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We'll talk soon translate French

168 parallel translation
We'll talk soon.
Nous en reparlerons bientôt.
We'll talk soon.
Nous en reparlerons!
Now contact us as soon as your wife is better. We should talk to her at the earliest possible moment. I'll call you.
Prévenez-nous aussitôt... que votre femme va mieux.
We'll talk together soon.
Nous nous reverrons bientôt.
We talk of autumn, but it's winter soon and they'll need firewood.
Nous parlons de l'automne et eux, ils pensent à l'hiver.
Look, that talk you mentioned. We'll have that as soon as you get here.
Tu sais, cette discussion dont tu parlais, on peut faire ça quand tu arrives.
We'll want to talk to Harrington. Sure, just as soon as the number's over.
Tout le monde est revenu à temps après s'être changé?
We'll talk soon.
On reparlera de tout ça.
Well, we're doing some new surveys, Jack. And as soon as we're finished, we'll talk about it, okay?
Nous faisons des expertises, nous en parlerons.
If we can make them talk, we'll soon crush the entire movement.
Nous écraserons vite la rébellion si on peut les faire parler.
She'll talk as soon as we lock her up!
Elle parlera dès que nous la torturerons!
We better talk about it soon. We'll run out of time. You don't take care of this, we'll have another baby running around.
Si on n'en parle pas bientôt... on aura un autre môme dans les pattes.
- Okay. - We'll talk about it soon.
- on en parlera bientôt.
We'll talk again soon.
A bientôt.
We'll talk again soon, Commander.
Nous en rediscuterons, commandant.
We'll talk again soon.
On en reparlera bientôt.
We'll talk soon.
Moi aussi.
And we'll talk again real soon.
Et à très bientôt.
We'll be leaving as soon as we talk to the oncologist.
Nous partirons dès que nous aurons vu l'oncologue.
We'll talk soon.
À bientôt.
- Soon. We'll have our talk soon.
- On parlera bientôt.
- Mrs. Reilly we'll talk again soon in a few minutes.
- Mme Reilly... nous nous reparlerons dans un instant.
Now take the shoes, and we'll talk soon.
Prends les pompes et on se reparle bientôt.
We'll talk to you soon.
- Quand tu veux.
So we'll talk soon.
Bon, à un de ces jours.
- We'll talk soon, I hope.
- On reparlera bientôt?
Well, we'll talk soon.
Bien, à plus tard.
We'll talk to you soon.
On vous rappellera.
We'll talk as soon as I finish here with Cicero.
J'en finis avec Cicero et on se parle.
We'll talk soon.
On en reparlera.
Soon as we kill these creatures, I'll talk to Angel. Maybe he'II...
Quand on aura tué ces créatures, j'en parlerai à Angel.
We'll talk again soon.
Au revoir.
I'm sure we'll talk again soon, Clark.
On se reverra sûrement, Clark.
I'm coming to israel soon and we'll talk.
J'arrive bientôt en Israël et nous parlerons.
- We'll talk soon, Or.
- Parlons-en, Or.
- We'll talk soon, okay?
- On s'appelle bientôt.
We'll talk more as soon as you...
On en reparlera dès que...
We'll go out for dinner soon, so let's talk then. Yes.
On va bientôt sortir dîner, donc on parlera à ce moment-là.
As soon as i get gary squared away here We'll talk about it
On va en parler.
I'll start preparations to talk to Drake myself as soon as we have his location.
Je me prépare à parler à Drake dés qu'on l'aura localisé.
We'll talk soon, folks.
Nous en reparlerons bientôt.
We'll talk soon.
On se parle bientôt.
I'll try and have everything returned as soon as possible, but we really need to talk to your mother.
Nous vous rendrons tout le plus vite possible. Mais nous devons parler à votre mère.
Okay, we'll talk to you soon.
Ok, on se reverra bientôt.
We'll talk to you soon.
Nous vous appelerons bientôt.
I'll talk to you as soon as we finish.
Je vous en dirai plus dès que ce sera fini.
We'll talk soon.
On s'appelle bientôt.
We'll talk soon. Yours, etc. Angus.
Nous en reparlerons, Veuillez agréer, etc, Angus, "
We'll talk soon, ok?
On se reparle bientôt.
We'll talk to you soon.
Appelez-moi Jay.
- We'll talk soon.
- On en reparle bientôt.

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