Two pounds translate French
469 parallel translation
Well, I'll take two pounds of round steak, I guess.
Je prendrai deux livres de tranche grasse.
Two pounds you spent in the fish and chips shop. Another 2 pounds went for drinks in the shebeen where Mulholland picked you up.
2 livres pour les fish chips, 2 autres dans le rade où on t'a ramassé.
Not until I spent two pounds trying to find out who its owner was.
Pas avant d'avoir payé pour essayer de savoir d'oû il venait.
And, yet, suddenly, he has so much money that he'll take a girl like Lydia for two pounds a week.
Et soudain, il a tellement d'argent qu'il prend une petite comme Lydia pour deux livres par semaine.
Davy Morgan, two pounds five.
Davy Morgan, deux livres cinq.
Owen Morgan, two pounds five.
Owen Morgan, deux livres cinq.
Two pounds ten.
Deux livres dix.
- Two pounds of bacon a week.
- Un kilo de porc par semaine.
Two pounds his bid.
On m'offre 2 livres.
Two pounds, seven for the Burberry and the hat.
Deux livres sept pour le Burberry et le chapeau.
Two pounds on Tantibus.
2 livres sur Tantapus.
- Great shape. - Two pounds under Davis.
- En super forme.
Every day is another two pounds of rice. What's a little rain?
L'humidité nous l'avons, en tout cas.
- Miss America 1913 it weighs two pounds less than a grand piano.
- Miss Amérique, 1913, elle pèse deux livres de moins qu'un piano à queue.
Two pounds for the eiderdown. Ladies and gentlemen. Mr. Wix.
Mr Wix!
He's two pounds in a one-pound bag, that's what he is.
Non, c'est juste un kilo de merde.
Fancy boxes we sell at two pounds. Isn't two quid a bit steep for a box of chocolates?
C'est un peu cher.
- Two pounds mozzarella.
- 2 livres de mozzarella.
Here, look at this. Two pounds 10. Run up for your blooming soldiers.
Un de vos foutus soldats me doit 2 livres et 10 shillings.
How much is that? Two pounds 10?
C'est combien?
Two pounds?
2 livres?
- Two pounds on Danaher, please.
2 sur Danaher!
There's two pounds for eight weeks rent in advance.
Voilà 2 £ pour 8 semaines payées d'avance.
- You're not gonna start, are you? I put in a quart of vinegar and two pounds of onions.
- J'ai mis le litre de vinaigre et 1 kg d'échalotes.
See that? You faded another two pounds.
- Tu as encore perdu un kilo.
I owe Frank Zachary 16 cents for two pounds of sugar.
Je dois à Frank Zacharie... 16 cents pour un kilo de sucre.
Two pounds and three schillings.
Deux livres et trois shillings.
The solicitor took two or three pounds in advance.
Après que son avocat lui ait pris deux ou trois livres en acompte.
Two million pounds are unaccounted for!
Deux millions de livres sont portés disparues!
L " ve purchased two million pounds worth of arms and ammunition!
J'ai acheté pour deux millions de livres d'armes et de munitions!
Every year, two billion pounds of waste kitchen fats... are thrown away.
Chaque année, deux milliards de livres de graisses de cuisine sont jetés.
I'll meet any man who will stand on his own two feet, and if you had about 30 pounds more on you, you'd be the first one, sir.
Je rencontrerai tout homme qui pourra me faire face. Avec quinze kilos de plus, vous seriez le premier!
She caught her first rainbow with my rod. Two and a half pounds.
Elle a attrapé sa première truite avec ma canne à pêche, une grosse.
The real weight is three pounds and two ounces... and the other gentleman won it.
Le poids réel est 3 livres, 2 onces. C'est l'autre monsieur qui a gagné.
Five hundred and fifty-one pounds, two shillings and sixpence.
551 livres, deux shillings et six pence.
I grew a whole inch, got two new teeth, and weigh 50 pounds.
Oui, maman, j'ai pris 3 cm, 2 nouvelles dents, et je pèse 26 kilos et demi.
Nine two-by-fours, three pounds of nails, hammer and a saw...
Neuf poutres, un kilo et demi de clous, un marteau, une scie...
I reckon two pounds will cover this.
- Voilà deux livres, je prends ça.
The rights were about two hundred pounds and the depositor would only pay fifty and ten barrels of syrup.
Les droits étaient de deux cent libres et le déposant n'en donnait que 50 de garantie et dix barils de mélasse.
Two hundred pounds.
200 livres.
Me at 265 pounds in a hatbox... while this fellow monopolizes two spacious compartments.
Moi et mes 120 kg dans une boîte à sardines, alors que notre ami monopolise deux compartiments spacieux.
Two more pounds, and she could be arrested for bigamy.
Pour un peu, elle serait bigame.
The cashier of a factory in Ledbury Street was attacked in his office and two men made off with several hundred pounds mostly in pound notes.
II y a eu un vol dans une usine de Leadbury Street... On a raflé une certaine somme - en billets d'une livre.
- Two or three pounds in an envelope.
Pas grand-chose.
Here's something you can carry, two more pounds of coffee.
Tiens, porte un kilo de café en plus.
I'm the grandfather of a boy born about two minutes ago... 6 pounds, 11 ounces...
Je suis le grand-Père d'un garçon né il y a deux minutes, 3 kilos... tu devais être le premier!
I've lost ten pounds in two weeks.
J'ai perdu dix livres en deux semaines.
He said his pig... His pig weighed two hundred pounds.
Que son porc pesait 180 livres.
Two hundred pounds of dynamite?
90 kilos de dynamite?
- Two thousand pounds.
- 2 000 livres.
Two hundred pounds for Sundowner if he wins.
200 £ sur Sundowner gagnant.
pounds 1496
pounds overweight 16
two people 83
two people are dead 22
two pints 23
two points 46
two pairs 18
two pair 35
two percent 17
pounds overweight 16
two people 83
two people are dead 22
two pints 23
two points 46
two pairs 18
two pair 35
two percent 17