.
Vingt dollars par tête.
That'll cost you twenty bucks out of your pay. Fall in!
Ça vous coûtera 20 dollars sur votre solde.
- Twenty bucks, buddy.
- Vingt.
Twenty bucks a week.
Vingt dollars par semaine.
Twenty bucks?
- II travaille là-dedans.
- Twenty bucks.
- 20 dollars.
Twenty bucks.
20 dollars.
Man, we don't got no twenty bucks.
Nous, on les a pas, les 20 dollars.
Twenty bucks.
- 20 dollars.
- Twenty bucks apiece.
- Vingt dollars.
Twenty bucks. What?
- Vingt dollars.
- Hey, twenty bucks in the bank.
- Eh, vingt dollars dans la banque.
Twenty bucks a tune, those bastards.
20 $ le morceau. Les salauds.
Seventy-five for the tow... and twenty bucks a day for storage.
Soixante-quinze pour le remorquage... et vingt balles par jour d'entreposage.
You owe me twenty bucks.
Tu me dois 20 $.
Twenty bucks?
Vingt dollars?
Mom was waitressing there... so the room only cost us twenty bucks a week.
Maman était serveuse là. La chambre ne nous coûtait que 20 dollars par semaine.
- Twenty bucks.
- Vingt balles.
A shit TV worth twenty bucks.
Une télé merdeuse qui ne vaut pas cent balles.
Twenty bucks.
Vingt billets.
Twenty bucks?
20 dollars?
Armand's share is twenty thousand bucks!
La part d'Armand, c'est 20 000 piastres.
He's gonna give me twenty-five bucks.
Il va me donner 25 billets.
Twenty-five bucks for the cause.
Pour la cause, 25 $.
Twenty-eight stores, 135,000 bucks on the line.
Vingt-huit magasins, un total de 135000 $.
Twenty-five bucks for a mutt like you.
25 $ pour un cabot comme toi.
Oh, she'll do anything. You see, she's getting twenty-five bucks.
Oh, elle ferait tout pour 25 dollars.
Twenty-five bucks?
- 25 dollars?
Twenty-four bucks for three cuttings. Just a minute.
24 dollars pour trois tailles!
- Twenty-four bucks.
- 24 dollars!
- Twenty-two bucks.
- Vingt-deux dollars.
Twenty thousand bucks!
20.000 $!
Alex, can you lend me twenty bucks?
Tu me prêtes vingt dollars?
Twenty-five hundred bucks a pound, man.
Cinq mille balles le kilo, vieux.
Twenty-five hundred bucks a pound?
Cinq mille balles le kilo?
Twenty-five bucks.
- 25 $.
Twenty-five hundred bucks.
- La facture. 2 500 dollars.
Twenty, 30 bucks?
20 ou 30 dollars?
- A hundred and twenty-five bucks...
- 125 dollars de l'heure
- Twenty-two bucks.
- 22 $.

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